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2. In addition to the fifty grants authorized to be given under the scheme of higher education and training for ex-officers and men of suitable educational promise, the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries will be awarding a small number of grants, under Article 7 of the Royal Pensions Warrant, to disabled officers for training overseas. The conditions and procedure under which grants will be made by the Board under this scheme are indicated in the accompanying copies of a further notice (Form T.D.0.1.) issued by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. I have, &c, L. S. AMERY, For the Secretary of State. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P.C., G.C.M.G., G.8.E., M.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. Board or Agriculture and Fisheries. —Officers' Agricultural Training Scheme. Conditions under which Grants are made for Agricultural Training Overseas. 1. The course of training must be taken at either (a) an approved university or agricultural college or institution, or a farm attached to or under the immediate supervision of such a university college or institution, or (6) a farm under the immediate supervision of the Department of Agriculture of the State or colony concerned. (Note. —A farm would be regarded as being under the immediate supervision of the Department of Agriculture of the State or colony in any case in which that Depart-, ment signify in writing their approval of the farm as one suitable for the training of the candidate, and their willingness to supervise the candidate's training by means of visits paid by an officer of the Department, and to furnish the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries with quarterly reports on his progress. Such a statement must be procured by the candidate himself from the Department of Agriculture of the State or colony concerned, and be forwarded to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, before any grant can be paid to him.) 2. The candidate must make his own arrangements for admission to the institution or farm named in the award. 3. The Secretary, Imperial Education Committee, War Office (S.D. 8), Cornwall House, Stamford Street, London S.E. 1, will notify the institution (or Department of Agriculture) concerned of the award, and will give the candidate a letter of introduction to the institution (or Department). 4. The course of training must be commenced within twelve months from the date of the award. 5. On receipt of a report by the Board from the institution (or Department of Agriculture) that the candidate has commenced his course of training, the Board will make arrangements for the grant to be paid to him by the institution (or Department) in quarterly instalments in arrear, from funds provided by the Board for the purpose. The institution (or Department) will have full, authority to withhold payment of the grant if in their opinion the candidate's conduct and progress are not satisfactory. 6. The birth-certificates of children in respect of whom children's allowances are payable must be forwarded to the Board for their inspection before any such allowances can be paid by them, and a statement, countersigned by two householders, to the effect that the children are still living must be furnished to the Board quarterly thereafter. 7. No fees are paid by the Board in respect of the course, and these must be paid to the institution (or farmer) by the candidate himself. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 72 Victoria Street, London S.W. 1. November, 1919.

No. 13. New Zealand, Dominions, No. 25. My Lord, — Downing Street, 20th January, 1920. I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, to be laid before your Ministers, the accompanying copy of a letter from the Board of Trade on the question of the institution of a patent which should be valid throughout the British Empire. 2. I should be glad if you would invite your Ministers to furnish me with their observations on the proposal. I have, &c, L. S. AMERY, For the Secretary of State. Governor-General His Excellency the Right Hon. Earl of Liverpool, P.C, G.C.M.G, G.8.E., M.V.O, &c. 2—A. 2.