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APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1920, and Year ended 31st December, 1921— continued.


1920. 1921. Increase or Decrease in Number of Offences reported. Offences. in CO O a 03 W o rt . ■WT-, O 03 Sh H> 03 Jn O a a a 03 a h A CQ 03 O a i o 'ci || 03 N a a. 03 o tH A (fl to tn a£2 oi C a uaijo oo Cointnitted Summarily for Trial. convicted. ,Q fl fl CD a-SoS M. I F. M. i P; A Results of Cases in which Pi apprehended or sumn (Charges against Males an> separately.) irsons were loned. 1 Females Number of Convictions amongst those committed for Trial. i ' I 1 ' S 5 'S S I g M ; Q Dismissed. M. F. F. M. F. Licensing Act— continued. Breaches of prohibition orders Found on licensed premises after closing-hours Refusing to quit licensed premises Selling or exposing liquor for sale without a license Found on premises where liquor was seized under a warrant Offence against provisions in force in no-license districts Selling, supplying, or giving liquor to Maoris in Native licensing districts Offences against provisions of no-license in Native proclaimed areas Supplying liquor to Natives in proclaimed districts Permitting consumption of liquor in restaurant after hours Consuming liquor in restaurant after hours Refusing to accommodate traveller .. 1,308 1,058 1,029 1,365 1,026 .. .. 920 88 1,359 .. .. 1,178 8 279 10 172 2 1 307 307 70 70 50 49 50 .... 48 49 .. .. 38 2 6 5 20 21 30 30 53 82 82 . . . . 60 4 18 29 29 11 17 17 .. .. 14 1 2 6 72 76 76 .. .. 66 8 2 4 81 31 31 .. .. 25 1 5 50 3 3 .... 3 3 6 6 .... 6 6 1 1 .... I 1 M'lSCELLAN E01IS. Absconding from industrial schools . . Bankruptcy offences Brothels or houses of ill fame, keeping, &c. Children, wilfully ill-treating, neglecting, abandoning, or exposing Deserting ' or absenting from His Majesty's ships Drunk or behaving in a violent or offensive manner, &c, on a railway, &c. Failing to comply with conditions of release under First Offenders Probation Act Habitual criminals or offenders, breach of conditions of probationary license Indecent Publications Act, offences under Opium-smoking, &c. Smuggling Trespassing on railway and refusing to leave, efce. Arms Act, breaches of Attempting to bribe a constable Refusing to assist police 68 I 37 71 8 62 . . . . 53 8 8 . . .. 2 5 62 8 8 5 1 1 3 I 29 36 31 31 19 7 31 7 1 4 5 9 15 4 .. .. ' 4 .. 4 6 109 132 132 .. .. 123 3 132 3 6 23 48 79 67 11 .. 50 4 07 11 4 2 7 31 II if 5 . . 6 li 5 II 8 5 5 .... 5 5 3 1 10 34 10 12 21 10 .... 7 12 .... 11 21 .... 20 I 10 12 21 I 9 2 1 13 70 1 1 69 . . . . 65 1 1 .... 1 1 .... 1 69 1 1 1 ;> 70 1 1 Totals 26,106 26,551 25,054 1,412 43 20,589 1,087 25,054 1,412 43 1,087 1,787 136 1,155 27 2,047 1,602