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feeling of alarm, and prevented,many overseas travellers from visiting our district. However, since the beginning of the current year there has been a marked increase in the general receipts. In accordance with the need for the strictest economy, expenditure has been kept down to a minimum, and no new works of importance have been carried out. The increased accommodation of the sanatorium and installation of treatment-rooms have enabled me to maintain the hydrotherapeutic work with the maximum of comfort for the patients, and the high percentage of cures effected have well justified the usefulness of the institution. In the past year 20,000 treatments were given at the bathhouse and sanatorium. This is exclusive of baths. With regard to my work as Government Balneologist, I wish to express my appreciation of, and indebtedness to, the various members of my staff, who have by loyal service in all departments aided me in carrying out the work of this spa. In December last the Council of the International Society of Hydrologists did me the honour of electing me a member of their society. This will give me fuller opportunities for intimate contact with the progress of hydrologioal science in Europe and America. In conclusion, I would again urge the necessity for a more expansive policy regarding the popularizing of our Dominion spas. Judicious advertising, better travelling-facilities for invalids, and a general policy of keeping up with the times are all essentials in bringing before the world the greatest natural asset of the country. Statement of Receipts. 1923. 1922. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bath fees .. .. .. .. 3,384 4 1 3,496 411 Treasury credit . . . . . . 54 9 0 Players' fees . . .. .. .. 810 7 3 889 1.6 3 Out-patients' fees .. .. .. 548 5 6 613 16 6 Sanatorium loses .. .. .. .. 2,794 11 10 3,269 11 0 Treasury credit . . .. .. 313 511 151 18 2 Massage fees .. .. .. .. 1,259 8 9 1,358 14 0 Te Aroha fees .. .. .. .. 270 0 3 318 13 4 Radium water .. .. .. .. 0 6 9 3 11 3 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 13 0 0 8 0 Totals .. .. .. .. £9,436 2 4 £10,102 13 5 Waitomo Caves. The cash returns show a decrease of £767 ss. 7d. compared with last year. The wet summer helped to reduce the number of visitors, especially motorists, who were prevented by bad roads from visiting the caves. Road-improvements arc being carried out, which will shortly give a metalled road from Auckland to the caves ; the same applies to the route from Waitomo to New Plymouth. At the Awakino Valley a new road has been formed, and is being metalled. When completed motorists will have a good road right through to Wellington. During the year a passenger motor service between New Plymouth and Te Kuiti has been inaugurated, and already we have had a large number of visitors via this route. Also, all buildings, fences, and tracks have been maintained in good order, and a start has been made with the following works : Painting of the hostel and outbuildings ; regrading and metalling of the private road between the post-offices and the hostel; and the material for the new bridge over the Waitomo Stream, leading to the Aranui Cave, has been delivered on to the site. This year 5,548 pieople visited the hostel and the caves, being 633 less than last year. Te Aroha. The receipts at Te Aroha show a falling-off from the previous year, being £1,489, against £1,893, and. the number of baths taken has fallen from 31,000 to 24,000. Bath Buildings and Drinking-springs. —All the necessary work in connection with the upkeep of these buildings, &c, has been carried out, and the working of the institutions has been very satisfactory. There has been no trouble with the mineral-water supply, and water from No. 15 Spring has been forwarded to Rotorua as required. Gardens and Playing-lawns. —These have been kept in good order, and there has been a fine display of flowers during the season. Players have spoken very highly of the excellent condition of all the playing-lawns, &c. The head gardener and his assistants have had a very busy time during the year. Night Bowling. —During the year night bowling was instituted, one of the greens being lit up with electric light. On fine nights players turned out freely, and it is safe to predict a lot of play at night during the next season if the weather conditions are favourable. General. —The general work of the whole domain has been carried out very satisfactorily. During the year this agency of the Department generally-suffered a severe loss by the death of Mr. G. F. McGirr, who was for years the Resident Agent at To Aroha. Mr. MoGirr was a most capable and courteous officer, and of great value to the Department. He has been replaced by the transfer of Mr. C. E. Christensen formerly Head Masseur at Rotorua, who will continue the duties of Tourist Agent and Masseur, and it is hoped that the establishment of massage in Te Aroha will have the effect of attracting many visitors and increasing the revenue.