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s—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Number of Persons. Item. VOTE No. 1.—LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS— continued. 1921-22. 1921-22. Subdivision No. VII. — General Expenses. £ 4 1 22 Salaries — 4 Gardeners: 2 at 16s., 2 at 15s. 6d. per diem 1 Night-watchman Extra Watchmen Electrician in charge of lighting, bells, and telephones during session Furnace Attendant during session 22 986 265 2,466 1 1 202 202 7 '_,121 Other Charges for and incidental to — 23 Advertising 24 Allowance for retired extra clerks and messengers (12 months) ... ... ... 25 Allowance to A. Ankers, Watchman, on retirement... 26 Charwomen 27 Cleaning up buildings (three) previous to session 28 Compassionate allowance to ex-Messenger R. Fullerton 29 Fuel, light, power, and water 30 Furniture, brooms, brushware, soap, towels, linen, matches, tools, coal-buckets, and shovels (purchase and repairs to) 31 Laundry-work for Legislative Department 32 Parliamentary photographic shield 33 Passages and expenses of witnesses attending Committees of both Houses 34 Passages of members of both Houses 35 Passages of members of both Houses other than provided for by the Civil List Act, 1920 ... 36 Postage and telegrams, including parliamentary papers 37 Postage of Statutes, Journals, &c, to other Parliaments and Libraries (previously paid for by Internal Affairs Department) 38 Printing of Statutes, Journals, and Appendices, Bills, and Order Papers (previously paid for by Government Printing Office) 39 Private Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition ... 40 Refreshments to Messengers, Orderlies, &c, on latesitting nights 41 Translating Acts into Maori 42 Travelling allowances and expenses 43 Typewriters : Purchase and repairs 44 Uniforms for messengers 45 Upkeep of parliamentary grounds 46 Winding and repairing clocks, &c. 47 Window-cleaning, rubbish-removal, and chimneysweeping 48 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 10 1,280 50 *3,700 100 50 2,500 600 150 25 50 1,350 452 900 37 30 38 15,550 120 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 125 35 50 100 400 100 42 -48 370 25 Total — Subdivision No. VII 28,164 32,285 TOTAL—VOTE No. 1 ... 82,091 AL _82,09 * Includes cost-of-living increase to scale salaries or wai res.