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Detailed Statement of Expenditure from the Beginning of the War to the 31st March, 1921 — continued.

Particulars. Expenditure. Expenditure under Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1918 — continued. Pay and allowances — continued. Brought forward Retrospective married allowance Retrospective children's allowance Retrospective widowed mothers' and other dependants' allowances Allowances to wives of Imperial Reservists and difference between N.Z. Expeditionary Force pay and Imperial pay to members of Imperial Forces resident in New Zealand Payments to London General Post Office for allotments paid through post-offices in the United Kingdom £ s. d, £ s. d. 29,479,481 6 2 548,683 14 3 306,245 1 1 114,158 9 6 268,975 14 9 £ s d. 576,100 0 0 Less credits 31,293,644 5 9 303,437 1 10 30,990,207 3 11 Per capita payments to War Office for maintenance of New Zealand troops in the field —Ammunition, extra transport, &c. Less credits* 15,735,000 0 0 1,365,279 9 9 14,369,720 10 3 Postage, telegrams, telephones, &c, and preparing war-news cables for despatch to New Zealand from the United Kingdom, and cable charges thereon— Postage, &c. — Samoa Egypt United Kingdom New Zealand Other places Preparing war-news cables in High Commissioner's Office and cable charges thereon 2,084 6 10 26,663 18 11 85,105 9 0 159,752 11 5 603 6 9 7,363 1 2 Less credits 281,572 14 18,453 13 1 1 263,119 1 0 Prisoners of war — Expenses at — Motuihi Island Narrow Neck Somes Island Featherston Samoa Ripa Island Escape and capture Escorting and other expenses, including repatriation of aliens 42,539 16 4 7,867 19 11 54,067 16 9 11,631) 8 9 760 15 3 1,451 15 10 4,429 0 11 6,741 15 7 - 127,896 9 2 Less credits 129,498 1,602 9 0 4 2 Pukeora Farm Less credits 3,009 6 5 1,278 5 5 1,731 1 0 2,540 14 6 Proportion damages by New Zealand troops during riots at Ismailia, Egypt Purchase of horses — Remounts Artillery Transport and undescribed Wages of grooms Travelling and other expenses Motor-hire Cost of horses, mules, &c, issued by Imperial authorities in France and Egypt 78,203 1.8 10 63,775 10 6 46,877 11 2 16,369 6 10 11,435 9 0 191 17 1 182,723 11 11 399,577 5 111,891 19 4 5 287:685 5 11 Less credits * For amount refunded by War Office and n Office account advances in excess of actual cost of r imitted to New Zealai (laintenancc of troops id, £750,000 : and ainn infield, £015,279 9s.,9c ount redebited to War )d.