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Papaka Settlement, and forming the south-eastern boundary of Section 13516, intersecting Section 12875, and forming the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 13744, 12242, and 15425 of the said Block VIII. of the said Pareora Survey District, to the Timaru-Fairlio Railway line ; thenco by that railway-line to and along the road forming tho southeastern boundary of Section R 1580 and south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Section 10453, Block IV, Pareora Survey District, and tho production of the north-eastern boundary of tho said Section 10453 to tho right bank of the Opihi River ; thenco by a right lino to the middle of the said river ; thence hounded towards the north, by tho aforesaid river to the ocean at Umukaha mouth ; thence bounded towards the south-east by the ocean to tho mouth of tho Pareora River, the place of commencement. Temuka. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Mount Hopkins to MoClure Peak; thence bounded towards the north-east generally by the Ashburton Electoral District, hereinbefore described", from tho said MoClure Peak to the ocean at tho mouth of tho Rangitata River; thence bounded towards tho south-east generally by the ocean to file Timaru Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at the Umukaha mouth of the Opihi River; thence by the northern and western boundaries of tho said Timaru Electoral District to the Pareora the bridge crossing tlie said river at the north-western boundary of Section 10029, Block 111, Otaio Survey District; thence in a south-westerly direction by the road from the said bridge to the junction of roads at the southernmost corner of Section 17707, Block VI, Otaio Survey District; thenco by the road forming the southeastern boundary of Section 16154, Block IX, to and along the road forming the north-eastern boundary of Section 19525 of the said Block IX of the said Otaio Survey District to the Otaio River; thenco by that river to and along the southwestern boundary of Section 28854 of tho aforesaid Block IX, to and along the road forming tho north-western boundary of Section 14744 to tho junction of roads on the south-eastern boundary of Section 18999, all of tho aforesaid Block IX ; thence by the road running in an easterly and southerly direction to the junction of roads at the south-eastern corner of Section 181.02, Block XIII; thence by the road running in a southerly direction to the junction of roads at the north" eastern corner of Section 24458, Block XIV, all of the aforesaid Otaio Survey District; thence by the road running in a southerly direction to and crossing the Valley Road to tho northern boundary of Seotion 25835, Block I, Waimate Survey District; thence by the road forming tho north-eastern and southern boundaries of the said Section 25835, the southern boundaries of Sections 24007, 23841, 23792, and 32041, all of the said Block I, to and along the road intersecting the southeastern portion of Section 30230, to the junction of roads on the southern boundary of the said Section 36230; thence by tho road running in a south-easterly direction to its intersection with tho north branch of the Makikihi River at the eastern boundary of Section 26065 of the said Block lof the said Waimate Survey District; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the north branoh of the said Makikihi River to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Block IV Waihao Survey District; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Block IV of the said Waihao Survey District to its intersection with the Otaio River ; thenco by that river to the south-eastern corner of Run 47; thence by a right lino due west to its intersection with the north branch of tho Waihao _ River on the south-eastern boundary of Section 31481.0f Block VII of the aforesaid Waihao Survey District; thence by the said north branch of the said Waihao River to its intersection with a right hue from Mount Nimrod to 1 rig. Station I on the southern boundary of Run 10; thencei by the southern and western boundaries of the said Run 10 to its north-western corner ; thence by a right line due west to the middle of the Hakataramea River ; thence by that river to its confluenco with Dalgety Creek ; thence by that creek to the Hakataramea Pass ; thenoe by a right lino to the northernmost corner of Run 67, and its production to the middle of the Waitaki River; thence by that river to its confluence with the Ohau River; thence by that river to and along the eastern shores of Ohau Lake to the Hopkins River ; thence by that river to its source at the Richardson Glacier ; thence by a right hne to the summit of the Southern Alps at Mount Hopkins, the place of commencement. - Oamaru. This district is bounded towards the north by the Waitaki River from a point in line with the western boundary of Block I, Awamoko Survey District, to the ocean at the mouth of the said Waitaki River; thenco bounded towards the

