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11. On retirement before normal pension age (on the grounds of being medically unfit for future duty) — At any time (not being earlier than one year after the inauguration of the scheme) on the production of satisfactory medical evidence to the Board, a pension calculated in the same manner and with the same limitations as in I (above), or the option in lieu thereof of a return of total contributions (less benefits). 111. On voluntary retirement or dismissal — A return of total contributions (less any benefits received). IV. At death, whether before or after becoming entitled to a retiring-allowance, — . (a.) Leaving no widow or children : A return of the total contributions paid to the fund on the contributor's behalf, less any moneys received by the contributor out of the fund during his lifetime. (b.) Leaving a widow : An allowance of £18 per annum during widowhood, or in lieu thereof a return of contributions as in (a) above. (c.) Leaving children : An allowance of ss. per week on account of each child so long as that child is under the age of fourteen years : Provided that in any case where the contributor leaves children but no widow, if when the youngest child attains the age of fourteen years the aggregate payments made to the children are not equal to the contributions paid to the fund on the contributor's behalf (less any moneys received by him out of the fund in his lifetime) the difference between these two amounts shall be equally divided between the children. V. A maternity allowance of £6 on the birth of an employee's child or children (provided the parents' joint income for the twelve months preceding the birth does not exceed £300). Contributions. The contributions for the various benefits are based upon the present salary and prospective total service, and adjustments made for each salary-increase. The local authority pays in respect of each employee what is not covered by the State subsidy, and the following jjercentage of salary contributed by the employee : — Age at Time of joining the Fund. Per Cent. 30 and under .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. 4 Over 30 and not exceeding 35 . . .. .. . . . . .. 5 „ 35 „ 40 .. .. .. .. ..6 „ 40 „ 45 .. .. .. .. ..7 „ 45 „ 50 .. .. .. .. ..8 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9

TABLE III. MAIN FUND. Statement of Retiring and Other Allowances for the Triennium ended 31st December, 1919.

On Death. On Incapacity. On Attainment of Age 60. Tot Otl ;al Retiring and her Allowances. N ™ b «' Amount. j, „ Annual Dcr ' Amount. ,i. Q _ Annual IDer - Amount. Annual er ' Amount. Nun Nui NumI M. F. £ s. d. M. F. £ s. d. M. F. £ s. d. M, p. £ s. d. Allowances existing 1/1/1917 Granted during triennium .. 28 1,872 0 0 II 604 10 0 39 2,476 10 0 '" I Total Discontinued during triennium (as per statement below) 28 1,872 0 19 10 II 8 604 10 0 390 0 0 -- I 39 8 2,476 10 0 409 10 0 • ■ Existing at 31/12/1919 3 I .. j 28 1,852 10 0 214 10 0 31 2,067 0 0 Particulars of R< >,tiri: ig a, <d Other Allowance. discontinued during the Tr :enn: Mm. Discontinued by death Expiry 19 10 0 2 .. 6 .. 19 10 0 8 .. 97 10 0 292 10 0 2 6 117 0 0 292 10 0 Total 1390 0 0 409 10 0 lOOAL-AUTHORITi: ; Allowances foe SS SECT! )N. Statement of Retiring and Othe: THE TRI] INNIUM ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1919. On •eath. On tedical Unfitness. On Attainment of Total Retiring and Rotiring-age. Other Allowances. On Attainment of Rotiring-age. Tot Otl al] her Number. Annual Amount. Mil , . Annual lDer - Amount. *«»>«• | £S£& Num ler. Annual Amount. M. Allowances existing 1/1/1917 Granted during triennium .. j 15 Total .. .. 15 Discontinued during triennium (as per statement below) F. £ s. d. 660 0 ( 660 0 26 0 M. 3 3 F. £ s. d. M. 231 ii o ii 231 12 0 11 231 12 0 11 F- £ s. d. 939 6 ( 939 6 M. 29 29 F. £ s. d. 1,830 18 0 1,830 18 26 0 Existing at 31/12/1919 15 634 0 0 939 6 0 29 1,804 18