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transacted and concluded by our said Commissioner, Procurator, and Plenipotentiary in respect of our Dominion of New Zealand shall, subject if necessary to our approval and ratification, be agreed to, acknowledged, and accepted by Us in the fullest manner, and that We will never suffer, either in the Whole or in part, any person whatsoever to infringe the same, or act contrary thereto, as far as it lies in our power. In witness whereof we have caused the Great Seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to be affixed to these presents, which, we have signed with our Royal Hand. Given at our Court of Saint James, the twenty-fourth day of October, .in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and in the twelfth year of our reign. i

RE POET. Sir,— Wellington, 24th July, 1922. I have the honour to submit the following report on the proceedings of the Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, held at Washington from the 12th November, 1921, to the 6th February, 1922, which I attended as representing the Dominion of New Zealand. At this Conference, which was held at the instance and upon the invitation of the American Government, nine Powers were represented —namely, the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, -Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, and China. These Powers were represented by the following plenipotentiary delegates :- — For the United States of America :■ — The Hon. Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State. The Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Senator. The Hon. Oscar W. Underwood, Senator. The Hon. Elihu Root. For the British Empire : — The Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, Lord President of the Council. The Right Hon. Lord Lee of Fareham, First Lord of the Admiralty. The Right Hon. Sir Auckland Geddes, British Ambassador to the United States. Canada : — The Right Hon. Sir Robert Borden. Australia : — The Right Hon. George Foster Pearce, Australian Minister of Defence. New Zealand :— The Hon. Sir John Salmond, Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. India : — The Right Hon. Srinivasa Sastri, Member of the Indian Council of State. For France :— M. Briand, President of the Council, Minister of Foreign Affairs. M. Rene Viviani, Deputy, former President of the Council. M. Albert Sarraut, Senator, Minister of the Colonies. M. Jules Jusserand, French Ambassador to the United States. For Italy :— Signor Carlo Schanzer, Senator. Signor Vittorio Rolandi Ricci, Italian Ambassador to the United States. Signor Luigi Albertini, Senator,