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ten years. The table below gives the numbers qualifying for degrees and scholarships from the four University colleges : —

Number of Successful Candidates at the Examinations for Degrees in 1922.

In addition to these successes, 2,731 candidates passed sections of the examinations for degrees or for admission to professions ; 97 gained certificates of proficiency. There were 156 candidates for the Entrance Scholarship Examination, 35 gaining scholarships, 70 others pass'ng the examination with credit, and 34 qualifying for matriculation. The number of candidates for the Matriculation Examination was 4,143, of whom 1,052 passed the whole examination, 516 completed partial passes, and 723 gained partial passes. The method of appointing examiners in New Zealand for the pass grade of the B.A. and B.Sc. degree examinations was inaugurated in 1922, most of the examiners giving satisfaction both in the setting and marking of the examinationpapers. A great benefit to candidates was the much earlier notification of results than is possible when the papers are sent to England for marking. The following table shows the principal receipts and payments of the University of New Zealand for the year 1922 : — I. —General Account. Receipts. £ Payments. £ Balance, Ist January, 1922 .. .. 1.1,152 Transfer to Ordinary Scholarship AcStatutory grant .. .. .. 3,873 count .. .. .. .. 1,500 National endowment .. .. 3,172 National endowment .. .. 3,172 Fees and certificates .. .. 21,627 Examinations .. .. .. 11,011 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 571 Office salaries and rents .. .. 2,778 Expenses of Senate sessions .. .. 871 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 2,306 English agent .. .. .. 3,416 Travelling scholarships .. . . 900 Balance, Ist January, 1923 (including balance in hands of English agent) .. 14,441 £40,395 £40,395

Aucklai Univers Collegi nd lity e. Victori Universi Colleg( ia ity e. mterhi 3ollegi n-y Otagc liv-ersi Total, TJ: ity. Degrees, Ac. M. P. M. P Total. P. M. 1 F. Total. Total. M. P. Total. M. Total. Doctor of Literature Doctor of Science Doctor of Medicine Master of Science Honours in Science Honours in Arts Master of Arts Honours in Law Master of Law Master of (Surgery Bachelor of— Arts Science Medicine and Surgery .. Laws Commerce Engineering (Civil) Engineering (Electrical) lingineering (Mcchanicai) Science in Home Science Agricuiture Music .. Senior University Scholarships John Tinline Scholarship .. i 2 2 10 II 5 6 1 2 2 i 3 2 12 18 5 6 1 7 6 4 9 4 5 '4 8 1 7 6 8 17 4 5 3 3 5 7 11 11 g 16 18 1 7 5 11 18 1 1 1 1 3 1 7 5 12 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 16 30 40 10 13 1 I 18 24 1 I 1 20 16 48 64 10 18 1 I 1 19 8 14 1 33 9 16 10 13 g 29 13 23 4 7 1 30 5 28 11 16 o 1 12 (i 3 40 17 19 3 1 86 33 16 46 7 8 4 1 46 11, 3 132 44 19 46 7 8 4 1 5 5 1 14 2 26 I 20 1 20 2 20 2 3 3 8 4 1 3 3 8 4 1 I 3. 3 2 1 1 5 6 5 5 i i 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 i 1 '2 2 2 1 6 2 *8 ii 1 1 Totals, 1922 89 21 2!) 70 81 301 32 113 463 110 86 115 105 137 350 Totals, 1921 60 13 73 (17 26 98 51 31 82 9(1 23 113 268 93 361 a