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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1921. 1922. No. of Sheep on April 30,1 April 30, 1921. j 1922. MARLBOROUGH COUNTY (In Marlborough Subdivision). Adams Bros. & Co., Blenheim .. .. 791 Adams, F. and G. H., Blenheim .. 320 Adams, Sydney, New Renwick Road, Blen- 222 heim Adams, Sydney, Box 142, Blenheim .. — Adams, William, Langloy Dale, Blenheim.. 6,077 Ahern, William, Tho Glen, Canvastown .. 160 Aldridgc, W. S., Wairau Bar, Blenheim .. 280 Alquist, Axel, Canvastown .. .. 116 Alsop, J. H., Okaramio.. .. .. 320 Anderson, J. H., Onamalutu .. .. 140 Anderson, P. W., Flat Creek .. .. 008 Anderson, William, Rai Falls .. .. 152 Andrew, G. H., Birch Hill .. .. 10,710 Andrews, E. Cyril, Evansdale, Haveloek 609 Suburban Anstiss, J. O., Wairau Valley .. .. 2,100 Arthur, J., Waikawa, Picton .. .. — Atkinson, W. H., Hillersden Rural, Blenheim 2,840 Atwood, G. H., Flat Creek .. .. 57 Aubrey Bros., Picton .. .. .. 228 Auckram, W. P., Canvastown .. .. 142 Avory, A. N., Fairhall, Blenheim .. ■ 127 Balfour and Bladder, Vernon, Blonheim .. 4,227 Barnett, A. W., Raydale, Tuamarina .. 912 Barron, ft J., Wairau Valley .. .. 515 Bartlctt, A. E., Fabian's Valley .. .. 495 Bartlett, George, Fabian's Valloy .. 102 Bartlott, J. H., Fabian's Valley .. ... 152 Barton, Albert, Onamalutu .. .. ! 312 Barton, I. W., Ashton Lea, Leofield .. | 239 Barton, J. I., Leofield, Blenheim .. I 351 Bary, John, Terraco Farm, Renwicktown.. I 185 Bary, L. J., Raglan, Tophouse .. .. 1,705 Bary, William, Renwicktown .. .. — Beal, A. T., Blonheim .. .. .. 346 Boatson, Robert (Estate of), Clovemook, 187 Blenheim Bell, William, Flaxmerc, Blenheim .. 721 Boll, William, Valloyfield, Blonheim .. 2,648 Bennett, H., Rai Falls .. .. .. 307 Billingsley, A., Rai Valley, F'lat Creek .. 110 Bishell, D., Caythorpo, Blenheim .. 753 Bishell, G. II., Omaka, Blenheim .. — Black, D. H., Hillersden .. .. 475 Black, John, Leatham (private bag), 4,019 Blenheim Blake, ft, Onamalutu .. .. .. 260 Bliek, Arthur, Old Renwick Road, Blenheim 40 Blick, Bonjamin, Blenheim .. .. 48 Blick, Jesse, Blenheim .. .. .. 157 Bliek, P. J. and D. R., Blenheim .. 95 Blick, William, Blenheim .. .. 10 Bonnington, C. J., Wairau Valley .. 122 Bonnington, Frank, Te Rou .. .. 761 Bonnington, Goorge, To Rou .. .. 86 Bonsor, E. H., F'abian's Valley .. .. 404 Booker, William, Onamalutu .. .. 280 Boon, William, Pioton .. .. .. 325 Botham, C. and G., Tuamarina .. .. 321 Bown, John, jun., Rai Falls .. .. 709 Bown, Misses F. E. and L It., and Mrs. A. M 1,524 Ward, Canvastown Boyce, G., Grovetown .. .. .. 16 Boyce, H., Blenheim .. .. .. 88 Boyd, A. J., Flat Creek.. .. .. — Boyos, A. R., Tuamarina , .. .. 733 Bragg, Nathaniel, Koromiko .. .. 1,278 Bragg, William, Koromiko .. .. 356 Breayley, J. A., Picton.. .. .. 216 Breayley, J. A., Picton .. .. .. — Brew, ft A., Koromiko .. .. 42 Bright, W. J., Para, Koromiko .. .. 333 Broadbridge, G. H., Wairau Valley .. 403 Brooke-Cox, Picton .. .. .. 485 Brooks, William, Renwicktown .. .. 402 Broughan, W., Tuamarina .. .. 25 Brown and Schroder, Flat Creek .. 11 Brown, J. W., Wairau Valley .. .. 60 Brownlee, J., Haveloek Suburban .. 315 Brownleo, Robert, Gowansido, Haveloek .. 1,295 Bryant Bros., Rai Falls, Blenheim .. 719 Bryant, J. W., Mahakipawa .. .. 291 Brydon, James, Renwicktown .. .. 