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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1921. 1922. No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1921. 1922. Waipara County— continued. O'Carroll, John, Woodgrovo O'Connor, P., Hawarden Overton, Mrs. 11. M. (privato bag), Greta, Christchureh Pannett, G. ()., Scargill Pannett, W. F., Scargill Parnham, L. H., Scargill Penfold, T. A. II., Omihi Philpott, (!., Hawardon Pierce, W. IT, Hawarden Piorcy, H. H., Hawarden Piloher, W. L. and J. F\, Woodgrove Pohl, F. A., Woodgrovo Power, Frederiok, Hawardon Quigley, FT, Waipara Quigley, J. and P., The Peaks Reese, Alfred, Woodgrove Reese, H. A., Woodgrove Reese, L. A., Hoathstock, Woodgrovo Itelph. Bros., Broxton, Waikari Rosids, James, Scargill Rivers, Miss F. R., "Kai-lwi," Medbury .. Rivers, Mrs. G. L., Brookv'dle, Medbury .. Roberts, F.. Scargill Robinson, E. A., Hawardon Robinson, E A., Waitohi Peaks. Hawarden Rollo, J. A., Medbury Russell, J. T., Omihi Rutherford, C. O. T., Kuuuku, The Peaks.. Rutherford, G., Waitohi Peaks, Hawarden Ruthorford, G. L„ McDonald Downs, Wood2,000 196 2,700 343 337 1,688 1,322 526 121 332 129 163 453 433 940 2,010 354 1,768 173 3,006 373 376 1,664 1,012 457 82 380 232 130 305 419 851 1,742 345 420 1,717 72 73 195 404 Nil 675 890 1,701 2,032 2,591 9,861 Waipara County— continued. Wright and Mackenzie, Waikari Wright, John, Hawardon Wright, It., Tho Peaks Wright, Richard, Woodgrovo Wright, W. L., Hawarden Wyllie, John, Omihi KOWAI COUNTY (In Northern Subdivision). Allison, William, Amberloy Ashworth, James, Softon Bailoy, M. FT, Ashley Bailey, Maurice, Ashley Bain, James, Amborley Baird, Samuel, Sefton Batchelor, W. A., Balcairn Beattie, Elijah, Ashley Belcher Bros., Onepunga, Amberley Booth, G. T., North Loburn Boyce, David, Amberley Boyce, W lliam, Amberloy Boyce, William, Amberloy Briggs, W., Amberley Brock, A. (Broomfield Proporty), Amberley Brown, S. It., Amberley Burgin, H. M., Pine Grovo, Amborley Burrell, W., Ashley Bank Busch. A. H., Amberloy Busch, F. A., Nowland, Amborley Busch, H. H., Sclbourne, Amberley Coleman, F. P., Riverside, Amberley Collie, E. E., Ashloy Collio, R., Ashley Bank Cooper, 'Thomas, Balcairn Courage, A. E., Amborley ■ .. Courage, F. H. Seadown, Amborley Courage, Miss A., Amborley Croft,'Frank F., Sefton Croft, J. P., Mount Brown, Amberley Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Dalziel and Hunter, Stormont, Amberley .. Davis, W., Amberley Donald, W. F., Amberley Douds, J. F., Sefton .. Douds, James, Ashley Douglas, E. and G. M., Amberley.. Edor, Walter, Saltwater Creek Eldcrton, H. T., Amborley Feathery, Thomas, Amborley Ferguson, Goorge, Sefton Fleming, John, Mount Gray, Balcairn Forrester, M. B., Karetu Downs, Woodgrove Fulton, Gordon, Amberley Gates, Edward, Amberley George, A. S., Waipara Grant, P., Berridale, Amberley Hadler, H. It., Amberley Hadlor, J. H. M., Amberloy .. Hale, W. IL, Amberley Hanna, Robert, Balcairn Harrison, E. O., The Deans, Amberley Hotchkin, J., Amberloy Hunter, Robert, Broomfield, Amberley Hurley, H., Balcairn James Bros., Softon James, J. H., Leithfield Jamos, W. and T. H., Lcithfield Jamieson, Henry, Balcairn Jonos and