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The figures below indicate the number and the value of scholarships current in December, 1922. The number of scholarship-holders is, of course, included in the number of free-place holders shown in the preceding section. Number of scholarship-holders— 1922. Boys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 441 Girls .. •*..". .. ; .. .. .. .. 280 Total .. .. .. ,'.' .. .. 721 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above total) . ~ 175 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) .. . . 45 Number held at public secondary schools . . . . .. ... 584 Number held at other registered secondary schools .. .. .. 15 Number held at district high schools .. • .. .. . , 69 Number held at technical high schools .. .. .. . . 53 Total annual rate of payment .. .. .. .. .. £10,885 Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are derived from funds provided at certain schools by private donors, by bequest or otherwise. The number of foundation and private scholarships in the last term of 1922 was 200. Of the holders 101 were also Government free pupils under the regulations. War Bursaries for Soldiers' Dependants. Begulations provide for the award of bursaries to dependants of killed or disabled members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. To qualify for a war bursary a child must be eligible for— (a.) Free education at technical classes ; or (b.) A free place at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school; or (c.) A University or educational bursary at a University college. A bursary entitles the holder to an allowance, in addition to free tuition, of £l 10s. or £3 per annum in the case of those qualified under (a), £5 for those under (b), or £10 for those under (c). Lodging-allowance is also paid to bursars who are obliged away from home to attend school, at the rate of £15 per annum under (a) and £30 under (b) and (c) ; travelling-allowances varying from £5 to £10 per annum are also made when travelling is necessary. During 1922 the number of bursaries held at secondary schools was forty, the expenditure thereon being £377. Secondary-school Certificates. Three classes of certificates may be issued to free-place holders taking a secondary course of instruction. The intermediate certificate may be granted to junior-free-place holders who have satisfactorily completed under certain conditions a two-year course at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school, and who in general are qualified in attainment to receive a senior free place. The lower leaving-certificate may be issued to pupils who have satisfactorily completed a three-years course of secondary instruction, including not less than one year of a senior course in which the standard of work is sufficiently advanced in character to meet the requirements of the examination for a teacher's certificate of Class D, or of the Matriculation Examination, likewise the higher leavingcertificate may be granted to pupils having satisfactorily completed at least a fouryears course of secondary instruction and having satisfied the requirements of the lower leaving-certificate, and, in addition, having completed to good advantage and under certain conditions a further course of not less than one year. The following are the numbers of certificates awarded in 1912 (the year of their institution), in 1921, and in 1922 :— 1912. 1921. 1922. Higher leaving-certificates awarded . . .. 64 305 439 Lower leaving-certificates awarded .. .. 32 255 240 Applications for certificates declined .. . . 20 80 102 Total number of applications .. ..116 640 781