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The latest figures available show the funds held by these societies to be — £ In the hands of approved incorporated societies .. .. .. 1,100,000 New Zealand War Relief Fund. . . . . . . . . . . 661 Convalescent Home Account . . . . .. . . .. 1,280 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,437 New Zealand Comforts Account . . .. . . . . . . 1,475 Sundry small accounts .. . . .. . . . . . . 86 New Zealand National War Funds Council .. .. .. 38.000 On transfer to the New Zealand National War Funds Council .. 55,000 In the hands of the High Commissioner, now tin- subject of reallocation 29.806 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,227,745 By mutual arrangements made with the representatives of the various social funds and the executive of the British Red Cross and Order of St. John, a working agreement was arrived at whereby the latter organization will in future be responsible for the care of soldiers in hospital, an agreed quota, being paid to a central account operated by the Red Cross organization, and the balances of the social funds being transferred to the National War Funds Council for "relief and assistance to soldiers and sailors and their dependants." In practice the arrangement has worked most satisfactorily, being both effective and economical. Claims for relief to " soldiers and their dependants " still largely occupy the attention of the executives of the various incorporated societies, and a good understanding exists whereby the needs of the men will be met in the future with a degree, of uniformity covering the whole of the Dominion. The whole of the funds at present available are safely invested in accordance with the provisions of the War Funds Act, 1915, and are sufficiently liquid to allow of all cases of necessity being promptly met. National War Funds Council. At the. close of the financial year 31st March, 1921, the National War Funds Council had, after providing for the maintenance of its bursars and for special grants, the sum of £38,000, the whole of which, with the exception of a small amount at current account to meet emergencies, is invested in accordance with the direction of the Council. In addition, surplus funds from the V.M.C.A., Salvation Army, St. John Ambulance, and other Church funds, together with a final payment of £1,500 from the War Cinematograph Council, London, and totalling £55,000, are in process of transfer to the National War Funds Account; and it is anticipated, as a result of the application of the scheme of closing war funds and concentrating in the incorporated societies and the National War Funds Council, that the latter body will shortly be able to directly control at least £100,000, arid thus be able to ensure that " soldiers and their dependants " in the poorer and more sparsely settled districts of the Dominion will meet with equal consideration with those resident in the larger centres. The scheme of granting bursaries to men who, through their military service, had their college careers interrupted has provided excellent results. A large proportion of the students have been enabled to complete their selected course, and those remaining at the universities will have their individual cases reviewed, in accordance with the conditions set out by the Council, on receipt of the professorial reports for the year. The administration of the various advisory committees set up under the provisions of the War Funds Act, 1915, has been well maintained throughout the year, to the satisfaction of the Council. Geo. Davies, Acting Officer in Charge. The Under-Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington.

VII. REPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT ASTRONOMER AND SEISMOLOGIST. Buildings, Grounds, etc. 2 0th June, 1921. The Observatory buildings and grounds and the electrical equipment have been kept in good order, and all the storage batteries have been kept regularly charged. The electric current is supplied by the City Corporation, and is an alternating one of 100 volts, single-phase, 80 cycles. For charging the batteries a mercury arc-rectifier is used, and this has worked satisfactorily during the year. One interruption occurred in the supply of electric current during the coal-shortage, and urgent steps had to be taken to maintain the electric light for the seismograph by using the storage batteries until the supply was resumed by the city. A number of mercury contacts on the synchronizing circuit are in use, and these have given considerable trouble this year in spite of all care taken to eliminate sparking. Admiralty Chronometers. Three marine chronometers and a chronometer-watch belonging to the Admiralty were returned to H.M.S. " Philomel." Subsequently one of the chronometers was lent to the Observatory, and is now in use there.

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