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B.—l [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1921-192 2.


Receipts. Refunds. Net Revenue. ORDINARY REVENUE— continued. Registration and other Fees— continued. Brought forward New Zealand Inscribed Stook Aot, 1917 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, New Zealand Consolidated Stock Nurses Registration Aot, 1908 Orchard and Garden Diseases Aot, 1908 Orohard-tax Aot, 1916 Plumbers Registration Aot, 1912 Registration of Aliens Act, 1917 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 Shorthand Reporters Aot, 1908 Slaughtering and Inspection Aot, 1908 Stock Aot, 1908 Stone-quarries Act Timber-export Act, 1908 Timber-floating Act, 1908 Tobacco Aot, 1908 Trade-unions Act, 1908 Tramways Act 1908 Amendment Act, 1911 Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908 Valuation of Land Aot, 1908 Weights and Measures Aot, 1908 .. £ s. d. 71,293 6 11 1,151 10 6 0 12 6 298 10 0 540 0 0 2,103 3 7 423 8 9 63 10 0 36 5 0 12 12 0 26,224 7 0 4,805 7 6 39 0 0 34 15 7 70 11 0 142 12 6 0 10 57 0 0 810 2 1 39,304 0 10 385 14 0 £ a. a. 177 12 5 0 12 6 7 0 0 3 17 9 0 10 0 2 17 0 225 15 3 3 0 0 £ s. a. 71,115 14 6 1,151 10 6 298 10 0 533 0 0 2,159 5 10 422 18 9 63- 10 0 36 5 0 12 12 0 26,221 10 0 4,579 12 3 36 0 0 34 15 7 67 11 0 142 12 6 0 10 57 0 0 3 0 0 810 2 1 73 17 0 0 3 1 39,230 3 10 385 10 11 146,548 3 8 Mabine, — Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 Rents of Foreshores, Royalty, &o. 147,856 10 9 1,308 7 1 571 14 3 50,275 9 6 1,255 17 10 10 0 0 233 17 .4 10 7 6 561 14 3 50,041 12 2 1,245 10 4 52,103 1 7 254 4 10 51,848 16 9 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) 1,410,478 5 10 1,414,943 5 2 4,464 19 4 Totals of Ordinary Revenue 28,319,394 5 0 039,160 19 8 27,680,233 5 10 TERRITORIAL REVENUE :— Rents from Leases Royalties Miscellaneous 165,394 9 7 28,880 14 2 12,441 18 0 3,387 11 11 202 8 1 2,430 11 9 162,006 17 8 28,678 6 1 10,011 6 3 Totals of Territorial Revenue 206,717 1 9 6,020 11 9 200,696 10 0 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT REVENUHJ Grand Totals 102,481 4 8 28,628,592 11 11 645,181 11 5 102,481 4 8 27,983,411 0 6