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12. With regard to Waikaremoana, it was agreed that this block should be vested in the Crown on the following terms : — (a.) By exchange as regards Native owners who have joined groups proposed to be located in lands north of Waikaremoana Block, on the basis of 6s. an acre, the Crown taking the interests thus vacated. The results of these exchanges are already incorporated in the group lists scheduled. (b.) By jiurchase as regards the balance, on the basis of approximately 15s. an acre. The owners entitled to receive this purchase-money are shown in the Waikaremoana Residue Lists 1 to 4 in the proportions set opposite their names, (c.) The terms of the purchase are — (1.) That the reserves mentioned in the Waikaremoana schedules shall be made for the owners proposed on those schedules. The actual location and area to be defined by survey. (2.) Suitable land near the Kopani (Urewera Reserve) shall be purchased for the Natives shown in Waikaremoana Residue 1 List, and the cost thereof paid by the Crown and deducted from the proportion of purchase-money to which such Natives are entitled. (3.) Payment in cash to be made to such owners as the tribunal appointed to carry out this consolidation scheme may recommend. (4.) The balance of tho purchase-money to be paid in debentures carrying 5 per cent. interest. The debentures to bo issued to the Native Trustee. Interest on the debentures to be distributed by the Native Trustee free of cost to the Native beneficiaries. 13. The Crown shall provide suitable areas in Whirinaki Block (adjoining To Whaiti 1 Block) for Groups L (A. Warbrick) and M (William Bird), and any surplus after satisfying Group M shall be for Te Whaiti 1 Native owners, if required. The Crown shall, out of such area as may be awarded to it out of Hereheretau B 2 Block, in tho Wairoa County, provide land to the value of £299 10s. for group 46 (Toriki Reupena). 14. The survey charges made in favour of the Crown against the Ruatahuna Blocks are to be cancelled and the lands released therefrom. 15. Although the Ruatoki 1, 2, and 3, Tapatahi, and Whaitiripapa Blocks are not included in the consolidation scheme as formulated, the tribunal above referred to may find it possible, and should be authorized, to give effect to any exchanges that may be proposed as between Natives and Natives affecting any of those blocks and the blocks already dealt with in tho scheme. 16. The tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme shall have power to amend the group-lists, or to transfer a name from one group to another wholly or for a partial interest, or to alter the proposed location of any group, or to appoint successors to any deceased owner, and amend the lists by the incorporation of such successors. 17. Tho Native Trustee shall be deemed to be the trustee of all owners under disability, unless any other trustee is appointed by the Native Land Court. The tribunal appointed to carry out this scheme may, on the application of the persons interested, nominate trustees for appointment by the Court.

SECOND SCHEDULE. (1.) Summary of Groups and Proposed Locations.

2—G. 7.

No. ol Group. Group-name. -Number 8hareB ln Title. J ' CI,ce - Value. Proposed Location. 1 2a Rotu Numia Pihitahi Wharetuna 6 8 322,463 135,104 £ s. d. 1,343 11 11 562 18 8 Ruatoki South. Ruatoki South : to include kainga, and cultivations east of Whakatane River. Ruatahuna 3 : to inelude clearing and adjoin Tarapounamu-Matawhero. Ruatoki South (east of river) : to cover cultivation. Balance to Parakohe adjoining. Ruatoki South (east of river) : to cover cultivation adjoining 3a. Balance to Wairiko. Wai i-iko. Cultivations on Ruatoki South (east of river). Balance to Waipotiki. Waipotiki. Parakohe : to inelude kainga and cultivations at Waikirikiri, Papakainga in Parekohe. Balance in Ruatoki South. Parekohe. lerenui-Ohaua and Te Kohuru-Tukuroa, Tarapounamu-Matawhero. Paraeroa, 400 acres ; Taneatua, balance. Paraeroa B. Ruatahuna 1 : to join Group 21B. 2 b Wiremu te Popoki (Trainoi) . . 12 106,001 441 13 5 3a Mika te Tawhao 3 8,689 36 4 1 3b Mika te Tawhao 3 12,494 52 1 2 3c 3d Mika te Tawhao Mika te Tawhao 6 7 17,191 210,326 71 12 7 876 7 2 3l 4a Mika te Tawhao To Pouwhare te Roau 14 10 95,865 129,009 399 8 9 537 10 9 4b Te Pouwhare te Roau 16 71,326 297 3 10 5a 5n 5c 5d 1 5d2 5d 3a Te Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae Te Hata Waewae Te Hata Waewae To Hata Waewae . . 6 9 21 9 1 2 28,095 107,612 256,802 431,045 44,303 7,320 117 1 3 448 7 8 1,070 0 2 1,796 0 5 184 11 11 30 10 0