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one period catches of mullet were so great that no market could be found for the fish. The demand locally is limited, and difficulties of transport to Auckland and other markets prevents the expansion of the industry. The number of boats licensed was 36, employing 57 fishermen, with 10 men employed in other ways in connection with the industry. The total quantity of all kinds of fish marketed was 9,140 cwt., valued at £11,095. Auckland. —The Inspector reports that the number of boats registered at Auckland during the year was 1.65, and he gives the number actually engaged in fishing as 46, including 6 steam-trawlers. The number of persons employed in fishing and otherwise in connection with the industry is given as 204. The total quantity of fish brought into Auckland during the year was about 68,560 cwt., valued at £84,763. Fish of all kinds have been fairly plentiful. Several trawlers have worked in the Bay of Plenty when the weather was favourable, and got good catches, while the smaller trawlers working in the Hauraki Gulf have been getting moderate catches. The Auckland line fishermen •have mostly worked outside the Great Barrier, Little Barrier, Mokohinau, Mercury, and Alderman Islands, where in fine weather they get good catches of snapper, hapuku, blue cod, and kingfish. The Inspector recommends the erection of cool-storage plant on Mercury Island. The oyster-beds in the Hauraki Gulf are showing a fair quantity of young oysters, the best fixing being on Ponui; on Waiheke Island (on the outside), and in the Waiheke Passage ; Rakino Island ; on the western side of Motutapu Island ; on Rangitoto ; and on the Coromandel coast. The total quantity picked from the Hauraki Gulf, Great Barrier, and Kaipara beds last season was 3,739 sacks. During the year 733 yards of rock walls for oyster-cultivation were built in Tckumu Bay, Coromandel coast, and 566 at Port Fitzroy, Groat Barrier. Thames. —The report from the Inspector of Fisheries states that 8,200 cwt. of fish was landed from the local fishing-grounds during the year, principally flounder and snapper, and the value of the fish is given as £28,7.19. The number of boats employed in fishing was 32, and the number of men engaged in fishing was 70, and 25 persons were employed in other ways connected with the industry. Tauranga. —There were 24 fishing-boats licensed and about 30 men engaged in fishing. The quantity of fish caught is given as 1,000 cwt., valued at £2,800. Gisborne. —There were 24 hook-and-line boats and 3 trawlers engaged in fishing, and 50 fishermen and 9 other persons were employed in connection with the industry. The principal fish caught are tarakihi and snapper. The total weight of fish brought in was 1,948 cwt., valued at £5,103. Napier. —The Inspector states in his report that during the whole of the past year the trawlers have had very good catches throughout —undoubtedly the best results for many years. From October to March large catches of soles were obtained, but of a smaller average size than usually taken. The weather conditions during the past year were most favourable, and very little lost time was experienced. About the beginning of October large quantities of sardines made their appearance in the bay and remained until the end of March. The shoals were often sto 10 acres in extent. There are now 10 steam-trawlers located at this port, but only 9 were operating all the year. The largest trawler was in commission only three months, owing to coal-shortage and the difficulty in getting suitable fishermen. The total quantity and value of fish landed was: 7,550 cwt. flounder and sole at £2 10s. per hundredweight, £18,875 ; 8,780 cwt. round fish at £1 ss. per hundredweight, £10,975 ; 500 sacks crayfish at £1 10s. per sack, £750 ; B,ooolb. whitebait at 2s. per pound, £800 : total, £31,625. Number of fish-curing places, 3, employing 4 men ; number of trawlers, 10, employing 41 men ; number of oil-launches, 22, employing 44 men ; number of rowing-boats, 40, employing 56 men. New Plymouth. —The number of boats engaged in fishing during the year was 34, employing about 60 men, a number of whom fish part of the year only. Apart from actual fishing there were about 10 persons employed in connection with the industry. The quantity of fish taken by the local boats is given as 900 cwt. ; value, £1,200. Wanganui. —The quantity of all kinds of fish caught on the local grounds during the year is given as 190 cwt. ; value, £458. Ten rowing-boats were engaged in fishing, employing 9 fishermen and 2 curers. Foxton. —Twenty-five boats were licensed for fishing, and 40 men were engaged in fishing. Most of these men only fish occasionally. The quantity of fish caught, including whitebait, was about 300 cwt., valued at about £1,200. Wellington. —The Inspector reports that during the year he inspected the boats and nets at all the fishing-stations in the Wellington District. He states that the quantity and value of the fish taken compares favourably with that of the previous year. The returns show a decrease in the number of boats licensed and men employed. The Cook Strait fishermen lost a considerable amount of time on account of stormy meather. When conditions were favourable splendid catches of hapuku were made on the new grounds located off Cape Palliser, and farther north to White Rock Station. Flounder were very plentiful on the west coast between Waikanae and. Foxton. The quantity of fish taken from the fishing-grounds near Kapiti Island has been well maintained. The supply of fish for the Wellington market has been well maintained during the year. Sixty-two fishing-boats were licensed, employing 123 fishermen. The total quantity of Ash caught was 17,250 cwt., valued at £24,230. Picton. —The local Inspector reports that the quantities of the various kinds of fish caught have been equal to previous years. After supplying local requirements the balance of the fish is sent to the Wellington market. During the year 26 oil-launches and 1 steam-trawler have been engaged in fishing, employing 35 fishermen. Three high-powered oil-driven launches are also employed in connection with the whaling industry. Forty-three humpback whales were taken last season at the Tory Channel whaling-station. The product from these was 218 tons of oil, valued at £7,242, and 40 tons bonedust, valued at about £200.