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Appendix B.]


The; following table shows, since the institution of the Otago education scheme in 1856, the number of schools, teachers, and pupils : —

The average attendance in the secondary departments of district high sediools were : Balclutha, 61 ; Normal, 45 ; Port Chalmers, 40 ; Tokomairiro, 37 ; Alexandra, 36 ; Lawrence, 31 ; Tapanui, 26 ; Palmerston, 23 ; Mosgiel, 12 : total, 311 ; being a decrease of 15 from the previous year. Ages, Standards, and Sex. --The classification of the pupils according to the standards as at 31st December, 1921, was : Class P, 7,024 (31.-7 per cent.) ; SI, 3,000 (13-5 per cent.) ; S2, 2,843 (12-8 per cent.) ; S3, 2,715 (12- per cent.); S4, 2,641 (11-9 per cent.) ; 85, 2,288 (10-3 per cent.) ; S6, 1,641 (7-4 per cent.) ; S7, 40 (0-2 per cent., exclusive of secondary pupils of district high schools) : total, 22,192. Of the 22,192 pupils, 6,785, or 30-6 per cent., were under eight years of age ; 4,957, or 22-3 per cent., were between eight and ten years ; 4,797, or 21-7 per cent., were between ten and twelve years ; 4,518, or 20-3 per cent., were between twelve and fourteen years ; and 1,135, or 5-1 per cent., were over fourteen years. There were on the rolls of the primary schools at the end of the year 11,564 boys and 10,628 girls ; total, 22,192. The percentages were—boys, 52T ; girls, 479. In the secondary classes of district high schools there were 136 boys and 179 girls; total, 315; the percentages being -boys, 432 ; girls, 56-8. Teachers. —On the 31st December there were in the Board's service 797 teachers, classified as unde;r :— Males. Females. Totals. Head teachers .. . . . . .. . . 101 1 102 Sole teachers .. .. .. .. ..31 119 150 Assistant teachers .. .. . . . . 77 271 348 Organizing teachers .. . . . . .. . . 3 .. 3 Training College staff .. .. . . . . 5 1 (! Total of adult teachers .. .. ..217 392 609 Pupil-teachers .. .. .. .. 13 49 62 Probationers .. .. .. 24 73 97 Teachers of needlework .. .. .. .. — 17 17 Manual and technical (special teachers) . . . . 7 5 12 Total of all teache:rs . . .. .. 261 536 797 The following table: shows the position with regard to the number of teachers who held teachers' certificates in 1920 and 1921 :—

During last year 245 young persons entered the teaching profession in Otago, viz. : As trainingcollege students, 122 females and 33 males ; total, 155 : as pupil-teachers, 27 females and 5 males ; total, 32: as probationers, 44 females and 14 males; total, 58. During the year the Board made 173 appointments of adult teachers. Ninety pupil-teache:rs and probationers were admitted to the service, of whom forty-eight had passed the Matriculation Examination, three had secured partial Matriculation, and thirty-nine had passed the Internlediatc or the Public Service Entrance: Examination. At the 31st December last sixty-one teachers were receiving salaries of £180 per annum or under, 243 from £181 to £250, eighty-one: from £251 to £300, ninety-four from £301 to £350, seventy from £351 to £400, twenty-nine: from £401 to £450, and thirty-one over £450.

iii—E. 2 (A PP . b.)


Year. Number of Schools. Number of Teachers. On the Roll. .^J* 6 Attendance. Percentage of Attendance, Otago District. Percentage of Attendance for Whole of Dominion. I 856-57 876 896 916 920 921 5 165 218 261 253 254 7 329 554 754 783 797 236 13,537 11,210 22,091 19,502 21,880 20,237 21,981 19,479 21,991 20,275 85-9 92-4 88-63 92-2 81-4 88-6 87-0 89-8

I I Year. Classified Teachers. Number. I Percentage. Holders os Licenses. Unclassified and Unlicensed. --Total Number. Number. I Percentage. Number. Percentage. I 920 .. 921 .. I 486 79-6 500 82-1 16 13 2-6 21 i 109 17-8 611 96 15-8 609 I ' i