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Appendix B.]


course in physical instruction for teachers was held at Matiere:, attended by the majority of teachers in the Ohura district. That the classes we're: a great success is manifest in the greater enthusiasm shown by the teachers who attended, and the mental alortne:ss of the pupils when visited later by the instructors. Attendance. —The following is an abstract showing the number of schools, teachers, and pupils in the district since the year 1917 : —

School Committees. -The Board again desires to express its appreciation of the loyal support and co-operation received from tho Technical and Primary School Committees. The sums raised by voluntary contributions have be:e:n considerable, and tlie administration of their affairs have often been carried out under great difficulty owing to high prices and scarcity of labour. T have, &c. The, Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Percy J. H. W HITK ; Chairman. WANGANUI. Sir, Education Office, Wanganui, 31st March, 1922. -I have the' honour to present a report on the proceedings of this Board for the year 1921. Board. —The personnel of the' Boarel. which diel not change during the year, was as follows: Messrs. W. A. Collins (Chairman) and E. K. Hemingway, West Ward; Messrs. A. J. .loblin and .1. J. Pilkington, North Ward ; Messrs. A. Fraser and 11. Mclntyre, South Ward ; Messrs. W. Bruce and E. V. Laws, Wanganui Urban Area ; and Messrs. A. J. Mahon and W. R. Birnie:, .Palmerston North Urban Area. The Board was represented on other bodies as follows: Wanganui Girls' College Board, Messrs. W. A. Collins, A. Fraser, anel F. Pirani ; Palmerston North High School Board, Messrs. A. J. Mahon, W. R. Birnie-, anel T. R. Eodder; Wanganui Technical College Boarel e>f Managi'rs, Messrs. W. Brue'e' and E. V. Laws ; FeUding Technical High School Board of Managers, Messrs. H. Mclntyre: anel H. Tolley. Mr. Mclntyre represented the Wanganui, Taranaki, Hawke:'s Bay, and Nelson Education Districts on the Committee of Advice e>f the Wellington Training College. Schools and Attendance.—New schools were: opened at Koeke: Junction, Te Aunui, Maramarateitara, and Tupapakurua (Grade 0) ; Bangonie, Glyneath, Putorino, and Maungaroa Road (Grade 1) ; Mount Biggs (Grade 2), a side school at Castlecliff, and a model country school in connection with the Queen's Park School. Kakatahi school was reopened. The schools at Retaruke and Te Rena were closed. Taumata and Matahiwi were closed temporarily. Patea and Feilding District High Schools were disestablished, a technical high school being established at the latter centre. A district high school was established at Ohakune:. At the close of the year there were: open 202 main schools, five side schools, and one mode:l school. The total roll at the, end of the year was 16,402, being an increase of 654 over the previous year. The number on the rolls of the secondary departments of the district high schools was ninety-two, a decrease of fifty-one, which is accounted for by the closing of the secondary department at Feilding. The average attendance for the year was 14,552, and the average weekly roll number 16,162. The average attendance expressed as a percentage of the roll number was 90, which is 4'l higher than for 1920. Tho highest attendance: during the year was during the December quarter, the average being 14,854. In recent years the attendance has been much affected by epidemics, but there was not nearly so much sickness amongst pupils during last year, and in only a few cases was it necessary to close schools. The Attendance Officer paid 226 visits to schools ; 131 informations were laid against • parents, and 107 convictions were recorded out of the 115 cases proceeded with. The Attendance Office:r also acts as Sanitary Officer. He: reports that the conveniences at almost all of the schools were kept in a sanitary condition. Teachers.- The, number of adult teache:rs on the staff, excluding nineteen relieving teachers, was 423. Of these 127 were, uncertificated, eighteen being in charge of Grade 0 schools, sixty-one in charge of Grade 1 schools, and thirty-five in charge of Grade. 2 schools. 212 were assistants. Practically all the positions occupied by uncertificated teachers are in schools situated in remote parts of the district. This question e>f uncertificated teachers is constantly before the Board, and no opportunity is lost of replacing such teachers with certificated teachers. There were eleven male and forty female pupil-teachers, and three male: and twenty-nine female probationers, a total of eighty-three. It is pleasing to be; able: to report that at the beginning of the current ye'.ar a satisfactory number of the applicants for appointment _as pupil-te;achers and probationers were male's, twenty-five of whom secured appointments. National Scholarships.- -The total annual value of the forty-three junior and twenty-two senior scholarships in force at the end of the year was £1,160.


Year ending I Schools. Head or Sole PupilTeacher- Assistants, teachers and Probationers. Total. December Roll. Average Attendance. 1.917 1919 1920 1921 153 153 158 162 153 125 46 147 141 50 154 137 55 160 137 59 • 324 338 346 356 10,019 10,313 10,439 10,829 9,007 9,271 8,917 9,483