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leaving a trifle over 2* per cent, undetected. The principal increases were : Theft (undescribed), 24 ; drunkenness, 40 ; offences against Licensing Act, 244. No crimes of a serious nature or worthy of mention took place during the year. The, conduct of all members of the Force during the year has been good, no fines or punishments being inflicted. Superintendent Dwyer, Christchurch District. The actual strength of the Force in the district on the 31st March, 1921, was 114, made up as follows : 1 Superintendent, 1 Inspector, 5 Senior Sergeants, 9 sergeants, 78 constahles, 10 temporary constables, 2 senior detectives, 3 detective-sergeants, and 5 detectives ; also 2 matrons and 1 surgeon. During the past ten years there has been no increase in the strength of the Force in the district, and at the present time I am 5 men short of the authorized strength, and I recommend that this shortage be made up as soon as possible, and that the authorized strength of the Force, in the district be increased by 10—namely, 1 sergeant and 7 constables for the city, and an additional constable for St. Albans Station, and I for Lyttelton Station. A greater number of eligible young men have been recently offering themselves for enrolment in the Force, and now with the training depot in full swing the shortage of men in this district should be soon made good. There were no stations opened and none closed in the district during the year. The residences occupied by the constables in charge at Belfast and Lower Riccarton have been purchased by the Department. The casualties in the Force in the district were —1 constable died; 1 sergeant, 8 constables, and 4 temporary constables resigned from the Force; 1 detective-sergeant and 1 constable retired on superannuation; 1 temporary constable was compulsory retired, and 1 temporary constable was dismissed. The number of offences reported in the district during the year ending 31st December, 1920, was 3,596, as compared with 3,085 in 1919. The principal increases in the various classes of offences were : Thefts (undescribed), 212 ; thefts by servants, 15 ; cruelty to animals, 13 ; drunkenness, 197 ; obscene language, 24 ; failing to maintain wife and children, 60 ; failing to pay maintenance-money, 70. The principal decreases were: House and shop breaking, 74; house and shop breaking (attempted), 26 ; mischief, 14 ; vagrancy, 9. There has been no serious crime committed in the district that calls for any special remarks. The conduct of the sergeants and constables in the district has been, with few exceptions, very good during the year. The special attention of the police, of this city has been directed to the; enforcement of the provisions of the Gaming Amendment Act passed last session with a fair amount of success. Inspector Hastie, Timaru District. The strength of the Force in the Timaru District on the, 31st March, 1921, was 1 Inspector) 2 Senior Sergeants, 4 sergeants, 1 detective, 31 permanent and 1 temporary constables ; total, 40. I would again point out the necessity for an increase in the authorized strength at Timaru Station of two constables, on account of men going on leave, on sick-list, and escorts, which reduces the staff so that there are insufficient men on street duty, especially when overseas steamers are in port. Several street disturbances have recently been caused by seamen off these ships. An extra constable should be stationed at Fairlie, as this is one of the largest sub-districts, if not the largest, in the Dominion supervised by one constable. There are several hotels in the district, miles distant from the station, which should be visited regularly ; but this the constable is unable to do, owing to the number of other duties he has to perform, such as Clerk of the Magistrate's Court, Registrar of old-age pensions, Inspector of Factories, agricultural statistics, and Authorized Officer under the Arms Act. It is practically impossible for one constable to carry out the duties satisfactorily. A temporary station was opened at Pareora for the duration of the killing season at the freezingworks. The manager of the works kindly supplied sleeping-accommodation for the constable. As this is a growing township of about five, hundred people, the time is not far distant when a constable will have to be stationed there permanently. One temporary and two permanent constables resigned during the year. The total number of offences reported during the year was 795, as against 823 for the year 1919, a decrease of 28. The principal increases for the year were —Thefts, 18; shop-breaking, 11 : false pretences, 7 ; forgery, 3 ; assaults, 13. The decreases were —Mischief, 26 ; drunkenness, 61. There has been an entire absence of sexual offences. One very serious crime was committed —viz., the murder of a very promising young man —which is much to be regretted. After exhaustive inquiries by the, local police, the murderer's identity was established, and he was eventually arrested at Lyttelton and convicted of the crime. The conduct of the members of the, Force, of all ranks has been on the whole good, but five were punished for breaches of the regulations. Superintendent McGrath, Ddnedin District. The authorized strength of the Force in the district on the 31st March last was 1 Superintendent, 1 Sub-Inspector, 1 Senior Sergeant, 11 sergeants, 76 constables, 2 Senior Detectives, 4 detectives, 1 acting-detective, 2 matrons, and 1 surgeon. I have to repeat the recommendation I made last year for increases at the Dunedin and South Dunedin Stations. No new. stations were opened and no station was closed during the year, but new premises were purchased for police-stations at Portobello, St. Kilda, Ravensbourne, Green Island, and a new residence for the sergeant in charge at Port Chalmers.