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RETURN No. 1. General Revenue Account foe the Yeab ended 31st Maech, 1922. Db. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. A £ a. d. To Cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1921 .. .. 168,149 2 4 By Gross payment to Public Account .. .. .. 7,126,334 7 0 Revenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per Return No. 5 .. 6,643,590 14 1 Less collections for refund .. .. .. 434,690 4 3 *6,691, 644 2 9 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1922 .. 120,095 13 8 £6,811,739 16 5 £6,811,739 16 5 To Net payment to Public Account.. .. ~ .. .. .. 6,691,644 29 By Working-expenses, as per Return No. 4...... .. .. 6,237,726 10 2 Less cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1921, as above 168,149 2 4 Balance— Net earnings, available for interest .. .. .. .. 405,864 311 . ~ ~ * EeceiMs as per Treasury accounts ... ... £6,683,235 17 8 6,0-3,495 0 5 Balance, Refund Account, 31st March, 1921, as below 51,752 i 5 6.734,988 2 1 Balance, Kefund Account, 31st March, 1922, as below 43,343 19 4 £6,691,611 2 9 Cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1922, as above 120,495 13 8 —_______ £6,643,590 14 1 £6,643,590 14 1 Collections foe Refund to Hakbouk Boaeds, Shipping Companies, Cabeiebs, etc., foe the Yeae ended 31st Maech, 1922. Dr. £ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1921 .. .. .. .. 51,752 4 5 By Treasury payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 443,098 9 4 Collections for refund .. .. .. .. .. .. 434,690 4 3 Balance, 31st March, 1922, carried forward .. .. .. .. 43,343 19 4 £486,442 8 8 £486,442 8 8 L. Hamann, Acting Chief Accountant.