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and north-western boundaries of Seotion OLXX, all of Block IV of the said Koitiata Survey District, to and along the north-western boundary of Run 10 to the ocean; thenco bounded towards the south-west by the ocean to the mouth of the Wanganui River, tho place of commencement. Oi'.ouA. This district, is bounded towards the west and north generally by the Rangitikei. Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the, Rangitikei River at a point in line with the northern boundary of Section Va, Block VII, Rangitoto Survey District, to the, summit of the Main Ruahine Rangi! at a point due cast of the source of the Kawhatau River; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Waipawa and Pahiatua, Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to the Palmerston-Pahiatua Road at, the summit of the Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by the said Palmerston -Pahiatua Road to and along the north-western boundary of Section 301, Blook XVI, Mangahao Survey District, to and along the south-western boundary of Section 230, Block- XII, of the said Mangahao Survey District, to Fitzherbcrt Road; thence by a right line being the production of the south-western boundary of the said Section 230 to the Manawatu River; thence by that river to Tematai Road ; thence by that road to and along Roberts Line, to and along the Bunnytliorpe-Kairanga Line, to the New Plymouth Railway line; thence by that railwaylino to South Street of Fielding Borough ; thenco by that .street to and along Awahuri Road, to and along Warwick Street, to and along Windsor Terrace, to and along Glasgow 'Terrace, to a point in lint; with the eastern boundary of Lot 1 (as shown on Land Transfer Plan 2280) ; thence by a right line to and along the eastern boundary of the said Lot 1, the north-eastern boundaries of Lots 2 and 3, and the eastern and northern boundary of Lot 4 (all as shown on the said Land Transfer Plan 2289), to and along the eastern boundary of Lot 0 (as shown on Land Transfer Plan 090) to Raiifurly Road ; thence by that road to and along thc western boundary of Allotment 20a and part of the western boundary of Allotment 20 (83-0 links) ; thence by lines bearing 314° 12', distance 112 links, bearing 351° 40', distance 202-8 links, to a point on the southern boundary of Allotment 24, distance 201-0 links from the north-western corner of the said Allotment 26 ; thence by a right line to and along the western boundary of Allotment 23 (all as shown on the saicl Land Transfer Plan 009), to tho FeildingSandonßoad; thence by that road to its intersection with a right line paralle to and distant 1000 links from the western side of West Street; thenoe by that me to High lie d Road ; thence by that road to and along the .southern boundary of Allotment 23 of Section 131 (as shown on Land Transfer Pan 1235), to and along the eastern and northern boundaries o Section 128 Block XIII, Oroua Survey District, to and along the northern boundaries ot Sections 127 and 123, to and along the eastern northern, ami western boundaries of Seotion 122, to and along the> northern boundary of Seotion 117 all of the said Block XIII of the said Oroua Survey Distnct, to and along the road formmg the and northern bouniianesof Section 116, Block IX, of the said Oroua Survey District, to the ; thenco by that stream to and along the northern boundanes of Seotion 112, Block IX, of the aforesaid Oroua Survey Distnct, Sections 111 101, and 99 Block XII Rangitoto Survey District, to and along the road forming the western boundary of the said Section 99 to the westernmost corner of the said Section 99; thence by a right line, being tho production of the southwestern boundary of the a foresaid Section 00 to the Rangitlkei River; thence by that nver to a point m line with the northern boundary of Section Va, Block VII, Rangitoto Survey District, the place of commencement. , Palmekston. This district is bounded towards the north-east by the Oroua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the junction of the Bunnytliorpe-Kairanga Line with Roberts Line to the summit of the Tararua Range at the crossing of the Palmorston-Pahiatua Road ; thence bounded towards the south-east, by tho Pahiatua and Masterton Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, to Trig. Station Arawaru, on the summit of the said Tararua Range; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by a right line from the said Trig. Station Arawaru to the easternmost corner of Section 315, Block VIII, Arawaru Survey District; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of the said Section 315 and Sections 310, 317, and 318 of the said Block VIII, to and along the north-eastern boundaries of Blocks X and V of tho said Arawaru Survey District to the southernmost corner of Section 358. Blook Vf ; thence by the north-western boundary of Section 333 of the said Block VI of the aforesaid Arawaru Survey District to Scott's Road ; thence by Scott's Road to and along Kahuterawa Road, to and