Wilson, Leithfield Kelchor, W. A., Balcairn Lang, Frederiok, Sefton Lawrence, A. J., Amberley Mathers, John W., Saltwater Creek May, Fred., Lcithfield May, G., Balcairn May, IT., Lcithfield McAdam Bn s., Balcairn McF'arlane, William, Amborley McGiffert, Francis, Sefton McGowan, Samuel, Sefton McKie, Wallace, Amberley McLean, G. A., Amberley 1,908 Nil 70 52 675 172 859 750 840 628 1,334 1,312 383,116 377,435 165 425 3,250 3,555 175 Nil 185 Nil 2,792 3.266 62 Nil 264 247 103 0 3,609 87 — 42 2,258 2,178 — 60 — 65 — 470 586 629 4 Nil 1,356 2,071 165 150 515 500 272 261 131 138 658 630 34 Nil 199 275 26 48 — 1,035 3,960 1,685 866 334 170 3,120 2,870 75 Nil 1,950 2,068 — 10 272 234 45 248 930 741 4,290 3,913 56 274 6 4 306 86 152 4 1,070 92(1 2,900 2,900 951 1,618 1,578 1,228 1,496 1,704 1,737 1,766 336 307 594 041 56 52 254 175 2,314 2,330 77 76 481 600 358 410 142 367 407 488 655 617 697 591 105 71 406 426 130 61 2,054 2,530 45 30 46 114 74 Nil 128 168 411 555 10 0 131 125 255 91 82 45 2,308 2,379 1,908 70 675 859 840 1,334 383,116 165 3,250 175 185 2,792 62 264 103 3,609 1,809 79 250 380 1,100 1,070 150 684 1,978 2,620 10,213 2,258 586 4 1,350 165 515 272 131 658 34 199 26 grovo Rutherford, L. A., Haydon Downs and Woodgrovo Properties, Woodgrovo Saundercock, Charles, Waipara Scott, H. L., Waikari Scott, James, Waikari Shaw, D. M. (Fstate of), Woodgrove Shields, A. 'I'., Hawarden Shields, T. A., (Estate of), Riverside, Woodgrove Shimmin, E. Honry, Waikari Sloss, J., Omihi Smollio, J. T., Woodgrove Smith, B. McK., Hawarden Stackhouso, William, Omihi Starkoy, G. B., Omihi Starkey, J. B., Omihi Steel, J. B., Waipara Stewart, A. G. and J. S., Hawarden Stewart, Jasper (Estate of), Scargill Stokes, M. H., Hawarden Stringer, Y., Amberley Symonds, Harold, Omihi Symonds, It. L., Omihi Taylor Bros., Waipara Taylor, E. S., Waipara Taylor, F. S., Waipara Taylor, J. F., Waipara Taylor, W. II., Waipara Telfer, Aloxandor, Mount I lilton, Woodgrove Thompson, W. It. and A. A., Waipara Todd, A., Waipara Tomlinson, Goorge, Motunau Trounco, Charles, Waikari Turnbull, Major W. MeG., Waipara Turner, W. IL, Waikari Uren, A. S., Waipara Walkor, Thomas, Waipara Ward, W. H., Waipara Warwick, J. W., Hawarden Watson, J. E., Broomfield, Amberley Watson, Robert, Woodgrovo Webley, T. U., Sorrat Downs, Omihi Weld, George M., Waikari Weld, H., Waikari White, William, Woodgrove Whyte, Alexander S., Glenmark, Waipara.. Whyte, J. G., Waipara Wil'ke, William, Omihi Wilkinson, Mrs. R. J., Domott Wilkinson, T. II., Domett Wilks, A. B. E., Hawarden Wood, C. W., Waipara 4,500 162 500 6,707 428 365 423 272 1,825 5,150 920 745 6,837 671 502 2,862 791 1,570 107 552 3,000 1,400 4,500 184 470 4,906 416 279 397 22 1,495 5,260 723 873 7,161 265 650 443 2,248 809 1,000 136 668 Nil 863 1,400 877 1,180 1,839 775 3,043 404 356 196 3,345 243 441 702 298 500 Nil 1,423 4 520 721 193 461 499 1,200 1,200 428 218 3,960 334 3,120 75 1,956 272 45 930 4,290 56 6 306 152 1,070 2,900 951 1,578 1,496 1,737 336 594 56 254 2,314 77 481 358 142 407 655 697 105 406 130 2,054 45 46 74 128 411 10 131 255 82 2,308 1,866 808 3,820 410 310 3,495 458 339 556 214 916 5 1,270 161 1,018 730 307 418 508 1,221 1,222 423 189