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The boiler equipment comprises three Babcock and Wilcox marine-type boilers, specially arranged to meet the conditions of load that will exist. A large quantity of the material has arrived and is in course of erection. Of the engine-room equipment two steam electric generating sets of 100 kilowatts capacity have been erected, with condenser, also the condensers for the main traction turbo-generating sets. A quantity of switch-gear and piping is on the site. The main turbo-generators will supply electrical energy to the locomotives at 1,500 volts, and the first of the two sets was shipped from England early in. June, the second set beiag then in an advanced state of erection at the makers' works. The five main-line electric locomotives are in various stages of completion at the Dick-Kerr works of the English Electric Company. The motors and controlgear have undergone satisfactory tests, and the final assembly of the first two locomotives is nearing completion. Inangahua Junction. —The condition of the Inangahua Junction Traffic-bridge is such that rebuilding is essential. It is proposed, therefore, to make provision enabling the combined road and railway bridge to be put in hand immediately. In connection with the overhead equipment of the line, the contractors have installed feeder cables throughout the tunnel, involving the erection of 6,000 castiron racks, and arrangements for erecting the poles outside the tunnel are in hand. The wiring of the tunnel for electric lighting has been completed. Some 1,500 railjoints have been bonded. The shipment of boilers and electrical machinery has been seriously delayed by the widespread lockout in the engineering industry in Great Britain. Water-supply. —The development of Goat Creek for the supply of condensing water at Otira has been undertaken and pipes ordered. To provide sufficient water for condensing purposes and for' operating air-pumps, two storage reservoirs have been provided in the designs, and excavation for these is nearing completion. The pipe-line has been cleared and a road formed to the intake. The intake dam across Goat Creek has been concreted. Village. —A site for some forty-three cottages has been, prepared at Otira., and fourteen are in course of erection. At Arthur's Pass the sites for eighteen cottages have been cleared, and excavation carried out for sixteen. It is hoped to have trial runs by the end of the year, and if these prove satisfactory general traffic will be carried. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth. Platelaying has been completed to 5 miles 69 chains, and about three-quarters of a, mile of sidings linked up. First and second lifts of ballast have been placed from 3 miles 46 chains to 5 miles 68 chains. Necessary side drains have been cut and culverts built. A temporary bridge over the Seven-mile Creek has been erected. Excavation for a 25,000-gallon reservoir is complete. Water-race has been graded and suspension rope swung across Rocky Creek to carry the water-pipes. Orepuki—Waiau. Orawia Section. —Work has steadily proceeded, and the formation, with the exception of two cuttings which are well advanced, is complete throughout. It is proposed to proceed at once with platelaying and ballasting. Lawrence-Roxburgh. Formation-is more or less complete over the first 4 miles, except in cuttings which have been left narrow, as the balance of widening can be more expeditiously carried out when the construction-train is available for removal of spoil. The Beaumont Creek Bridge is in hand, abutments A and E are complete, and pier D finished to hand-holes. Rails have been laid to this bridge, and will proceed beyond after its completion.