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List of Public Schools, the Staff, etc. — continued. AUCKLAND —continued


Schools. Name. (1) 2 MB . " es eS n (2) I (3) Name. (4) Teachers. B O o Ph (5) 1 'ra ta eS 6 (6) "r^ m_ Waiiekariri Waiterimu. gee under Matahura No. 1 Waited Valloy Waitetuna Waitoa 1 1 1 3a 15 .14 22 71 Moor, Dora 15. Gillanders, Helen A. Allen, John B., M.A. Boswell, James llosking, Ethel J. Catley, Edward W. .. S s g II A S g S S II A S I) B C c 1) B C C £ 180 250 300 360 230 210 Waitomo Caves Nos. I (4) and 2 (8) . . Waitomo Valley Road. See under Te Rau Mauku. Waituhi 1 3a 12 13 H A II A I A A Ptl 1) Q c 0 c c 1) 340 220 410 310 270 210 210 125 Waiuku 4c 220 Cope, Arthur- B. H... Cope, Ida M. (.Mrs.).. Harris, Richard J. .. Brown, Martin G. .. Barriball, Lctitia L. Campbell, Gladys O. Pater-son, Frances D. Frood, Millieent H A H .. i A I A A .. Ptl c 0 c c Waiwera. See under Orewa. Waiwhiu Walton S 11 A H A (R) n A I Ptl S D c I) c c D 150 350 250 300 210 (160) 420 250 210 125 240 Ward ville.. Warkworth o 3 a 3 a 4a 8 76 17 127 Carmiohael, Annie W. Jenkins, James Given, Isabella 0. G. Gauntlett, Charles G. Murray, Amy V. E. (Corbett, Sarah E.) Shepherd, Arthur J. Blair, Thomas M. R. Macgregor, Winifred I Torkington, Agnes M. Dyer, Maud L. (Mrs.) g 11 A H A • ■ (R) H A I Ptl S D c 1) c" c Wayby .. Wekaweka. See under Waiotemarania. Wellsford 1 14 D 3a 43 Smith, Charles H. .. O'Callaghan, Agnes J. C. Keaney, Annie Ferguson, William (ii) Ogilvie, Wilfred Mel. Frood, Florence J. . . Snell, Edgar F. Moffltt, Henry A. .. Cassen, Eily B. Preston, Edgar G. . . Lupton, Dorothy .. Hunter, Gladys Ernest, Annie Bloor, Mary Allan, Isabel M. Howes, Bernard II.. . Nimmo, William Nimmo, Jane (Mrs.) Armour, Marion A. Finoy, Margaret Shepherd, Daisy H A S s II A H .. | A I A A A .. i A A .. Pi-2 I) H A S g S H A S s 11 A H A I A A A A A Pi-2 c ii D c 6 D I) C D C c C 330 200 320 300 350 200 440 350 300 260 220 170 200 200 90 Weymouth Whakamarama Whakapara 2 2 3a 32 28 51 E D C Whakatane District High School — Primary (338), secondary (25) 5o 363 C I) D C D Whanaiiaki C c c Whangae Whangamarino Whangaparaoa Whangaparapara. Sec under Awanga. Whangapoua. See under Terercnga. Whangara ta Whangarei 3a 1 1 1 42 13 II 21 I) II A S S s c b b 320 260 200 180 180 2 6b 29 527 Nayior, Harriet M. (Mrs.) Power, Ewdard A. .. Blakey, Frank 15., B.A. Hardwicke, Eva V... Crickett, Atholl G. .. Mitchell, Maggie Cook, Walter S. Bedlington, Viva Henderson, Annie .. Grange, Gladys H. .. McLeod, Kate M. . . Broomfield, Ladas J. Molloy, Thomas J. .. Lovatt, Claude R. .. Jones, Alfred F. G. Maeken, Amy H. .. Pitney, Beatrice L. Barton, Evelyn Bartley, Jonathan W. Dunn, Sarah (Mrs.).. Came, Violet E. s H A 1 A A A .. j A .. j A A A .. Ptl Pt2 .. Pt2 .. If 2 .. Prl .. Prl Pr2 .. Pr2 S s g H A 1 A A A A A A A Ptl Pt2 Pt2 j Pt2 Prl Prl Pr2 Pr2 S S i) D B 15 C C D I) I) D D B 15 C 0 I) I) I) 320 480 430 360 . 380 330 330 245 200 160 160 100 125 125 95 125 95 120 95 260 190 'hangarei Heads .. 'hangaripo 2 I 26 io Fol explain! ;ory notes see page i.