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Opouriao Protective Works. —Work done during the year consisted of 23 chains of willowing along bank of Whakatane River, and construction of three groynes. The works were closed down in September, 1920. Expenditure, £312 10s. sd. Whakaki Swamp. —An engineering survey was undertaken during the year, and 21f miles of levels was run. Expenditure, £74 10s. Matala Water-supply. —This scheme is now practically complete. The pipes, with all necessary connections, sluice-values, air-valves, hydrants, &c, have been laid along the principal streets and through two Maori settlements. The storage capacity of the, dam is estimated at 50,000 gallons, which is ample for a population twice the size of that of Matata Township. The supply could easily be increased by raising the dam. Expenditure, £277 6s. lOd. Tarawera Bridge and River-bank Protection. —Day-labour gangs have been employed in strengthening and raising the existing stop-banks, and a length of 90 chains was finished by contract. In addition, Priestman dredge No. 8 has assisted in this work by depositing spoil on existing banks. Expenditure, £654 13s. Id. Morrinsville-Waitakaruru Road. —Work consisted of 43 chains of road-formation. Expenditure, £119 ss. Rangitikei Land Drainage (Main Arterial Road). —Drains were cut alongside the formation for a considerable distance at the Awakeri end of this road, owing to the formation cutting up, but the road from the Tarawera River to Awakeri Railway-station is in fair order. The portion of road from the Tarawera River to the Awakaponga Railway-station, which is very wet, has had drains cut on both sides, but no formation has vet been done, owing to difficulty in getting material to the spot. This part of the road will require fascining, owing to the soft nature of the country. It is anticipated that it will be available for use as soon as the bridge over the Tarawera River is fit for traffic. Expenditure, £1,362 19s. sd. General. —The following particulars give the aggregate of the principal works carried out during the year in the different districts : — Cleaning drains .. .. .. .. .. 275 miles 12 chains. Widening and deepening drains .. .. .. .. 85 ~ 54 „ Constructing new drains .. .. .. .. 105 „ 32 „ Dredge cuts .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 „ 31 ~ Re-forming roads .. .. .. .. .. 17 „ 76 „ Forming new roads .. .. .. .. .. 35 „ 36 ~ Disking roads .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 ~ 15 „ Gravelling roads .. .. .. .. .. 0 „ 40 ~ Metalling roads .. .. .. .. .. 7 „ 15 „ Fencing roads .. .. .. .. .. 9 ~ 7 ~ New stop-banks .. .. .. .. 11 „ 17 „ Levels taken .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 (number). Traverses run .. .. .. .. .. 78 „ Artesian wells sunk .. .. .. .. 36 „ Flood-gates built .. .. .. .... 21 „ Concrete culverts built .. .. .. ' .. 20 „ Creek-diversions .. .. .. .. ... 2 „ Concrete bridges .. .. .. .. .. 1 „ Pile bridges .. .. .. .. .. 13 „ Sill bridges .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 Metal for roads .. .. .. .. 17,358 cubic yards. Spoil dredged .. .. .. .. .. 489,627 Office. —The total expenditure certified for payment during the year was £232,281 9s. 2d. The amount of £148,016 15s. 3d. for wages, &c, was paid out of Kaitaia, Thames, and Whakatane imprests, and payments through the local Treasury Office amounted to £58,487 Bs. sd. Some 629 piecework contracts were let during the year. The number of vouchers passed through the books was 3,822, which shows a small increase over last year's number. The amount of £1,417 lis. Bd. was received during the year for various services, exclusive of rates. Inward correspondence numbered 7,680, outward 8,177. Collection of Rates : The total amount received under this head was £15,787 14s. lid., credited as follows: Hauraki Plains, £6,698 17s. Id.; Rangitaiki Swamp, £9,088 17s. lOd. The collection of rates involves a great deal of time and labour, and practically the whole of one clerk's time is now devoted to it, apart from the necessary supervision and checking which the collector must necessarily do himself. Plans and sections in connection with the various drainage schemes formulated and taken in hand have been made, also calculation, designing, and compilation work, connected therewith. A considerable amount of blue-printing was done. All the plans in the office have now been properly recorded and indexed on cards. The draughting staff has been busily engaged during the year on these undertakings. Visit to America. —Effect was given to the instructions of the Hon. Minister of Lands that an examination of American methods of land-reclamation be made on the ground, and thereafter suitable plant purchased for adequately carrying on operations in this Dominion. The results of observations and recommendations are contained in a separate report submitted to the Hon. Minister. Equipment. —Contracts were entered into for the purchase of the following up-to-date machinery and supplies, some of which will shortly come to hand : Field —Five dipper dredge equipments ;