548 244 500 329 290 5,504 102 271 101 313 116 410 106 10,034 545 1,675 203 2,485 44 178 133 237 3,630 680 298 Nil 83 138 293 120 330 515 1,568 50 291 149 617 2,700 223 144 431 111 505 3,269 Marlborough County— continued. Buncombe, J. R., Haveloek Bush, A. F. N., Picton Butt, Edward, Netherwood Cameron Bros., Fabian's Valley Cameron, R. D. and 0. A., Okaramio Campbell, J. P., Mahakipawa Catley, P. S., Fairhall, Blenheim Cawte Bros., Moitapu, Mahakipawa Chaytor and Co. (Limited), Marshlands, Spring Creek Cheoscman, H. G, Box 160, Blenheim Chceseman, T. G., and Mrs. E. S. Belling, Maxwell Road, Blenheim Ching, W. IL, Roselands, Blenheim Clark, H. M. (privato bag), Blenheim Clark, J. J., Sun Hill (privato bag), Blenheim Clark, Mrs. Jessie, Sun Hill (private bag), Blenheim Climo, J. W. F. (c/o J. W. North), Haveloek Clouston, Mrs. FT G., The Bluegums, Blenheim Clunies-Ross, J., and J. H. Kemble, Omaka, Blenheim Collins, II. V., Okaramio Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim .. Cooke, B. J., Mount Patriarch, Blenheim .. Corry, J. J., and Co., Blenheim Costello, J. J., Springlands, Blenheim Couper, J. A., Rai Falls Couper, Percy ft, Rai Falls Couper, W. B., Rai Falls Cozens, G. E., Haveloek Suburban Craven, Allen, Spring Creek Craven, R. J., Rapaura. . Cresswell, W. R-, Omaka Downs, Blenheim Crispin, Charles, Blenheim Crispin, H. A., Canvastown Crispin, Mrs. Mary E., Haveloek Suburban Crispin, R. F., Haveloek Suburban Cruickshank, J., Okaramio Dalton, G., Canvastown Dalziel, Mrs. Annie, Mahakipawa Davies, G. R., Wairau Valley Davies, James, Waikakaho Davies, Murdock, Kaituna Davies, P., Haveloek Suburban Dawes, William G., Okaramio Dawkins and Townsend (Koromiko Property), Pieton Dos-Forges, Algernon, Blenheim Diamanti, R. J., Canvastown Dick, William, Blenheim Dillon, F. N., Lcefield, Renwicktown Dobbie, James J., Mount Pleasant, Pieton Dodson, G L. and V. H., Sandhills, Spring Creek Dodson, N. H., Erina, Blonheim Donald and Higgins, Long Valley, Haveloek Suburban Donald, J. P., Haveloek Donald, J. W., Haveloek Suburban Dowling, A. J., Dillon's Point Road, Blenheim Draper, James, Blenheim Drydcn, A. W., Pioton Dwyer and Register, Waikakaho Eden, Edward, Mahakipawa, Blenheim .. Egan, S. A., Hillersden Elliott, James, Haveloek Esson, John P., Picton Evans, Mrs. A. F., Wantwood Evans, Mrs. Annie Y., Wairau Valley Excel], Fred, Hillersden F'airhall, A. T. E., Spring Creek F'airhall, C. J., Rapaura, Spring Creek Fairhall, G. H. M. and L. A., Grovetown, Blenheim Fairhall, G. H. M. and L. A., Woodbourne, Blenheim Fairhall, W. N., Holmewood, Rapaura Fairweather, F. FT, Netherwood.. Falvey, Michael, Omaka Farmer, F'. S. B., (c/o Mossrs. Corry and Co.) Blenheim Farnoll, W., jun., Haveloek Suburban 40 162 800 470 554 100 352 3,436 6,540 202 1,618 503 580 360 71 375 900 172 319 1,959 35 4,700 153 360 180 2,000 140 133 1,123 817 418 206 105 60 2,118 29 31 161 150 Nil 565 50 326 2,735 6,500 220 1,460 419 680 508 70 346 900 128 76 638 2,016 30 1,675 99 326 120 1,752 30 Nil 965 777 539 219 104 50 1,725 20 47 350 400 246 288 229 600 100 347 327 302 390 Nil 64 121 43 12 137 789 117 356 248 284 320 426 1,358 253 214 642 3,283 32 851 1,530 270 463 291 3,375 20 40 505 1,361 500 616 54 300 700 Nil 1 111 18 613 1,156 356 378 67 54 317 420 442 404 40 Nil 55 Nil 1,088 268 326 570 250 103 1,110 265 150 237 356 707 810 1,092 13 289 266 303 153 925 256 320 250 387 640 603 1,350 28 227 486 1,190 1,036 99 6,700 350 790 109 5,700 291 846 520 464