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along tho north-eastern boundary of Section 13, Cavcrsham, to and across Playfair Road, to and along tho northern boundary of Section 2, Block XV, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to and along Great Queen Street, to and along the Main South Road, and by that road to and along the eastern boundary of Section 45, Block VI, Town Survey District, to and along the south-eastern boundary of the .Lower Kaikorai Survey District to tho easternmost corner of Original Section 18, Lower Kaikorai Survey District, the place of commencement. Dunedin South. This district is bounded towards tho north generally by the road on the southern side of the Mosgiel-Outram Railway from the north-western corner of Section 9, Block XI, East Taieri Survey District; thence in a north-easterly direction by that road to the north-eastern corner of Section 7, Block XIV, of the said survey district; thence by the eastern boundaries of Sections 7 and 1 of tho said Block XIV and Sections 7 and 1 of 1, Block XIII. of the aforesaid survey district, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of Block VI, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to its junction with the road forming the eastern boundary of Block IV of the said survey district; thence by (hat road to the south-western corner of Section 31, Block V, of the aforesaid survey district; thence by the southern boundary of the said Section 31 and southern boundaries of Sections 2 of 32 and 1 of 32 of the said Block V to tho Dunedin West Electoral District, hereinbefore, described, at the northeastern corner of Section 31, Waikari Survey District; thenco bounded towards the east and north-east generally by the said Dunedin West Electoral District and Dunedin Central Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to tho Tabuua, Road at the south-eastern corner of Original Section 7, Block- VII, Otago Peninsula Survey District; thonco bounded towards the south generally by tho eastern, southern, and western boundaries of Original Section 27 of the said Block VII to Victoria Road; thenco by that road and the southern boundary of Application 12, Block XII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to tho Forbury Road; thence by that road and its production to the ocean ; thence by tho ocean to tho mouth of tho Kaikorai Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with Abbott's Creek on the northern boundary of Section 47, Green Island Bush Survey District; thence by that creek to the road from Green Island Borough to Mosgiel Borough at the northern boundary of Original Section 2, Green Island West Survey District; thence in a north-westerly direction generally by the said road passing centrally through the said Green Island West Survey District and forming the southern boundaries of Sections 23, 30, 74, and 1 of 29 of Block VII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District, to the junction of roads at the south-western corner of Section 32 of the said block and survey district; thence by the road forming the southern and western boundaries of Section 1 of 33 of the aforesaid, block and survoy district, intersecting Section 32, part of Irregular Block, East Taieri Survey District, and lying south of the Borough of Mosgiel, to the southernmost junction of roads in the said Section 32 ; thence by a road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Original Section 22, part of tho said Irregular Block ; thence by a right lino to and along the eastern boundary of the said Section 22, eastern boundaries of Sections 3 and 9, Block III, East Taieri Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Sections 3 and 4 of the said Block III, to and along the eastern boundary of Section 5, Block VII, to and along the northern boundaries of Original Sections 4, 3, 2, and 1 of the said Block VII of the aforesaid East Taieri Survey District, to and along the main road from Dunedin to Outram, to and along the western boundary of Section 9, Block XI, of the aforesaid East Taieri Survey District, to the road at its north-western corner, the place of commencement. Chalmers. This district is bounded towards the north-oast by the Waitaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the Sowburn Creek, at a point in line with the southern boundary of Run 205b, to the ocean at the mouth of the Waikouaiti River ; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the ocean to the mouth of tho Tokomairiro River; thence bounded towards the west generally by the said river to the south-eastern boundary of the Borough of Milton at a point in line with the north-western boundary of Original Section 138 (B, Clover Hill), Block XVII, Tokomairiro Survey District; thence by a right line to and along the north-western boundary of the said Section 138, to and along the south-western and north-western boundaries of Section 136, to and along Springfield Road, to and along Johnstone Street, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Section 100, Block XI, of the said Tokomairiro Survey District, to and along the Main South Road, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 103,

