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Maungakawa Survey District, to and along the north-western I boundary of Section 8a of the said block and survey district, to the Waitoa River; thence by that river to and along the northern boundary of Pakarau. Pa B 2 Block, to and along the eastern and northern boundaries of tho Pakarau Settlement, to and along the eastern and south-western boundaries of the Te Whakahongi Block, to and along the northern boundary of the Maungatapu Block to where it junctions with a small stream running northwards to the Piako River; thence by that stream to the railway-line, and by the railway-line to and along the south-western boundary of Subdivision 24, Motumaoho No. 2 Block, to and along the road forming the southeastern boundary of Subdivision 21, to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Subdivision 22, to and along the north-western boundary of Subdivision 23, to and along the north-eastern boundary of Subdivision Part 19, all of the said Motumaoho No. 2 Block, to and along the north-western boundaries of Allotments 6 and 7, the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 46, the southeastern and north-eastern boundaries of Allotment 48, to and along Coronation Street, to and along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 47, the northwestern boundary of Allotment 45, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Allotment 44, and the northwestern boundaries of Allotments 43, 42, 41, 40, and 39, as shown on Land Transfer Plan 7150, to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of Subdivision Part 19, Motumaoho 2 Block, to and along the north-western and south-western boundaries of Subdivision 8 and the southwestern boundary of Subdivision 9, to and along the northwestern boundary of Subdivision 10, to and along the road forming the south-western boundary of the said Subdivision 10 and its continuation to the Waitakaruru Stream at the southernmost corner of Subdivision 28, all of the said Motumaoho 2 Block ; thence by the said Waitakaruru Stream to its confluence with the Topchahac River ; thence by that river to and along tho north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Tahuroa No. 2 (1116), to and. along the north-western boundary of the Tahuroa Block (1081), to and along the south - western boundary of the Mangaotupua Block (1006) to the Confiscation Boundary ; thence by the Confiscation Boundary to tho road at the south-eastern oorner of Lot 1 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 3777 (Eureka Block); thence by that road along the southern boundary of the said Lot 1, the road on the western boundary of Lot 4, the road passing through Lots 2 and 3 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 5865, and forming part of the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 3, to the junction of roads at the southernmost corner of Lot 1 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 5403a ; thence by the road forming the south-western boundary of the said Lot 1, passing through Lot Part 3 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 5466a, and forming part of the south-western boundary of the said Lot 3 (all of the Eureka Block) to the railway-line ; thence by the railway-line to and along the road forming tho southwestern boundaries of Lots 3, 2, and 1 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 9969, Kirikiriroa Parish, to and along the road forming the eastern boundary of Lot 3 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 7126, to and along the road intersecting Lot Part 2 b, to and. along the eastern boundary of Lot Part 2 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 4488a, to and along the road forming the northern boundary of the said Lot Part 2, to and along the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 2, 6, and I as shown on Land Transfer Plan 6454, and its continuation to the junction of roads on the north-eastern boundary of Lot 5 as shown of Land Transfer Plan 4020a ; thence by the road forming tho north-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 5, Lots 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, and 8, the south-western boundary of Lot 22.1 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 5789a, the south-western boundary of Lot 220 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 4829a, the south-western boundaries of Lots 159 and 160 of Komakorau Parish, the southern boundaries of Lots 104 and 103, the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 179, 178, and 177, and Lot 8 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 5005a, to and along the road forming the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 131 and Lot 5, all of the Freshfield Estate and the said Komakorau Parish, to the Raglan Electoral District, hereinbefore described, at a point in lino with the south-western boundary of the said Lot 5 ; thence towards the south-west generally by the said Raglan Eleotoral District to tho Mangawhara Stream at the northern boundary of Section 77, Block IV, Newcastle Survey District, the place of commencement. Hamilton. This district is bounded towards the west and north gencridly by the Raglan and Ohinemuri Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the road at the south-western corner of Allotment 19, Te Rapa Parish, to the Confiscation Boundary at the south-eastern eornor of Lot 1 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 3777 (Eureka Block); thence bounded towards the east