along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 324, and north-eastern boundary of Section 353, Block VI aforesaid, to Millrick's Line; thence by that line to the Manawatu River; thenco by that river to the Karere Road; thence by that road to the Kairanga No. I Line; thence by that line to the Longburn-Campbelltown Road ; thence by that road to the Bunnytliorpe-Kairanga Line; thc » co bounded towards the north-west by the said Bunny-thorpe-Kairanga Line to its intersection with Roberts Line, v " ; P lace oi commencement, MANAWATU. 'This district is bounded towards the north anil north-east generally by the Rangitikei, Oroua, and Palincrston Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the northwestern boundary of Run 19, Block V, Koitiata, Survey District, to Trig. Station Arawaru, on the, summit of the Tararua, Range; thence bounded towards the south-east generally by the Masterton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the south-western boundary of Section 3, Block IV, Waiopehu Survey District, on the summit of the said Tararua Range ; thence bounded towards the south generally by the south-western and western boundary of tho said Section 3, to and along the south-western boundaries of Sections 12, 13, and 20, Block XV, Mount Robinson Survey District, to and along the road forming the western boundaries of tho said Sections 20 and 13, Section 10, the north-eastern boundary of Section 14, and eastern boundary of Section 7, all of the said Block XV, to and along the southern boundaries of Sections 4, 3, 2, and 1 of the aforesaid Block XV, and Section 3, Block X, all of tho aforesaid Mount Robinson Survey District, to the Main Trunk Railway line ; thence by the said railway-line to the northern boundary of the Borough of Levin at the Kawiu Road; thence in an easterly direction by that road to and along Bartholomew Road ; thence by a right line being the production of the northwestern side of that road to the south-western boundary of Subdivision 10, Horowhenua Block ; thence by the southwestern boundary of the said Subdivision 10 and its production to the Horowhonua Beach Road ; thenoe by that, road to the ocean; thenoe bounded towards the west by the ocean to the north-western boundary of Run 10, Block V, Koitiata Survey District, the place of commencement. Otakj. T||js distl . Ua v bounded towards the north generally by U|( , Manawatu Electoral District, hereinbefore described, £mm the ooeari at tho H orowhenua Beach Road to the southwesU,l.n boundar of Beotion ;! Blook ry vVaiopehu Survey |)ist| . i( (i|) thn ' sl]lrlmit of the Tararua R thence bo|ulded towal . d „ th( , so „ th . ( , ast generally by the Masterton aQd Wairi ,,.,.,, Eleetora] Districts, hereinbefore described, fco ~,„ nort h Eastern boundary of the Wellington Waterworks Kuse| , v(; ()n |h(1 s(|mmi( ()f t , |c Tnranla R thence bmmded towards the south generally by the north-eastern boundar of the said Wellington Waterworks Reserve, to an(J tho no rth-eastern boundaries of Sections 07 and „ B , oc | vm Kiiimi t aka Surve y District, the northeagtem boundar . y of Seotion 2 6, Block V, the north-eastern and north . we stern boundary of Section 25. to and along ~,, north . eaßtern boundary of Section 28, all of the said Blook y Rimutaka Survey District, to Whitcman's Valley Road thenoo , )y that r()ad t() N() , L ; then( , c , that |im; U) and alon tlie road forrmng the 8011 th-eastern boundary (if get ,- tion 84 JV Be lmont Survey District, to and the sout . h . western boundary of the'said Section 84 to tho - R R! bmmdod towards tho sout h-east , said riyer ~„, th(; W ellingt,o,i-Wairara,pa Railway t th[ , ~l ilwa bridae near Hayward's Railway-station; (|u|ira , by (he to tlie south-eastern boundary of Section 37, Block IX, of the said Belmont Survey District, at tne we stern boundary of the Lower Hutt Borough ; thence by the south-eastern and southern boundaries of the said Section 37, to and along the south-eastern boundaries of Sections 180 and 115, the north-western boundaries of Section., 28, 24, and 20 (N.R ), all of Block VIII of the aforesaid Belmont Survey District, to the northern boundary of the Petone Borough ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the said Petone Borough forming .the northern and western boundaries of Block XIII of the aforesaid Belmont Survey District to Port Nicholson ; thence by the western shores of the said Port Nicholson to a point in lino with the southwestern boundary of Seotion 7, Block XI, of the aforesaid Belmont Survey District; thence bounded towards the south generally by a right line to and along the south-western and north-western boundaries of the said Section 7, to and along.the north-eastern boundary of Section 4 of the, said Block XI to the main road from Johnsonville to Wellington ; thenoe by that, road to and along the northern boundary of Section 5, to and along the eastern and southern boundaries of Section 107, and tho southern boundary of Section 95