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No. I.—EXTKACT FROM THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. New Zealand University and Affiliated Colleges. The New Zealand University, the body which has general control of higher education in New Zealand, was founded by the New Zealand University Acts of 1870, 1874, and 1875. In 1876 the University was recognized by Royal charter as entitled to grant the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and Bachelor and Doctor of Law, of Medicine, and of Music. The Amendment Act of 1883, and the supplementary charter issued in December of the same year, added the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Science. By the provisions of the New Zealand University Act of 1908 and subsequent amending Acts the Senate of the University now has power to confer, in addition to those mentioned, the following degrees : Doctor of Literature ; Master of Laws, of Surgery, and of Science ; Bachelor, Master, and Doctor of Veterinary Science, of Dental Surgery, of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Mining, and Metallurgical Engineering, of Naval Architecture, of Agriculture, of Public Health, and of Commerce ; Bachelor of Science in Home Science ; and Bachelor of Science in Architecture. Diplomas in a number of subjects may also be obtained. In 1921 a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and a Doctorate of Philosophy were instituted. The affairs of the University are controlled by three Courts —the Senate, the Board of Studies, and the General Court of Convocation, which consists of members of the four District Courts of Convocation. The Senate consists of twenty-four members or Fellows —four elected by the Governor-General in Council; eight by the governing bodies of the four affiliated institutions (two by each) ; four (one each) by the Professorial Boards ; and eight (two each) by the four District Courts of Convocation, consisting of the graduates belonging to the several University districts. The Board of Studies consists of twenty members, five of whom are appointed by each of the Professorial Boards of the four institutions affiliated to the University. The District Courts of Convocation consist of graduates of the University. The Senate has the entire management of and superintendence over the affairs, concerns, and property of the University, and, subject to certain, provisions relating to the Board of Studies, has power to alter all statutes and regulations. The Board, of Studies has power to make recommendations to the Senate as to the appointment of examiners and as to degrees, diplomas, scholarships, prizes, courses of study, and examinations. The chief function of the General Court of Convocation is to discuss matters relating to the University and to declare its opinion on any such matters. The revenue of the University is derived mainly from a statutory Government grant of £3,845 per annum, from fees, and from interest on investments. In addition there is paid to it in trust a certain proportion of the national-endowment income for distribution among the four affiliated institutions towards the support of libraries, the establishment of new Chairs, and towards the extension of their work in other ways. The amount received from this source in 1922-23 was £3,172. The University is an examining not a teaching body, and four teaching institutions are affiliated to it — the Auckland University College, Victoria University College, Canterbury College, and Otago University- —situated in the cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin respectively. The affairs of these University colleges, including the appointment of professors and lecturers, are entirely in the hands of the various Councils. Each of the colleges, besides providing the usual University courses, specializes in certain directions : Otago University has medical and dental schools, a school of mining and metallurgical engineering, and a school of home science ; Canterbury College has a school of engineering (mechanical, electrical, and civil) ; Auckland University College has a school of engineering, school of law, school of commerce, and a school of architecture ; and Victoria University College specializes in law and science.