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Port Chalmers. Inspection, 14th February, 1922. The muster included several newly enrolled members, and, whilst all entered into the work in a very willing manner, during the course of the inspection drill it was clearly evident that the brigade, as a whole, was much in need of more instruction and drill. For the present, until the members attain some degree, of efficiency, practices should be carried out once a week ; a monthly drill is not sufficient. The station and appliances were in good order. I have had again to direct the attention of the Board to previous recommendations in respect to the purchase of a more suitable site and the erection- of a new fire-station. Rotorua. Inspection, 24th February, 1.922. The various inspection drills were carried out in an efficient manner, and the station and equipment were in good order and condition. It is necessary to confirm my previous recommendation in respect to the provision of a telescopic fire-ladder. The Board has decided to install a system of street fire-alarms, and arrangements to that end are now in hand. Taumarunui. Inspection, 16th November, 1921. The members of this brigade are a very willing body of men, but it was apparent that they are in need of more instruction, and the squad system of drill should be adopted. Various minor matters, set out in my report to the Board, require attention. Tauranga. Inspection, 28th February, 1922. The inspection drills were carried out in an efficient manner, and the appliances were in good order. The chemical-engine was discharged, but the average pressure was lower than it should have been, and a considerable portion of the charge remained in the cylinder. The chemical proportions of the charge have been altered, and should give better results. With a view to an extension of the present fire-station building, the other half-section of land should be purchased. The installation of a street fire-alarm system, and the ringing of the firebell by mechanical means instead of by hand as at present, require the early attention of the Board. Te Aroha. Inspection, 2nd March, 1922. Owing to inclement weather only a restricted amount of drill was carried out, which was performed in a fairly satisfactory manner. The brigade has not been provided with the smaller items of equipment recommended in previous reports. A very suitable site has been purchased, and the erection of the proposed new fire-station should be proceeded with at once. Timaru. Inspection, 29th March, 1922. The various inspection drills with the motor machines, pumps, fire-escape ladders, &c, were carried out in the efficient manner usual with this brigade. The station and all equipment were in good order and condition. Waihi. Inspection, Ist March, 1922. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the station and equipment were found in good order. Local conditions and circumstances not warranting the cost of maintaining a permanent motor-driver, other arrangements have now been made, at a saving in the upkeep of the brigade of about £200 per annum. Waitara. Inspection, 18th October, 1922. During the course of the inspection drill it was clearly apparent that the members of the brigade, whilst very willing and interested in the work, are much in need of more instruction and drill. The large area and hilly character of portions of the borough call for the provision of a motor machine for the transport of men and appliances. Fire-ladders and axes for the men are, required. Wanganui. Inspection, 12th December, 1921. The brigade is numerically weak—at the date of my inspection its membership stood at seventeen all told : the strength should be increased to not less than twentyfour of all ranks. The newly erected central fire-station was officially opened on the 15th September last. It is a large commodious building, and the accommodation and conveniences provided should be a strong inducement to suitable men to join the auxiliary staff of the brigade. A street fire-alarm system, consisting of four circuits having forty-nine call-boxes thereon, has been installed, and is giving every satisfaction. A couple of smoke-helmets are required. Whangarei. Inspection, 22nd November, 1921. The various inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and in that direction a steady improvement is manifest. The equipment was in good order, but the condition of the fire-station building is very unsatisfactory, and the erection of the proposed new station should be commenced at once.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (655 copies), £18 10s.

Authority : W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 922.

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