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TABLE showing the Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds of 732 Lodges as on 1st January, 1920, and 31st December, 1920, inclusive of Accumulations held by Central Bodies, also Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

Trade-unions. One trade-union was registered during the year —viz., Wellington Municipal Employees' Tradeunion (Wellington). Complete amendment of rules was registered during the year —viz., The New Zealand Workers' Union. There were 32 unions on the register at the end of the year. Incorporated Societies Act. During 1920 there were 154 societies, clubs, or associations incorporated under this Act, and amendments of rules of 72 societies were accepted. Twenty-one societies were dissolved, and two were wound up. On the 31st December, 1920, there were 1,339 incorporated bodies on the register. A classification of these societies gives : 485 sports clubs; 375 automobile, social, and musical clubs ; 241 professional, commercial, industrial, &c.; 99 public-hall societies ; and 139 miscellaneous. EXPLANATORY NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.O.F. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. British United Order of Odd Follows. H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. .. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S. .. .. .. .. Isolated friendly society. 1.0. G.T. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0. F. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1.0. R. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Rechabitos. M.U.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A. .. .. .. .. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. S.A.S. .. .. .. .. Specially authorizod society. S.D.T. .. .. .. .. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D. .. .. .. .. United Ancient Order of Druids, W.M.C. .. .. .. .. Working-men's Club. REPORT BY THE ACTUARY. To the Registrar. 23rd June, 1921. The periodical valuations, in so'far as the valuation lists are to hand, are practically up to date at the present time. Much of this work is always outstanding pending receipt of information from the societies concerned, but asrears which had accumulated during the war period have been cleared off, and, subject to complete data having been furnished as a necessary basis, current valuations are now being dealt with as they fall due. Completed valuations naturally lead to a review of the position on the part of the societies reported upon, and much subsequent work in connection with applications to appropriate surplus capital, and with other matters of an actuarial nature, falls upon the staff in consequence. Problems arising out of post-war conditions have also to be dealt with ; the question, for instance, of the desirability or otherwise of increasing benefits to meet the situation caused by a depreciated currency being one which has lately become somewhat prominent. In this connection it may be mentioned that additional benefits, on a contributory basis, are as a general rule unsuitable to existing members, as extra contributions have to be charged according to ages attained, and tend for that reason to be prohibitively high, except in the case of the younger contributors. The consequent exercise of an option in the matter makes a medical certificate of unimpaired health indispensable, but even with this proviso it is undesirable, as a general principle, to allow members over middle age a choice of the kind.

Name of Society. Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Funds as on January 1,1920. December 81,1920. Amount of Interest. Average Rate per Cent. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. .. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.O.B.S... P.A.F.S.A. .. Other societies £ 794,388 130,618 4,845 3,954 417,814 1,283 323,151 98,200 24,141 38,230 27,068 29,649 £ 803,055 143,715 5,255 4,095 483,574 1,280 359,831 101,827 25,746 43,168 28,238 36,768 £ 41,487 6,751 210 204 24,132 73 17,773 5,489 1,272 2,342 1,508 1,606 £ 5-33 5-05 4-25 5-20 5-32 5-86 5-34 5-64 5-23 5-92 5-61 4-96 Totals .. 1,923,347 2,036,552 102,847 5-33