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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Number if Persons. .tern. 1921-22. VOTE No. 2.—TREASURY DEPARTMENT— continued. L921-22. Subdivision No. IT — Miscellaneous Services —continued. £ 10 11 12 13 8 9 Miscellaneous Services— continued. Charges for and incidental to — continued. Overtime and meal allowances Payment to P.S. Superannuation Fund in respect of superannuated Civil servants who were re-employed during the war and whose emoluments did not exceed £315 per annum Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... Premium paid to Ministry of Food, London, on moneys accepted for payment in New Zealand ... Refunds under the Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908 (Section 8) Rent, proportion of, High Commissioner's Office, London Subsistence allowance granted to repatriated muni-tion-workers without means to reach their homes Telegrams beyond the Dominion (recoverable) Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) Temporary assistance Travelling allowances and expenses Value of interest coupons paid by Post-office, but lost in transit after cancellation Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 500 296 3,500 6,763 100 150 14 15 16 5 500 17 18 19 75 *4,400 100 20 10 50 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 26,627 600 26,027 Total—Subdivision No. II Subdivison No. III. — Rates on Grown and Native Lands. 21 22 Payable under section 108 of the Rating Act, 1908— Special rates on Crown Lands, payable in respect of security given by local bodies for certain loans Payment of special rates on lands acquired by the Crown, as provided by section 112 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913 Special rates on Native Lands, payable in respect of security given by local bodies for certain loans 40 5 50 23 5 I Total — Subdivision No. Ill TOTAL—VOTE No. 2... 47,330 LAND AND INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT. VOTE No. 3. Salaries — Administrative Division. 1 at £1,250 (Commissioner of Taxes) 1,250 Clerical Division. Class Special — 1 at £750 Class I — 1 at £650 Glass II — 4 at £525 750 1 1 650 4 2,100 * Inelui obtained to des co; ohargi st-of-living increase to scale salaries or wages. j" Legislative ai e this item to Discharged Soldiers Settlement Aocount. ithority was s' [hsequently