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Fire Protection. During the year fire lookout stations were established at both. Hanmer Springs and Conical Hills Plantations. The first mentioned [[is placed Jon -an eminence (above the plantation, and with visibility in [every direction, giving a panoramic view of the whole plantation area. A lookout man is on duty here constantly during the danger season. He is provided with field-glasses, a block map of the plantation, and is in telephonic communication with administrative headquarters, as well as with two other stations, from which immediate assistance can be obtained. At Conical Hills a hut has been placed in a commanding position, and a man is on duty continuously during the season.

[F. A. Hargreaves, photo. Fire, the Arch-enemy of The Forest: The Tragedy of Past Years.

He is also in telephonic communication with tho ranger's office. Fire-breaks have been kept ploughed or cultivated where necessary, and the usual protective measures maintained throughout. It is satisfactory to report that no fires have occurred during tho past year, largely due to the fact that we now have the willing co-operation of the adjoining settlers in protecting the plantations from encroaching fires. Revenuh. The amount of revenue derived from the South Island plantations and nurseries during the year was £2,012 35., details of which are given below : — 1921 22. 1920-21. Trees and seeds 752 10 2 273 15 9 Sheep .. .. .. .. .. 353 1 7 4 457 4 3 Wool and skins .. .. .. .. 68 14 8 59 15 1 Firewood, poles, &c. .. .. .. .. 112 0 3 243 14 5 Grazing 11 0 0 29 19 6 House-rentals .. .. .. .. 404 10 8 363 4 0 Sundry recoveries .. .. .. .. 309 911 715 0 Totals .. .. .. .. £2,012 3 0 £1,435 8 0 Housing. At Naseby Plantation a sun-dried brick cottage of five rooms was completed for the ranger in charge, and similarly at Conical Hills Plantation a wooden cottage. The Conservator's house at Tapanui was repaired, as were the ranger stations at Hanmer Springs, Greenvale, and Tapanui. A much more contented staff is the result. General. 1 regret to have to report considerable damage by red deer at Dusky Hill Plantation. The matter is a serious one, threatening the success of afforestation operations in this district, and drastic measures will have to be taken to mitigate the damage and eradicate this pest. No serious damage is reported from other stations. Owing to the financial stringency of the period a very much restricted programme is to be undertaken during the incoming season. The present plantation area at Naseby, which is almost completed, will be placed on a maintenance basis, as will also that at Balmoral Plantation. The main planting activities will be conducted at Greenvale Plantation, where the programme laid down comprises approximately 300 acres of new area.