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EXPENDITURE. The expenditure brought to charge for the eleven months as above was as follows : — Ordinary Revenue Account — £ Civil List .. .. .. .. .. 25,495 Interest and sinking fund .. .. .. 7,544,140 Under special Acts of the Legislature .. .. 3,396,652 Legislative Departments . . .. .. 59,055 Departments of Finance . . . . . . 490,956 Post and Telegraph Department .. .. 2,120,516 Working Railways Department .. .. .. 5,061,998 Public buildings, domains, and maintenance of roads 153,087 Cook Islands .. .. .. .. .. 11,729 Native Department .. .. .. .. 31,426 Justice Department .. .. .. .. 587,760 Mines Department . . ... . . . . 34,498 Department of Internal Affairs . . . . . . 570,958 Mental Hospitals, Public Health, Hospitals and Charitable Aid Departments . . .. 422,884 Tourist Department .. .. .. .. 78,655 Defence Department .. .. .. .. 459,134 Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments .. .. .. 238,251 Department of Labour . . . . . . 40,655 Department of Lands and Survey .. .. 287,998 Valuation and Electoral Departments .. .. 70,091 Department of Agriculture .. .. .. 252,078 Education Department .. .. .. 2,256,062 Services not provided for .. .. .. 16,663 £24,210,741 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. On the 31st March, 1920, the available ways and means for public-works £ purposes were .. .. .. .. .. .. 219,502 And additional funds have been received as under :— Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), section 29 .. .. .. .. 200,000 Finance Act, 1919, section 5 . . .. .. 750,000 Finance Act, 1920, section 15 .. .. .. .. 1,590,000 Transfer from the Consolidated Fund . . .. .. .. 360,000 Miscellaneous receipts .. .. .. .. .. 21,008 Making a total for the eleven months of .. .. .. 3,140,510 A further transfer will be made from the Consolidated Fund of . . 140,000 And further sums are being raised under the Finance Act, 1920 . . 250,000 Making a gross total available for the year 1920-21 of . . 3,530,510 The expenditure under appropriations for the eleven months (excluding separate accounts having ways and means of their own) was. . .. .. £2,160,669 Estimated expenditure for the remainder of the year is 1,099,715 3,260,384 Estimated balance on the 31st March, 1921.. .. .. .. £270,126 It will thus be seen that a large sum has been found for public works during the past eleven months, but it will be necessary to confine the expenditure during the coming year under this heading to urgent and pressing works only.