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TABLE K2—Classification of Pupils on the Roll in Secondary Schools in 1920, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).


Second Year. Third Year. First ear. Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Total. 6 ° an Boys. lirls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. A. End lowed i Schools i-nclut ded in the N'i 'm,th St ihedult to the 3 Educ ;alion j. Act, 19 ■14. Whangarei High Sohool .. Auokland Boys' Grammar Sohool Auckland Girls' Grammar Sohool Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High Sohool New Plymouth Boys' High Sohool New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College.. Gisborne High Sohool Napier Boys' High Sohool Napier Girls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High Sohool Nelson Boys' Collego Nelson Girls' Collego Christohuroh Boys' High Sohool Christohuroh Girls' High School Rangiora High School .. Ashburton High School .. Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High Sohool Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High Sohool 36 352 < 41 29 264 28 1 20 148 ) 7 6 84 2 1 22 1 2 92 872 79 ' 171 872 I .. 162 136 82 47 9 I 437 437 110 111 49 37 3 311 311 38 95 : 27 26 75 22 17 37 11 5 21 2 1 13 2 87 243 62 ■ 149 243 ' 45 36 23 18 4 126 126 54 64 92 42 51 48 56 22 35 28 35 i 16 "8 20 27 6 "_ 6 14 3 ISO 168 227 86 227 236 168 136 634 528 128 226 194 409 "2 236 63 206 37 105 I .. 24 8 i7 2 8 2 634 136 197 23 62 23 2 34 75 23 68 181 21 81 I 12 '44 5 1 13 1 3 67 226 528 61 4 45 4 22 151 65 i_o 'so 1 69 44 36 21 25 io "8 4 409 194 .. I .. ( 161 122 97 32 12 2 426 426 35 42 66 23 26 18 17 64 19 25 6 12 38 i 13 I 17 I 1 8 24 5 5 1 3 1 I 1 61 80 203 62 77 123 157 203 152 273 112 443 328 187 1 . . 48 1 9 2 94 55 I .. 28 i7 3 "3 1 152 88 45 32 45 30 i3 273 is 13 4 il2 178 iii 123 99 83 56 35 '20 10 4 443 is 49 3 328 '70 53 36 ' . . 9 i 1 187 60 61 45 24 7 2 199 199 Totals 1,614 1,341 1,279 1,113 728 I 658 384 362 153 106 37 23 4,195 3,603 7,798 B. Secondary Sch, Hamilton High Sohool .. Palmerston North Boys' High School Palmerston North Girls' High School Dannevirke High School Goro High Sohool ools es, 89 92 itablish, 53 48 ,ed in 46 57 the mc. 46 30 anner ; 42 21 provid. 18 15 led by 5 22 Seclioi 9, 9 n 88 0 11 10 ff the . 5 , Educal 3 tion A 1 ct, 19, 193 205 14. 131 103 324 205 103 23 29 16 36 21 16 13 22 9 10 i 4 i 10 4 6 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 59 62 36 77 95 139 Totals 233 153 140 111 82 : 47 37 28 23 6 4 2 519 347 866 Totals, A and B .. 1,847 1,494 1,419 1,224 810 i 705 , 421 390 176 112 41 25 4,714 3,950 8,664 C. Endowed i i I ! Secon idary i Schools « withi in the meani, ing of : 30 49 the Ac ;i but not in icluded I above 214 318 Wanganui Collegiate Sohool Christ's College Grammar School 73 86 00 77 . , 36 58 9 29 . 6 19 214 318 I .. . Totals 159 137 94 79 38 25 532 532 , . .. Grand totals for 1920 Grand totals for 1919 2,006 2,003 •1,494 i1,692 1,556 1,400 1,224 1,122 : 904 I 845 t 705 I 682 i 500 I 575 390 382 214 184 112 . 109 66 47 25 27 5,246 5,054 3,950 4,014 9,196 9,068 Difference 3 -188 156 102 I 23 I -75 8 30 3 19 _2 192 -64 59 128 From these figuros tho following results relating to the number of years pupils remain at the secondary schools »re obtained: — Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year .. . . 22'3 27'6 „ second „ third „ .. .. 28'2 26-0 third „ fourth „ .. .. 17'6 18'2 fourth „ fifth „ .. .. 18'8 19'8 fifth „ sixth „ .. ..8-8 6.3 Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. . . .. 4-3 2'1 1000 100-0 The average length of stay of tho boys is 2'81 years or 2 years 9 months, and of the girls 2'62 years or 2 yoars ' months.