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Atiu: 'Three brief visits were paid to , this island. The new water-tanks and washing-places are proving of considerable advantage, to the people. Manuae : This island was visited twice, and there was no sickness on the island on either occasion. Mauke : Only one short visit was paid, owing to want of communication. Medical attention is required, am! it is hoped that better arrangements will be possible during the coming year. Mitiaro : Eighteen days were put in here, and the health of the people as a whole is good. Pukapuka : Three visits were paid, and the health of the people was good. Additional watertanks arc needed at Ato and Roto. Rakahanga and Manihiki : Five brief visits to both islands, where the health of the people is good. The settlement at Rakahanga was becoming overcrowded, but this matter is being stopped and rectified. Penrhyn : Two visits were made. The settlements were both well kept and looked after, and the health of the people generally was good. On the whole, health matters in these islands are improving, and our educational efforts amongst the people are doing some good. REPORTS OF REGISTRAR. Sir, — Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga, 30th July, 1921. I have the honour to submit my report on the work of the High Court for the. financial year ending 31st March, 1921. The number of cases heard were as follows : Criminal, 760 ; civil, 79. Fees and lines received : Criminal, £728 17s. 6d. ; civil, £24 4s. ; miscellaneous, £1 15s. : total, £754 16s. 6d. The following fees were also collected by this office : Car fees, £65; dog-tax, £35 10s. ; fruitbuyers' licenses, £11 ; market stalls, 12s. ; vising foreign passports, £4 10s. ; cinema licenses, £30; printing account, £11 10s. 6d. ; miscellaneous, £2 10s.: total, £160 13s. The work in this office during the. past three years has been very heavy ; I have had to undertake the clerical work in connection with the Resident Commissioner's Office. Attached hereto is return showing vital statistics for the Group, and the census returns lor the islands of Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Mangaia, Atiu, and Mauke. I have, &c, The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga,. 8. Savage, Registrar. • Sir,-— Cook Islands Administration, Rarotonga, 30th July, 1921. I have the honour to submit my report on the Native Land Court for the year ending 31st March, 1921. The total fees collected for Rarotonga amounted to £55 6s. 6d. At the close of the financial year the outstanding fees were £762 os. 7d. Of this amount the sum of £20 16s. 6d. has since been collected und [.aid to the Treasury. As soon as the Resident Agents have supplied this office with a full statement of the amounts they have remitted direct to the Treasurer, we will then be in a position to credit each title with the"amounts thus paid and the. actual outstanding balance arrived at. We have now entered on a vigorous campaign in collecting all outstanding fees, and it is anticipated that at the end of the present financial year these outstanding fees will have been very considerably reduced, if not all paid up : indeed, our aim is to endeavour to have, the, total amount collected. ' * haye > &c -> S. Savage, Registrar. The Resident Commissioner, Rarotonga. Vital Statistics. The following is the return of births, deaths, and marriages for each island. Unfortunately, owing to the infrequency of communication with the northern islands, a, complete return from each of the northern islands is not available, for this return.

M. Savage, Registrar.

Island. Ma, Bin lis. Mac >ri. Deaths. European. Marri Maori. lages. Euro; Euroiri, iean. pean. ""I Rarotonga Aitutaki Mangaia Atiu Mauke .. Penryhn* Manihiki* Rakahanga* M. 58 38 23 22 12 5 5 2 F. 62 26 20 17 8 2 2 1 M. 2 F. 2 M. 42 21 15 14 16 F 3 1 2 I F. 38 18 22 17 6 F. J 38 18 22 17 6 M. 2 1 I M. F. 2 2 1 I F. 2 51 6 14 9 4 51 6 14 9 4 2 Totals 165 165 139 2 108 101 84 2 *T ie return from tin sse islands are up t> Septem' >er, 1920,