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III.—Apprehensions, Commitments, etc. Table showing the Number of Persons of either Sex summoned or brought before Magistrates in No-license Districts for the Year ended 31st December, 1920, the Offences charged against them, and how they were disposed of.


fOTE. —. this ta" >le each o: fence is reckone< as a istinct person. Offences. Toti sun t! al Numbi umoned c iken into Custody. ;r >r I Comn Discharged. for Ti Sent! litted ial or ;nce. Summj convic held Bail, irily ted, to See. I. Offences against the Person. M. & F. 1 2 1 58 2 1 1 4 1 1 M. 1 2 1 54 2 1 1 4 F. M. F. M. 1 F. M. F. Murder Attempted suicide Mansla ughter Assault, Common Rape Unnatural offence Unlawful carnal knowledge, and attempts at Indecent assault Bigamy Concealment of birth "2 4 i 12 3 42 "l 2 1 1 1 2 "l i 1 i 1 II. Offences against the Person and Property. Housebreaking, entering, and theft 33 30 10 10 10 3 III. Offences against Property only. Theft (other), and attempts at .. Embezzlement Receiving stolen property Fraud and false pretences Arson Wilful damage 242 3 11 7 5 110 224 3 8 7 5 109 18 59 1 2 7 12 1 4 7 3 2 153 1 2 9 3 2 1 i 2 33 76 1 IV. Forgery and Offences against the Currency. Forgery and uttering 5 2 3 5 V. Offences against Good Order. 344 77 52 63 8 18 17 26 1 590 2 339 76 52 63 8 18 17 26 1 557 2 5 1 339 63 43 60 8 13 17 22 1 518 2 Drunkenness Prohibition orders Indecent, riotous, or offensive behaviour.. Obscene, threatening, or abusive language Assaulting, resisting, or obstructing the police Cruelty to animals Offences relating to gambling Vagrancy Sunday trading Breaches of by-laws, &c. Other offences against good order 13 9 3 5 5 1 4 39 39 39 VI. Offences not included previously. (a.) Relating to carrying out Imws. Breach of First Offenders Probation Act 1 1 1 (b.) Relating to Revenue. Selling liquor without a license Other offences against revenue laws 23 23 20 23 3 7 11 13 12 3 (c.) Against Public Welfare. 106 34 174 1 56 4 1 9 12 2 166 8 167 220 67 35 20 44 10 11 5 4 1 1 81 98 34 173 8 17 11 72 81 23 101 Licensing Destitute persons (bastardy) Destitute persons (failing to maintain) Industrial schools School attendance Shipping and Seamen Act Factories Act Shops and offices Sale of Food and Drugs Act .. .. Opium Act Defence War Regulations Impounding Act Motor Regulations Noxious weeds .. Stock Act .. .. Rabbit nuisance Fisheries and game Animals Protection Act Coal-mines Act Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act Offences relating to the sale and use of firearms Registration of Aliens Act Escaping from legal custody Other offences against public welfare 53 4 1 9 12 2 166 8 150 .215 67 35 18 44 9 1.1 5 4 1 1 80 1 1 3 5 2 3 1 2 18 1 3 28 1 2 51 1 1 8 10 2 148 7 147 187 67 32 18 35 4 11 4 17 3 7 1 1 3 "2 2 9 5 1 1 4 1 1 71 1 9 1 Totals 2,978 2,860 118 403 47 9 2,410 95 14