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3. Sub-committees of the Radio Research Board have been appointed to deal, among other subjects, with what may be briefly described as atmospherics and directional wireless, and in order to assist these sub-committees in their investigations the Board desire to obtain information — (1.) Regarding any work which has been done, or is proceeding, or is contemplated, in respect of atmospheric interference outside the British Isles, with a view to the elimination or reduction of such interference, which is recognized as being the greatest handicap to satisfactory radio-telegraphic communication, especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions : (2.) As to any word dealing with errors in connection with radiogoniometry the elimination of which will be of the greatest assistance to navigation both at sea and in the air, and in military operations. 4. It is further thought desirable that arrangements should be made, if possible, for the radio-telegraphy and meteorological authorities in the dominions to assist in the work by the exchange of information through the Radio Research Board, and by the inauguration, as far as possible, of organized observations and collection of data on lines to be settled later. 5. I should be glad if your Ministers could see their way to give favourable consideration to the wishes of the Radio Research Board. If so, it would be convenient if the responsible officers in the radio and meteorological services of New Zealand were to communicate direct with the Board at the following address : Scientific and Industrial Research Department, 16 and 18 Old Queen Street, Westminster, London S.W. 1. I have, &c, MILNER. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 31. New Zealand, No. 151. Sir, — Downing Street, 4th August, 1920. I have the honour to invite reference to the arrangements under which the 1914-15 Star and the British War and Victory Medals are sent to New Zealand direct from the War Office for distribution. 2. I have been asked by the Army Council to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers, in connection with paragraphs 1759 and 1760, King's Regulations, that the cost of the replacement of lost medals, which it is presumed will be carried out by the New Zealand Government, is as follows : 1914-15 Star, 2s. ; British War Medal, 7s. 6d. ; Victory Medal, 2s. I have, &c, MILNER. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

No. 32.. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 347. Sir, Downing Street, 17th August, 1920. With reference to my despatch, Dominions, No. 775, of the Bth October, 1919, I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that the war-tax on letters and postal packets in Jamaica is being continued in force until the 31st March, 1921. 2. I take this opportunity to enclose, for the information of your Ministers, a copy of Nigeria Regulation No. 10 of 1920, fixing the rate of postage on letters posted in Nigeria. I have, &c, MILNER. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.