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MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1921. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ a. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account, for repairs serves .. .. .. .. 130 11 4 to buildings .. .. .. 530 11 4 Statutory grant in lieu of endowments 400 0 0 ' I £530 11 4 £530 11 4 —r i--- "=■■--■■ i Secondary Department General AcSecondary Department General Ac- count :— count: — Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 2,710 0 0 Balance, 3lst December, 1920 (including Incidental expenses .. .. .. 332 5 1 Post Office Savings-bank) .. .. 169 610 I Maintenance (including material) of Government payment for salaries of classes for manual instruction .. 73 6 11 teachers .. .. .. .. 2,694 5 7 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 717 3 1 Government payment for incidental ex- Rates and taxes .. .. .. 29 13 1 penses .. . . .. .. 417 10 0 ; Interest on overdraft .. .. 0 5 0 Government capitation for classes for Building contractor's deposit .. .. 2 10 0 manual instruction .. .. 49 19 0 Memorial tablet, wreath .. .. 41 3 0 School fees .. .. .. 190 5 6 Balance, 31st December, 1921 .. 158 5 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 0 3 7 Interest on Young Scholarship bequest 10 0 0 Building contractor's deposit .. 2 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 530 II 4 £4,064 11 10 £4,064 11 10 Statement of Amounts due to Board and of Liabilities as at 31st December, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Amounts due to Board. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest for Wrigley Scholarship 500 00 ' Reserves revenue .. .. .. 4 3 2 Young Scholarship bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Technical Instruction Account .. .. 34 13 3 Salaries due from Government .. .. 13 16 8 Investments (Young bequest) .. . . 200 0 0 Balance, current account .. . . 139 17 2 Cash in Post Office Savings-bank . . 18 8 6 £700 0 0 [ £410 18 9 NELSON. COLLEGE BOARD. General Statemrnt of Accounts for the Year ended 31st Drchmber, 1921. Endowment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Rents from Board's reserves .. .. 1,124 10 0 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 8 2 2 Government revenue, endowments .. 485 4 8 Insurances .. .. .. .. 418 2 Printing and advertising 3 17 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 010 0 Governors' and auditors' fees .. .. 14 10 0 Secretary .. . . .. . . 41 1 0 Office-rent .. .. .. .. 12 10 0 Office-cleaning and gas .. .. 8 7 2 Telephone .. .. .. .. 7 7 1 Survey, &c. .. .. .. .. 43 10 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 16110 Bank charge .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 110 0 £1,609 14 8 £172 14 I