south-east by the ocean to the mouth of tho Pleasant River ; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by that river to its confluence with Watkin's Greek, and by that creek to its intersection with tho road forming tho eastern boundary of Section 45, Block 11, Hawksbury Survey District; thenco by tho road forming the eastern boundaries of tho said Section 45, Sections 44, 43, 37, 36, 35, 34, 2.1, 20, 19, 18, 17, 11, and 10, all of the said Block 11, Hawksbury Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries of tho said Section 10, Sections 2 and 1 of tho aforesaid Block 11, and Seetions 17 and 16, Block VII, of the aforesaid Hawksbury Survey District, to the Pleasant River ; thenco by that river to tho eastern boundary of Block VIII, Hawksbury Survey District aforsaid; thenco by tho eastern and northern boundAries of the said Blook VIII to the Waikouaiti River ; thence by that river to and along tho north-western boundaries of Sections 8, 5, 13, 11, 9, and 6, Block I, Dunback Survey sistri5 istr i. ot > *° l ai i? TT a,tm S tho south-eastern boundary of Seetlon \> m °f VII ;,° tb * sald Dunback Survey District, to and along the southern boundary of Seotion 35, Block VIII, ?, loerakl , Survey District, to the Waihemo (or Shag) River; * heno f h J th f" v ? r -f",^, a ', ng % and northern boundaries of Block VIII of the said Moeraki Survey Dietnct and tho northern boundary of the said Block VIII producf.d to the road forming the north-western boundary of Seotion 6, Block XIV, of the aforesaid Moeraki Survey Dis*P ot ' th J? n T l\J h f mM \ ,° ! J1 * erseo^ n g cc " *! on 5 ' Bio °}f 5, IV , a^;? sa,d ' and the ™ ad intersecting Soo7 and 0, Block XV, to and along the road t.u-ming part °, the north-western boundary of the said Section 0, to and along the road forming Hie north-eastern boundaries of See- *? ons 2 a « d 9 : " f tho sald Blook * V ot aforesaid Moeraki Survey DlB *" ot ' 1 to , "S* ak ! n S the south-eastern boundary °, Seatl ° a 27 ' Blook Llt ; Waihemo Survey District, to and alon S the north-eastern boundaries of Blocks 111 and V of the said Waihemo Survey District, to and along the southwestern boundaries of Runs 109 217 c, 217 a, and 217 to Kakanui Peak ; thenco bounded towards the north-west generally by the northern boundary of the said Run 217, to a " d alon S the So,lth Branch of * h ?„ lvakal " u }}\ v r cr > *° a " d alon S tho western boundaries of Blocks X, YU, and VI, Awamoko Survey District, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, and 1 (as shown on Land ]* a ™} cI andso ' lthcm ,boundaries of Soetions 36, 35, 34, and 33, Block VI aforesaid to and along the ° losed road forming the southern and eastern boundaries of Section 32 of Block VI aforesaid, to and along the road inter- !, eotln g Sections 4 and 6 Block V, of the said Awamoko Surve 7 to . and along tho road £ ormm £ the eastern b ( mn d aries of Sections 15, Part 1 and Part 13 of the said Block J' to . and along the road forming the eastern bounda,nes of Sections 7a and 6a, Plunket Settlement, to and along tho , road forming the south-western boundary of Section 13a and south-western boundary ot Section 14a, to and along tho road intersecting the southern portion of the said Section 14a > all ° the said Plunket Settlement, to and along the oste . rn boundaries of Blocks IV and I, Awamoko Survey District aforesaid, and their production to the middle of the Waitaki River, the place of commencement, Waitaki. Thia distric( . h boun(ied to , vards the nort h-west by the W estland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Mount Strauchon to Mount Hopkins ; thence bounded towards tho north . east generally by the Temuka Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Mount Hopkins to the mouth of the p alwa Rj thenoe bounde d towards the east all b tbc ocean from th e mouth of the said Pareora Riyel . t( / tll( f oa maru Electoral District, hereinbefore described, aj . the mouth of the Waitaki River thence b tbe northern , north . westeril) and south-western boundaries of the said Qamaru Electoral District to the ocean at the mouth of the Pleasant Ri tbence again b tbe ocean to the mo uth of the Waikouaiti River . t g enoe bounded towards the southwogt general] b that river to the bridge on the Main North R oa( r cr „ssing tho said river; thence by the said Main North R()ad to and 6 along the soutu ern boundaries of Sections 39, 68 and 4Q ~ Waikouaiti Burvey Distriot to and al the road intersecting the Commonage Reserve and ge(S^ on 7 Block VIII, of the said Waikouaiti Survey District, to the southern boundary of the aforesaid Block VIII; by that and tho soathcm boaud i ly 0 f Block VII, Waikouaiti Survey District afor6said t o and along the eastern, southern, and weatorn boundaries of Block VII, Silver Peak Survey District, to and along the southern and western boundaries of Block IX 0 j tbe said gj[ ver pgaj. g urve y Bistrict, to and along the road forming the southern boundary of Section 5, Block VIII, of the aforesaid Silver Peak Survey District, to and along the western boundary of tho said Section 5, to and along the western boundaries of Small C razing-run 171b and Pastoral