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NELSON. Statement of Income and Expenditure, and Assets and Liabilities, for the Year ended 31st December, 1922.

[Appendix B.

Balance-sheet, 31st December, 1922. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amounts owing, special accounts .. .. 1,396 9 4 Cash at bank on current account 4,304 2 3 Credit balances, special accounts .. .. 4,310 2 0 Less unpresented cheques .. 667 4 0 Credit balance. General Account .. .. 36 19 8 3,636 18 3 Debit balance, special accounts .. .. 1,301 3 7 Amounts due, special accounts .. .. 805 9 2 £5.743 11 0 £5,743 11 0


As at 3 1st December. 1 92-2. As at 31st December, 1922. As at 31st December, 1922. Name of Account. Credit Balance, 31st December, 1921. Income. Expenditure. Balance. Amounts due to Board. Amounts owing by Board. Due from Department. Due from other Sources. Amounts due to Board. Special Accounts. Teacher's' salaries Organizing teachers House allowances School libraries Conveyance, &c. Grants to School Committees Teachers' classes Scholarships —National Scholarships —Special District High School salaries Manual instruction Technical instruction Nelson Rebuilding Buildings —Maintenance New buildings Sites sales Contractors' deposits Voluntary contributions and subsidies £ s. d. 143 5 1 15 3 5 13 18 1 .. Dr. 11 15 9 ..Dr. 20 3 9 350 7 2 .. Dr. 35 15 6 26 11 8 1 16 0 .. Dr. 187 17 8 527 13 11 .. Dr. 1,026 15 5 2,737 12 9 .. Dr. 476 10 8 79 18 0 '.'. 18 7 7 £ s. d. 56,639 2 4 1,722 17 1 2,336 11 7 196 1 8 814 3 0 3,824 1 3 83 3 2 686 14 4 2,255 17 8 1,666 9 7 8,393 9 0 2,873 18 6 5,226 0 1 1.323 15 8 288 0 0 14 0 0 532 5 6 £ s. d. 56,782 7 5 1,738 0 6 2,350 9 8 54 11 0 793 19 3 3,868 18 1 59 14 11 713 6 0 1 16 0 2,255 17 8 1.584 10 9 8,844 1 5 3,030 0 7 276 0 0 3,553 7 7 1,403 13 8 166 6 II 14 0 0 532 5 6 £ s. d. 129 14 11 305 10 4 : Dr. 12 7 3 Dr. 105 18 10 77 1 6 Dr. 1,182 17 6 2,461 12 9 1,196 1 10 121 13 1 18 7 7 J £ s. d. 6 7 11 253 16 1 5 7 3 6 4 11 9 16 9 54 0 9 0 8 4 150 12 1 205 8 4 80 5 0 33 1 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 103 3 3 16 9 10 1 12 3 7 8 3 2 19 2 2 6 9 85 3 5 23i 0 0 817 19 6 128 6 11 Total of special accounts .. General Account .. .. Cr. 3,914 13 8\ Dr. 1,758 18 9 > x//. 1, I OO IO V ) .. Dr. 353 16 10 Cr. 3,914 13 8) Dr. 1,758 18 9 ) Dr. 353 16 10 I 88,876 10 5 2,210 10 4 88,876 10 5 2,210 10 4 88 023 fi 11 ( tV. 4,310 2 0\ 88,023 6 r>. lj30 l 3 7j 1,819 13 10 36 19 8 88,023 6 11 f 1,819 13 10 Cr. 4,310 2 01 Dr. 1,301 3 7 S 36 19 8 805 9 2 805 9 2 1,396 9 4 1,396 9 4 Grand total .. .. Dr. 2,112 15 1\ Dr. 2,112 15 71 Cr. 3,914 13 8 ) l 91,087 0 9 Ol (187 II O, SO, 8J.S n Q i 89 843 0 9 J Cr - 4 ' 347 l 8 8y,»4o u 9 1 Kr. 1,301 3 7) Cr. 4,347 1 8) 805 9 2 805 9 2 1,396 9 4