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Table: 14 attached to this report shows the new admissions classified according to the causes of admission, Of the total number (528), 156 were destitute, 175 not under proper control, and 89 hael been charged with punishable offences. Of the children admitted under these three headings all excepting 58 were placed out in foster-homes before the end of the year. Table 17 gives particulars of the character en- state of the parents at the time' of the 1 admission of the children-. From this table- I have selected the following figure's showing (1) the number of children of drunken parents, anel (2) the number of children of feeble-minded parents. Admission of Children during 1921 on account of the Drinking Habits of one or both Parents. Drunken mother .. . . .. .. .. .. 28 Drunken father .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 Both parents drunkards .. .. . . .. .. .. 8 88 Admission of Children during 1921 on account of Menial Deficiency of one or both Parents. Mentally deficient mother . . . . . . .. . . .. 30 Mentally deficient father .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Both, parents defective mentally .. .. .. .. .... 40 The following figures show the number of committals to industrial schools for the past twelve years: Year 1910, 290 ; 1911,389: 1912,405: 1913,328; 1914,405: average for five years before the war, 363. Year 1915, 453 ; 1916,436; 1917,358; 1.918,381; 1919,864; 1920, 535 ;' 1921, 528 : average for seven years after commencement of war, 508 (excluding epidemic orphans the average is 440).

Schools for the Feeble-minded. Numbers at 31st December, 1921.

Particulars of Expenditure for the Year 1921-22.

In residence On vacation With friends . . At service In hospital Missing In probation homes Riohmond. 39 12 1 4 I (Itekaike. .1.25 14 3 I 2 Total. 164 26 1 4 3 1 2 Totals 56 145 201

Stoke. Otekaike. Richmond. Total. I I £ £ £ £ Salaries .. .. .. .. 3.305 4,184 1,420 8,969 Advertising .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 10 Maintenance of buildings . . .. .. lit) 152 213 475 Maintenance of institutions .. .. 636 3.640 1,487 5,763 Additional buildings .. .. .. Or. 368 460 .. 92 £ 4,184 10 152 3.640 460 £ 1,420 213 1,487 £ 8,969 10 475 5,763 92 3,743 8,446 3,120 15,309 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. 835 Recoveries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,955 3,120 Net cost to Department .. .. .. .. .. £11,189 _J . I have, &c, J. Bbok, Officer in Charge, Special Schools Branch. The Director of Education, Wellington.