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[Appendix B.

The number of candidates and certificates obtained were as follows :—

The above table is very interesting, and shows that the results in two-teacher schools (Grade 3a) are exceptionally gooei. The percentage of passes (89-2) in sole-charge schools must also be: regardeel as very satisfactory, and bears out the' view which the Board has held during the past year, that these schools are now staffe:d by a better class of teachers than has been the case for several years past. In fact, the Inspectors' reports show that with only a very few exceptions the sole-charge schools—even the most remote, of them - are in a very high state of efficiency. The number of Junior National Scholarships gained at the examination held at the end of 1921 was twenty-one, compared with ten in 1920, a very high number indeed for this district, the large increase being very gratifying to the Board. The teachers in the district are to be; congratulated on the great improvement which has been made in the standard of education in Hawke's Bay. In this connection, however, the: work of the Inspectors must not be overlooked. They set a high ideal, and by their advice and guidance havo assisted in no small degree in bringing about this satisfactory result. Teachers. —On the 31st December, 1921, there were in the Board's service teachers classed as follows :—

Included in the ninety-five uncertificated teachers shown above were twelve relieving teachers and twenty-four engaged in conducting household schools. The difficulty in securing teachers for country schools has not been so marked as in former years and, without doubt, the increased salaries of recent years have been responsible for this satisfactory position. As has been already pointed out above, the country schools are, on the whole, staffed with teachers who are well qualified for their positions. A number of these teachers arc, it is remembered, uncertificated, but notwithstanding this the majority of them are really good teachers. The appointment of teachers in accordance with the grading-list has now been compulsory since the Ist June last. The Board's experience is that the list is too rigid in its application, even with the discretion now allowed the Board to overlook the: highest graded applicants in certain cases. Organizing Teachers.- The number of organizing teachers employed in the: district was reduced from three to two in April last, the reduction being made at the instance of the Board before: you had decided that the number of organizing teachers should be reduced, It was found possible to effect this reduction owing to the fact that the Board's teachers' training classes had been so satisfactory as to enable many of the teachers to acquire, their certificates or to reach a state of efficiency such as to render further visits from the organizing teachers unnecessary. A great deal of credit must be given to the organizing teachers for the efficient state of the smaller country schools. They have carried out their duties wholeheartedly and to the full satisfaction of the Inspectors, and the Board is of opinion that the results obtained are well worth the expense involved in their employment. Instruction of Teachers. Saturday classes for the training of pupil-teachers, probationers, and uncertificated teachers in elementary science and drawing were held at Hastings, Dannevirke, and Gisborne. A summer school was conducted at Hastings for three weeks in December for the purpose of supplying practical work in agriculture and dairy science for the teachers' D and C certificate


Class of School. Proficiency. Number. Percentage. Competency. Failed. Number. Percentage Total. Number. Percentage. iole-cliarge \vo-teacher ?hree- and four-teacher five or more teachers 67 78-8 113 89-0 139 83-2 572 81-5 9 106 4 3-1 14 8-4 65 9-25 9 10 14 65 106 7-9 8-4 9-25 85 127 167 702 891 82-4 92 8-5 98 91 1,081

Certificated. Licensed. Uncertificated. All Teachers. Total. Head teachers Sole teachers Assistants Organizing teachers M. I'\ 62 8 12 27 32 147 2 M. F. 2 4 M. F. 1 7 45 2 40 M. P. 63 8 21 72 34 191 2 71 93 225 2 Pupil-teachers Probationers 120 12 6 271 31 37 391 43 43 Totals, 1921 Totals, 1920 108 97 182 175 2 4 4. 3 10 5 85 80 138 120 339 324 477 444