, Block XII, of the aforesaid Tokomairiro Survey District, i bo and along the Southern Trunk Railway line to its interi section with the said Tokomairiro River ; thence by that I river to its intersection with the Lawrence Kailway line ; ; thence by that railway-line to its intersection with the north- • western boundary of Block IV, Table Hill Survey District; ■ thence by the north-western boundary of tin- said Block IV : and north-western boundary of Block VIII, Hillend Survey i District, to and along the south-western boundaries of Blocks IV and VI, Waitahuna East Survey District, to and across the Waitahuna River, to and along the, south-western boundaries of Sections 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 3, 2, and 1, Block VII, Waitahuna West Survey District, to and along the southwestern boundaries of Sections 1, 3, and 7, Block IX, of the ' said Waitahuna West Survey District, to and along the southwestern boundaries of Sections 13 and 7, Block X, of the said Waitahuna West Survey District, to and along the road forming the north-western boundaries of the said Section 7 and Sections 6, 5, and 4, Block X, Sections 14, 24, and 13, Block VI, Waitahuna West Survey District aforesaid, Section 51, Block IV, Tuapeka East Survey District, Sections 84, 86, 77, 80, 20, 14, 13, 43, Block V,' to and along the road forming the western boundaries of Sections 127, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 110, and 115, Blooli II, ail of the said Tuapeka East Survey -District, to Reid Street, on the southern boundary of the Borough of Lawrence ; thence by Reid Street and Lanark Street to the Main Interior Road ; thence by that road to the south-eastern corner of Section 182, Block II, Tuapeka East Survoy District aforesaid ; thence by the western boundary of Section 88 and the road forming the western boundary of Section 53, Block V, to and along the southern and eastern boundaries of Block X and eastern boundary of Block XIII, to and along tho road forming the north-western boundary of Section 1, Block XII, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Run 6, Blocks XV and XVI, all of the aforesaid Tuapeka East Survey District, to the Waipori River ; thence by that river to its confluence with Deep Creek ; thence by that creek to the track on the summit of the Lammcrlaw Range, on the north-eastern boundary of Run Part 525, Hedgehope District; thence by the (rack along the summit of the said Lammerlaw Range and the summit of tho Lammermoor Ranges to Soutra Hill; thenco by a right line to the Rock and Pillar Mountain ; thence by a right line to Sowburn Creek at a point in lino with the southern boundary of Run 205e, the place of commencement : excluding the Dunedin North, Dunedin West, Dunedin Central, and Dunedin South Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described. Wakatipu. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the mouth of the Awarua River at Big Bay to Mount Strauchon ; thence bounded towards tho east generally by the Waitaki and Chalmers Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from Mount Strauchon to the road on the eastern boundary of Block X, Tuapeka East Survey District, at the northeastern corner of Section 55 of the said Block X ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 55, 52, 44, and 25 of tho aforesaid Block X to and along the road forming the western boundary of Section 5 (Reservoir Reserve), Block X aforesaid, to and along the road forming the western boundary of Section 5, Block XIII, of the aforesaid Tuapeka East Survey District, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Sections 9 and 8, to and along the road forming tho eastern boundaries of Sections 4 and 3 and northern boundary of the said Section 3, all of the aforesaid Block XIII, to the north-western corner of the aforesaid Section 3 ; thence by a right line to tho north-eastern corner of Section 39, Block XVIII j thence by the southern boundary of Run 5 to and along the eastern boundary of Mining Reserve, to and along Bowler's Creek to the road forming the eastern boundary of Section 34, Block III, Tuapeka West Survey District; thence in a southerly direction by the road fronting the said Section 34 and Sections 30, 31, 20, 21, and 22 to tho junction of roads at tho easternmost corner of the said Section 22 of the said Block III, Tuapeka West Survey District; thence in a westerly direction by the road fronting Sections 15, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 1, Blocks VI and V, and fronting Sections 34, 35, 1, 10, 22, 2, and 32, to the eastern boundary of Section 35 (Quarry Reserv e), Block IV; thence by the eastern and northern boundary of the said Section 35 and northern boundary of Section 31 to the Clutha River; thence by that river to the southernmost corner of Block I, Crookston Survey District; thence by tho southern boundaries of the said Block I and Block XVI, to and along the western and northwestern boundaries of Block XIX, to and along tho southeastern boundaries of Sections 5 and 3, Block XI, to and along tho southern boundary of Section 2 of the said Block XI, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of tho