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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

REPORT OF MR. T. 11. WELLS, M.A. (HEADMASTER, RICHMOND ROAD SCHOOL, AUCKLAND), NEW ZEALAND REPRESENTATIVE AT IMPERIAL CONFERENCE OF TEACHERS, HELD AT TORONTO, CANADA, IN AUGUST, 1921 ; INCLUDING A REPORT ON VARIOUS PHASES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE JUNIOR-HIGH-SCHOOL MOVEMENT. S.s. "Tahiti," at sea, 15th November, 1921. The Hon. C. J. Parr, Minister of Education, Wellington. Sir,— T have the honour to submit herewith a brief report on the recent Imperial Conference of Teachers at Toronto, Canada, which I attended as the representative of your Department, the New Zealand Educational Institute, and the Auckland Education Board. I also report, in accordance with your request, on various phases of educational activity in Canada and the United States. I was unfortunate in paying my visit during the long summer vacation, which extends for ten weeks, and in some cases for even longer, through both countries. As a result, my time for seeing the schools in operation was more limited than I had anticipated it would be. Another result of visiting at this time of year was that I had no opportunity of seeing the " finished " work of the schools. The classes were new, the pupils were fresh from a long holiday, and there were no specimens of the previous year's work available. In spite of these limitations I saw a great deal that was new and much that was intensely interesting. I feel that by means of this visit I have gained a much wider outlook on problems that confront ourselves, and I desire to express to you and to the various bodies that I had the honour to represent mv keen appreciation of the opportunity thus afforded me of seeing something of education beyond our own shores. Throughout my visit to Canada and the United States I met, as your representative, with the greatest kindness and hospitality. At Toronto, the Ontario Government, the City Corporation, the University, the Education Board, the teachers, and the citizens vied with one another to make the stay of the representatives as pleasant as possible. lam sure that the hospitality of the people of Toronto will never be forgotten by those who had the good fortune to attend the Conference. Throughout the United States I everywhere met with the greatest possible kindness and consideration. Al! the leaders in education whom I interviewed gladly placed their time at my disposal, and made a pleasure of arranging for me to see everything possible. Wherever 1 went the kindliest sentiments were expressed towards the Government and the people of this Dominion. I have collected some little information on the various matters mentioned in my report, and T shall be pleased to amplify anything on which you may desire to know further. I have, &c, T. U. Wells.

I.—E. 11.