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No. of! Iheep on April 3d, 1922. No. of Sheep on April 30, 1921. April 30, April 30, 1921. 1922. Geraldine County— corUinued Campbell, Neil, Clandeboye Campbell, W. J„ Waitohi Cartwright, G. B., Temuka Casoy, P., Gapes Valley, Geraldine Chalmers, Adam, Rangitata Chalmers, G. ft, Rangitata Chapman Bros., Kakahu Bush Chapman, William, Peel F'orest, Rangitata Charles Bros., Rangitata Charles, F'rank, Hilton Charlos, Jamos, Arundel Charles, Michael, Hilton Chisnall, S. ft, Peel Forest Chisnall, W. G, Peel Forest Clark, W., Orari Clarke, W. H. H., Orari Gorge, Geraldine .. Clarke, W. R., Orari Clifford, M. J., Temuka.. Coles, H. W., Kakahu School Coll, Patrick, Upper Waitohi Collctt, W. IL, Opihi, Pleasant Point Colville, H., Tomuka Cone, G. H., Waitohi, Temuka Council, James, Upper Waitohi Council, John, Upper Waitohi Connolly, W., Peel Forest Cooling, A. and J., Tripp Settlement, Woodbury Cornelius, D.- J., Hilton Coughlan, John, Winchester Cowlos, F. ft, Upper Waitohi, Timaru Craig, It. P., Goraldine .. Cripps, John, Winchester Crombie, Robert, Waitohi, Tomuka Grossman, A. I)., Milford, Tomuka Crotty and Crotty, Geraldino Crotty Bros., Pleasant Valloy, Geraldine .. Davey, Alfred James, Hilton Road, Temuka Davey, FT S., Rangatira Valley, Temuka .. Davey, John, Rangatira Valley, Temuka .. Davey, W. H., Rangatira Valley, 'Temuka Davie, Georgo, Gapes Valley Davis, P. H., Geraldino Denniston, G. J., Pe 1 Forest Do Renzy, John, Winohestor Dixon, R. A., Box 33, Geraldine.. Doake, R., Ploasant Point Dobson, A. E., Orton 1 lonnithorne, Albert, Gapes Valley, Geraldino Drake, Francis A., Clandeboyo Drake, J. B., Clandeboye Earl, J. J., Orari Earl, Job (Executors of), Goraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edgar, George, Rangitata Edgar, J. FL, Orton Ellcry, S„ Bolfield, Orari Ellis, A. FL, Orari Bridge Flmslic, H. B., Geraldine Elmslie, W. P. S., Geraldine Evans, FT ft, Woodbury F'alska, J., Waitohi, Temuka Field, A. G, Kakahu Bush F'ificld, Joseph, Woodbury Finn, James, Goraldine. . Fitzgerald, John, Orari. . Fletcher Bros., Hilton Foohoy, J., Hilton Ford, William, Orari Bridgo Foster Bros., Rangitata Fowler, G. W., Woodbury Fraser, Thomas, Peel Fortst F'riel, D. P., Hilton Gale, S., Pleasant Valley Gardiner Bros., Upper Waitohi, Timaru Gimson Bros., Goraldine Glcnnie Bros., Beautiful Valley, Geraldino Goodovo, H. R., Temuka Gould, Alexander, Rangitata Gould Bros., Orton Gould, G. J., Rangatira Valley, Temuka .. Gould, Mrs. Jane, Waterfalls, Pleasant Point Gould, Richard, Pleasant Point Grant, Alan, Orari Grant, L. J., Clandeboye 310 207 770 94 504 240 1,052 204 797 3,178 290 1,138 58 802 60 336 163 209 661 700 10 123 292 55 115 51 23 268 72 403 408 242 717 711 380 410 73 270 68 2,264 459 802 416 273 179 449 261 163 405 72 489 244 984 286 1,163 1,499 204 1,098 36 829 57 335 139 202 732 29 413 6 175 53 56 1,913 166 Nil Nil 289 64 169 216 545 300 652 1,126 432 459 114 226 Nil 2,294 368 1,030 Nil 304 193 400 127 290 Nil 571 244 545 902 Nil 137 Nil 56 Nil 127 8 310 2,870 413 205 635 111 208 110 Nil 10 509 350 Nil 15 364 508 440 293 457 185 3,534 Geraldine County— -continued. Grayburn