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2. The Urewera Lands Consolidation Scheme. The preparation of the necessary data was undertaken by the Native Department, and was carried out by the Native Land Purchase Officer, Mr. W. H. Howler, and the Registrar of the Native Land Court at Rotorua. Lists were compiled giving the names of the Natives who retained their interests, and the value of those interests expressed in pence. Armed with this information, and in accordance with your instructions, we met the Natives at Ruatoki on the Ist August, 1921. They had been first notified through the Kahiti to attend on the 18th July, but that date was altered by a subsequent notice to the Ist August. The officers who attended were Mr. R. J. Knight, of the Lands and. Survey Office, Auckland, representing the Crown ; Mr. H. Carr, Commissioner of the Native Land Court, representing the Native Department; Mr. H. R. H. Balneavis, Private Secretary to the Native Minister ; and Mr. W. H. Bowler, Native Land Purchase Officer. The Hon. A. T. Ngata attended to represent the Native interest; and was later joined, by Mr. H. M. Awarau and Mr. H. T. Fox, gentlemen who had considerable experience and expert knowledge of the execution of consolidation schemes in the Gisborne district. The Ureweras attended in large numbers, every family of non-sellers being represented. A committee of thirty-seven representatives was selected to receive the proposals of the Crown, and the Hon. Mr. Ngata was unanimously asked to act on behalf of the non-sellers. The following is the list of the representatives selected to consider the proposals of the Crown, and who authorized the Hon. Mr. Ngata to conduct the negotiations on behalf of the non-sellers ; and as in the subsequent grouping of the non-sellers the majority of these representatives retained that character, their corresponding group number is given : — Akuhata te Hiko . . ..11 Takurua Tamarau .. .. 32 Albert Warbrick . . .. L Tahuri te Hira . . .. 30 Te Ao Tangohau .. .. 39t0 Takao Tamaikoha .. ..12 Uparaima te Hapi .. . . 17 n Taipeti Matatua .. 40 Erueti Pecnc.. .. 22,27,47 a Tane Hauraki .. ..20 Hauwai Tiakiwai .. .. 26 Tawera Moko . . .. 6 Hurae Puketapu .. .. 44 Taihakoa Poniwahio .. 19 Te Hata Waewae .. . . 5 Tccpa Koura .. .. 47 Kohunui Tupaea .. .. 7 Tihi te Peeti .. .. 39i Mika to Tawhao .. .. 3 Tikareti te Iriwhiro .. 35 Paora Kingi Paora .. .. 1 lit Tv Rakuraku . . 17a Paora Takuta .. .. .. Tupara Kaaho .. ..21 Pikao Kainga Waikaremoana Wahia Paraki . . 37 Te Pouwhare te Roau .. 4 Wircmu Wirihana .. .. 39 Paora Rangiaho . . .. 23 Wiremu Bird .. .. M Te Rahui .. . . .... Wiremu Trainor .. .. 2 Rua Kenana .. 14 Waipatu Winitana .. 44 Rehua te Wao .. .. 24 Wharepouri te Amo .. .. 25 Rotu Kereru .. .. 1 Whetu Paerata . . . . 15 i The proposals of the Crown were outlined by Mr. R. J. Knight at the opening meeting, and, briefly, were as follows : — 1. The consolidation scheme to cover only those blocks in which the Crown had purchased interests. Summarized, the position was that in forty-four blocks, totalling 518,329 acres, the Crown had bought 345,076 acres 1 rood 8 perches, valued at £193,076 4s. lid., and the non-sellers retained 173,252 acres 2 roods 32 perches, valued at £78,479 155., the total estate involved being valued at £271,555 19s. lid. The Crown would not exchange Urewera interests for any Crown lands outside the Urewera country, and for Native interests in blocks other than these under purchase. 2. The Crown asked for complete awards of Te Whaiti 1 and 2, IVlaraotahia, Tawhiuau, and Otairi Blocks, subject to small reservations at Te Whaiti Settlement for non-sellers, who would take the bulk of their interests elsewhere in the territory. 3. The Crown asked that the bulk of its purchases should, be located in the area between the Whakatane River and the Waimana basin south of the Ruatoki Settlement. 4. The Crown asked that the non-sellers should contribute £32,000 worth. of land towards the cost of the arterial roads, connecting Ruatoki with Ruatahuna, and Waimana via Maungapohatu with Ruatahuna. 5. The Crown proposed that the existing titles and surveys and tribal boundaries be cancelled and abolished, and new titles issued to the non-sellers for properly surveyed and roaded sections under the Land Transfer Act. These proposals are outlined here because in the main they were the principles to which the details of the Urewera consolidation scheme were made to conform. The subsequent proceedings occupied us at Ruatoki up to the 25th August. It was found necessary to pay visits of inspection to Te Whaiti and the Waimana Valley, these being made by Mr. Knight, accompanied by Mr. H. M. Awarau. Later, to complete negotiations relating to Waikaremoana Block and the Urewera Reserves, we visited Wairoa and Waikaremoana between the Bth and 15th September. Procedure. Having the compiled lists of non-sellers, and the Crown proposals outlined by Mr. Knight, it was decided to proceed at once to sort out the owners according to their family affinities or proposed locations. The lists were read in public, block by block, the representatives (who had been allotted