I generally by the said Confiscation Boundary to the southern boundary of the Tamahere Road District on the western boundary of Oirau Block (034), Block I, Cambridge Survey District; thence by the southern boundary of the said Tamahere Road District to and along the road forming the southern boundary generally of the aforesaid road district and forming the northern and western boundaries of Subdivision 1, Fencourt Settlement, tho northern and western boundary of Subdivision 2 of the said settlement, the northern and western boundary of Allotment 174, llautapu Parish, the northern boundary of Allotment 177, tho northern and western boundaries of Allotment 178, to and along tho northern and western boundary of Allotment 180, and the western boundary of Allotment 181, to and along the road forming the northern boundaries of Allotments 77 and 76, to and along the road forming the eastern boundaries of Allotments 63, 64, 65, 00, 07, 50, the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 10(1, tho north-eastern boundary of Allotment 123, to and along the road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 119 and 118, all of the Hautapu Parish, to the Waikato River; thence bounded towards the south-west generally by the said Waikato River to its confluence with the Mystery Stream ; thence by that stream and the stream forming the southern boundaries of Allotments 173, 171, and 170 of Te Rapa Parish, to and along tho road forming the south-eastern boundaries of Allotments 361 and 302, to and along tho southwestern boundary of the said Allotment 302 and its continuation to the Main Trunk Railway line ; thence by the said railway-line to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Allotment 304 ; thence by a right line to and along the south-western boundary of the said Allotment .364, to and along the south-western boundaries of Allotments 18 and 19, all of the said Te Rapa Parish, to the road at the south-western corner of the said Allotment 19, tho place of commencement. Waikato. This district is bounded towards the north generally by the Hamilton and Raglan Electoral Districts, hereinbefore described, from the ocean at the mouth of the Aotea Harbour to the Confiscation Boundary at the southern boundary of the Tamahere Road District, on the western boundary of Oirau Block (634), Block I, Cambridge Survey District; thenco by tho said Confiscation Boundary to the southernmost corner of the Maunganui Block (635), Block VI, Cambridge Survey District; thence by tho south-eastern boundary of the said Maunganui Block to and along the south-eastern boundary of the Maungakawa Block (1077), to and along the southwestern boundary of Tawawhakapuoro Block (1067), to and along tho north-eastern boundary of Allotment 43, Part of Hinuera No. 2 Block, as shown on Land Transfer Plan 3795a, to and along the south-western boundary of Te Tapui Block (1098), to and along the western boundary of Section 130, Block VIII, and Section 135, Block XII, of the said Cambridge Survey District, to Buckland's Road ; thence by that road to the road forming tho western boundary of Allotment 121, Matamata Settlement, Block V, Tapapa Survey District; thence by that road and the south-eastern boundary of the said Allotment 121 to and along the south-western boundaries of Allotments 99 and 94 of the said Matamata Settlement, Block VI of the said Tapapa Survey District, to tho Mangawhara Stream; thenco by that stream to the Auckland-Rotorua Railway line; thence bounded towards the oast generally by the said railwaylino to the road forming tho southern boundary of Lot 11 as shown on Land Transfer Plan 4473a, Block XIV of the aforesaid Tapapa Survey District; thenco by that road to the Oraka Stream ; thonco by that stream to the northern boundary of Section 1, Selvvyn Settlement, Block VI, Patatere North Survey District; thence by the northern, boundary of the said Section 1 to and along the road forming the northeastern boundary of the said Section 1, to and along the northwestern boundaries of the aforesaid Section 1 and Section 3 of the said Selwyn Settlement, to and along the northern boundaries of Sections 7 and 8 of the aforesaid settlement to the Pokaiwhenua Stream ; thence by that stream to its confluence with the Waikato River ; thence by that river to its confluence with the Waipapa River; thonce by that river to its intersection with the south-western boundary of the West Taupo County at a right line from the source of the Ongaruhe River near Pureora Trig. Station to the summit of Rangitoto Mountain ; thence bounded towards the southwest generally by that right lino to tho summit of tho said Rangitoto Mountain ; thenco by a right lino in the direction of Trig. Station 1376 to the intersection with the southern boundary of Section 1, Block XIV, Puniu Survey District, near Puketarata Trig. Station ; thonco bounded towards the south generally by the southern boundary of the said Section 1, the southern and south-western boundaries of Section 2 (N.R.), Block XIII, of the said survey district, to and along tho south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Section 1, to and along the south-eastern and southern boundaries of the Puketarata 11b 2 Block, to and along the Main