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NORTH ISLAND REPRESENTATION COMMISSION. REPORT. To His Excellency the Right Honourable John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoc, Admiral of the Fleet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member of the Order of Merit, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor-General and Com-mander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zealand and its Dependencies. May it please Your Excellency,—• We, the undersigned members of the North Island Representation Commission, have the honour to report that, as directed by Your Excellency on the 22nd day of September, 1921, we commenced our sittings on the Ist day of November, 1921, for the purpose of dividing the North Island into electoral, districts. The boundaries having been previously fixed, maps were prepared showing the same, and descriptions were published in the New Zealand Gazette, notice being given at the same time therein that objections would be received up to noon on the 9th day of January, 1922. In all fourteen objections were received and dealt with, as set forth in the schedule herewith. This Commission now respectfully submits for Your Excellency's consideration a map showing the boundaries of the electorates as finally fixed, with a schedule showing the actual and nominal populations in each electorate, which agree with the figures set forth in the report by the Joint Commission ; and also descriptions of the said boundaries. One new electorate has been created —one rural —to which the name " Waikato " (formerly the name of an electorate) has been given. The Borough of Hamilton now being the principal town situated in the remaining portion of the former " Waikato " Electorate, the name " Hamilton " has been substituted as better describing the remodelled electorate. As directed by the provisions of section 41 of the Licensing Amendment Act, 1910, the Commission has declared that the Auckland East, Auckland West, and Auckland. Central Electorates shall constitute the Auckland Licensing District, and that the Wellington North, Wellington Central, and Wellington East Electorates shall constitute the Wellington Licensing District. The Legislature Amendment Act of 1920, increasing the " margin " allowed in respect of the " rural " population from 550 to 1,250, considerably assisted the Commission in adjusting the boundaries of electoral districts ; but the Commission found it impossible to allow any of the objections, petitions, or suggestions received, for the reason that in each case the population figures involved would have either increased or decreased the nominal populations of the electorates concerned beyond the limits at present prescribed by the Legislature Act. Given under our hands and seals, this twelfth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two. W. T. Neill, Chairman, (1.5.) H. M. Skeet. (1.5.) John Strauction. (1.5.) H. J. Lowe. (1.5.) James Teounson. (1.5.)


fo. Electoral District. Objections, Petitions, or Suggestions. Name anil Address of Writer. Decision of Commission. Bay of Islands .. ay of Islands .. hames 'names and Ragla: iaglan ;aglan Wanganui m Objecting to the inclusion of the Hikurangi Town District in the Bay of Islands Eleotorai District Forwarding petition from 145 electors objecting to the proposed boundary between Franklin and Thames Electoral Districts, and suggesting that Wairoa Riding be included in tho Franklin Electoral District Forwarding objection by Franklin County Council to any portion of Franklin County being included in either the Thames or Raglan Electoral Districts Forwarding resolution carried by Waiuku Town Board strongly protesting against Waiuku being included in the Raglan Electoral District Forwarding objection from 385 residents of Waiuku and Waipipi districts to their inclusion in the Raglan Electoral District, strongly supporting same, suggesting the Waikato River as the natural boundary, and that adjustments should be made at the northern end of tho Franklin Electoral District Suggesting that the boundary of the Wanganui Electoral District bo extended to the Turakina River on the south and tho Waitotara River on thc north J. Mclvinnon, Town Clerk, Hikurangi Town Distriet D. M. Bryan, Secretary, Clevedon Branch of N.Z. Farmers' Union Impracticable t o amend boundaries. Thames Suggestion to amend boundary impracticable. Thames and Raglan Alan P. Day, County Clerk, Pukekohe Impracticable t o amend boundaries. Raglan Hubert C. Hay, Clerk, Waiuku Town Board Impracticable t o amend boundaries. Raglan Right Hon. W. E. Massoy, P.O., Prime Minister, Wellington Suggestions to amend boundaries impracticable. 5 Wanganui H. Hague Smith, Secretary, Wanganui Chamber of Commerce Suggestion impracticable. t;