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Appendix B.J



Dental Treatment. —School dental clinics have been established at Beresford Street School, Auckland, and at Warkworth, and the Dental Officers in charge of these have given attention to a very large number of children. The Board hopes that the time is not far distant when dental clinics will be established in all large centres, and a fully equipped travelling dental clinic will be accessible to residents of rural districts. The Board also hopes that the difficulty of the Minister in obtaining the services of additional Dental Officers will soon be overcome. Subsidies. —The Board regrets that, owing to financial stringency, the Minister was compelled to defer in a large number of cases the payment of subsidy on voluntary contributions in aid of school requirements. The Board trusts that the public support shown by residents of certain districts will not be eiiscouraged by tho delay that has arisen in the granting of subsidies. The financial stringency came at an unfortunate time. At no .time in the history of Auckland have the public shown such keen interest in school matters as they have done during the past year, and at no time have they given evidence of this by subscribing the large voluntary contributions that was subscribed last year. The Board considers that the awakening of public interest in the cause of education, as evidenced by the voluntary subscriptions last year, should be stimulated and encouraged to the highest possible degree. It would be not only regrettable, but lamentable, if a temporary financial stringency should have the effect of diminishing the enthusiasm of the people towards movements having for their aim the betterment of the children of the Dominion. I have, &c, E. C. Banks, Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. Auckland Education Board. —Summary of Annual Report, Manual and Technical Branch, Yeah 1921. During the year school classes in woodwork and cookery were held at twenty-four manualtraining schools, and classes in metalwork and cookery at one manual-training school (Vermont Street centre). The new centre at Vermont Street (Auckland City) was opened, and manual-training buildings at Avondalc, Onehunga, and Te Awamutu will be ready for the beginning of the. 1922 school year. Swimming and Life-saving.- —Classes were held at thirty-four schools for instruction in swimming and life-saving. Needlework. —At 122 sole-teacher schools in charge of male teachers special classes were taken in needlework. Elementary Agriculture. —Classes in elementary agriculture: were conducted at 21.4 primary anel thirteen Native schools, anil 111 primary anil one Native, school held classes in the combined course: (agriculture anel dairy science). Two schools took dairy science only. Certificates of merit were awareled to seventy-five schools for elementary agriculture and dairy-science instruction for the year 1921. Rural Course in District High Schools. —ln twelve district high schools the full rural course was taken, and in one district high school all the subjects were taken except woodwork and cookery. Farm Schools. —A teachers' farm school was held in January at Ruakura. The farmers' farm school previously organized by the Education Board was in 1921 controlled by the Department of Agriculture. Correspondence courses for uncertificated teachers were taken by 118 teachers. Practical science classes for teachers were held in dairy science, agriculture, botany, and hygiene. Technical and continuation classes were held at sixteen centres. The numbers in attendance at each technical school wore as follows : Dargaville, 56 students ; Devonport, 103 ; Hamilton, 442 ; Huntly, 33 ; Matamata, 73 ; Ngaruawahia, 23 ; Otahuhu, 79 ; Paeroa, 36 ; Pukekohe, 116 ; Rotorua, 51 ; Te Aroha, 49 ; Te Kopuru, 38 ; Te Kuiti, 75 ; Thames, 80 ; Waihi, 129 ; Whangarei, 113. Hamilton Day Technical School was attended by seventy-seven full-time day pupils. The Department has authorized the erection of new workshops at Hamilton. Pukekohe Technical High School was opened in February, 1922, with 125 pupils. In August the school was placed under the: control of a separate Board of Managers. The Department has granted authority for the addition of three class-rooms at Pukekohe Technical High School.

TARANAKI. Sir,— New Plymouth, 31st Maroh, 1922. I have the honour, on behalf of the Board, to present tho following report of its proceedings for the year 1921 :— Board Members. —The personnel of the Board is as follows : Urban District of Now Plymouth — Messrs. R. J. Deare and S. G. Smith, M.P. ; Central Ward—Messrs. R. Masters, M.P., and H. Trimble ; North Ward—Messrs. F. Hoskin and P. J. H. White (Chairman) ; South Ward—Messrs. H. J. Eaves and A. Lees. Schools. —The number of schools under the jurisdiction of the Board at the end of the year was 162. The total roll number for the year was 10,834. The aggregate average attendance at all the schools was 9,483. The following new schools were opened during the year : Aotuhia, Omoana, Opatu, Rangi, and Piopiotea West; whilst the school at Okahukura Tunnel was closed. Scholarships. —Senior National Scholarships have been awarded to one pupil of each of the following schools : New Plymouth Boys' High School, Stratford District High School, Manaia, and Omata. Junior National Scholarships have been awarded to scholars attending the following