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General Results of Prisons Board's Work prom 1911 to 1921. Table B. — Reformative-detention Cases. Total number sentenced to reformative detention . . .. .. .. .. .. 1,735 Released on recommendation of Board .. .. .. .. .. 1,180 Discharged from reformatories on completion of full sentence .. .. 166 Total number released .. .. - .. .. .. 1,346 Died whilst undergoing sentence .. .. .. .. .. 22 Committed to mental hospitals, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Remaining in reformatories on 31st December, 1921 . . .. .. 346 389 1,735 Total number released as above.. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,346 Of whom there were— Returned to reformatories for non-compliance with conditions of release 57 Committed to reformatories for further offences whilst on probation.. 79 Sentenced for offences committed after discharge or expiry of period of probation .. .. .. .. .. .. 136 Total number returned and recommitted .. .. 272 Absconded and not traced .. .. .. . . .. 22 Died .. .. • .. . . . . .. .. 6 Left Dominion to return to former domiciles . . . . . . 25 Known to have been killed in action while on active service .. 3 Returned to Weraroa .. .. .. .. . . .. 1 Transferred to Rotoroa Inebriates Institution .. .. . . 1 Transferred to mental hospitals . . .. . . .. 2 Transferred to Mount Magdala Home . . .. .. . . 1 Transferred to Salvation Army Home .. .. .. .. 1 Reporting on probation at 31st December, 1921 .. .. .. 103 Number who have not offended since their discharge or expiration of period of probation, and presumably doing well .. .. 909 1,074 1,346 Of the total number released after undergoing reformative detention 20 per cent, have been returned to prison either for non-compliance with conditions of release or for committing further offences ; 5 per cent, have died, absconded, &c. ; leaving 75 per cent, who have not further offended. Of the number recommitted to reformatories, 63 individuals were returned twice, 20 three times, 8 four times, 4 five times, and 1 seven times. Table C sets out the habitual criminals dealt with during the same period as that covered by Table B. Table C. — Habitual Criminals. Total number declared habitual criminals .. .. .. . . . . .. 306 Of whom there were — Released on recommendation of Board .. .. .. .. .. 250 Died whilst undergoing sentence .. .. .. .. .. 4 Remaining in prison on 31st December, 1921 . . . . .. . . 52 — 306 Total number released as above .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 250 Of whom there were — Returned to prison for non-compliance with conditions of release . . 41 - Committed to prison for further offences . . .. . . 73 Sentenced for offences committed after their discharge from probation . . 11 Total number returned .. . . . . . . . . 125 Absconded and not traced . . .. .. .. .. 20 Died .. .. '.. .. .. .. .. ..8 Left Dominion to return to former domiciles .. . . . . 35 Transferred to mental hospital.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Transferred to consumptive sanatorium . . .. . . .. 1 Reporting on probation at 31st December, 1921 .. .. .. 32 Number who have not offended, so far as known, since their discharge from probation, and presumably doing well .. .. .. 28 — 125 250 Of the total number of habitual criminals released on probation 50 per cent, were returned to prison either for non-compliance with the conditions of probation or for committing further offences ; 26 per cent, have left the Dominion, absconded, &c. ; leaving 24 per cent, who have not further offended. Of those returned to prison 24 returned twice, 8 returned three times, 1 returned four times, and 1 returned five times.