Bros., Orari Bridge Grayburn, F. W., Orari (Thorneycroft Property) Grayburn, W. M., Orari Greaves, F. W., Hilton Groon Bros., Hilton Green, F'rank, Temuka Greene, William S., Rangitata Grcgan, Daniel, Four Peaks, Geraldine Gudcx, Michael, Milford, Temuka Gudsell, G. V., Winchester Gudsell, T. ft, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael (Executors of), Tomuka .. Guild, A. R., Tomuka .. Guild, Malcolm, Temuka Guinness Bros., Tomuka Hail, Ernest, Upper Waitohi, Timaru Hall, Mrs. Helen, Geraldino (rural delivery) Hall, Thomas, Geraldino Hall, Thomas Y.. Geraldine Hally, Thomas, Tomuka Halstcad, E., Pleasant Point Hammond, G. R. and P., Four Peaks, Geraldino Hammond, Robert, To Moana Harper, It. P., Four Peaks, Geraldine Harries, E. L., Kakahu Bush Harris, James Honry, Arundel Harvey, It. J., Rangitata Hayhurst, J. F., Temuka Haywood, William, Gcradine Hearn Bros., Rangitata Island Hearn, F. W., Rangitata Island Hearn, J., jun., Rangitata Hearn, W. H., Rangitata Henderson, M. P., Upper Waitohi Henderson, It , Upper Waitohi Heney, W., Pool Forest Hews'on, Mrs. M. S., Orari Howson, Robert, Geraldine Hewson, W. A., Woodbury Hill, Henry, Geraldino Hogg, G. j., Waitohi .. Holland, A. E„ Beautiful Valley Howes, V. R., Lower Waitohi Hughes, Thomas, Geraldino Hullen Bros., Uppor Waitohi Hullen, J. H., Ploasant Point Hiilion, Mrs. J. M., Pleasant Point Humm, W. ft, Ploasant Valloy, Geraldine Hutohison, William, Lower Waitohi Inglis Bros., Lemington, Pool Forest Inglis, William, Pool Forest Irvine, A. J., Goraldine Jaines, C. H., Beautiful Valley Jones, W. B., Hilton Kelland, Frederick, Orton Kelland, J. ft, Orton Kellihcr, 'P., Orari Bridgo Kelman, Alexander William, Geraldine Kelman, Misses M. and G., Geraldine Kennedy, D., Temuka Kornohan, John, Winchester King, Georgo, Woodbury Kliem, F'ritz and A., Woodbury Knowlos, R., Te Moana Leary, J. F., Hilton Loe, Rufus, Tomuka Ldicvrc, Victor, Gapes Valloy, Geraldine .. Leonard, Joseph, Geraldine Leonard, Thomas, Geraldine Leonard, W., Geraldine.. Lewis, ft, Arundel Lewis, D. E., Winchester Lewis, Miss IT, Winchester Lewis, Jaines, Arundel Ley, Charlos, Glenrock, Ploasant Point Linklater, William, Geraldino Livosay, Hugh ft, Clandeboyo Love, Jamos (rural delivery), Arundel Lynn, W., To Moana Lyon, John, Rangatira Valley, Temuka .. Lyon, Thomas, Waitohi, Temuka Lyon, W. J., Kakahu Road, Temuka Lyons, M., Geraldine 480 1,540 1,000 118 646 25 235 1,325 455 22 23 1,214 1,552 522 62 296 286 385 72 317 805 234 1,857 80 10 316 26 133 940 54 214 169 118 239 90 306 1,015 389 408 1,303 Nil Nil 788 72 215 1,080 Nil 2 286 1,131 12 963 549 Nil 318 240 389 Nil 730 811. 262 1,575 Nil 17 289 17 50 1,073 Nil Nil 148 118 235 Nil 408 421 Nil 373 67 291 Nil 54 179 145 165 75 174 735 1,479 124 Nil 140 481 599 200 950 702 797 324 2,913 430 768 145 Nil 348 Nil 470 150 39 960 Nil 213 772 631 189 547 1,119 633 770 590 514 206 832 80 138 154 170 307 513 157 392 696 82 785 1,537 128 1,026 112 389 764 266 1,126 568 1,477 405 104 61 144 19 510 2,752 114 248 194 690 406 155 123 40 303 233 169 405 956 117 11 380 4 708 370 51 977 29 456 658 447 336 265 341 5,471 231 528 120 485 1,108 440 628 380 534