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Appendix B.

two times. At the meeting of the Board held on the 27th August Mr. P. A. de la Perrelle was unanimously elected Chairman for the ensuing two years. Schools. —At the close of the preceding year the schools in this education district numbered 190. During the year to which this report refers the small schools at Wairekiki, Kaiwera, Key of the Lakes, and Nine Mile were closed on account of the reduced attendance, while a new school was opened at Maori Beach, thus leaving the number in operation at the end of the year as 186. These were classified as follows : Grade 0, 9 schools ; Grade I, 47 ; Grade 11, 50 ; Grade lIIa, 57 ; Grade lIIb, 4 ; Grade IVα, 3 ; Grade IVβ, 4 ; Grade IVc, 4 ; Grade Vβ, 3 ; Grade Vlb, 2 ; Grade VIIa, 1 ; Grade VIId, 2. Demonstration Schools. —For years past the Board has urged the Department to establish at least one demonstration school in this district, and it is gratifying to report that the repeated appeals are likely to bear fruit. The Board has, at the request of the Department, recommended two schools in this district as demonstration schools. School Attendance. —As might be expected, the attendance of pupils at the schools in this district suffered, in common with other parts of the Dominion, owing to the prevalence of epidemics. The Board is pleased to note that the Department has recognized that the attendance has been largely spoiled by the sickness that was prevalent throughout the year, and has agreed to grade the schools on the average of the quarter which is the highest of the four quarters of 1920. The following table shows the number of schools, the number of children on the rolls, the number in average attendance, and the percentage of attendance for each ten-yearly period since 1890 : —

In terms of the Board's regulations, teachers are requested to furnish monthly returns of attendance. These returns are carefully examined by the Truant Officer, with the result that a fairly efficient check on truancy has been maintained. The Truant Officer in his annual report to the Board states that he sent out during the year 383 warning notices to defaulters, issued forty-two summonses, and secured thirty-seven convictions, the amount of fines inflicted being £9 3s. School Staffs. —At the close of the year there were in the service of the Board 440 teachers, classed as follows :—

Of the 346 adult primary-school teachers in the service of the Board, 229 held certificates, ten held licenses to teach, while 107 were uncertificated. It is to be noted that included in the 107 teachers who arc uncertificated are those who have passed the D or C examination but are unable to obtain their certificates until such time as they have complied with the conditions regarding age, length of service, &c. The Board regrets that it is still necessary to employ a large number of uncertificated and inexperienced teachers. In some cases the uncertificated teachers are in receipt of fairly good salaries, and it becomes a question for serious consideration whether the Board will not in the immediate future arrange for an exchange in positions as between the uncertificated and certificated teachers. Teaching of Sewing.- Although provision is made for the appointment of sewing-mistresses for schools in charge of a male teacher whose average attendance is under thirty-six, only thirteen schools in this district have taken advantage of the provision made by the Department for instruction in this important subject. Organizing Teachers. —In October, 1919, two organizing teachers were appointed for this district. The small schools placed under the supervision of the organizing teachers are staffed by uncertificatod and, in most cases, inexperienced teachers. Although the scheme has only been in operation in this district for fifteen months, evidence is not wanting that much benefit has been derived by the teachers through the assistance given by the organizing teachers. Training of Teachers. —Saturday classes for the training of uncertificated teachers were conducted in Invercargill for two terms each of thirteen weeks. Following are the subjects in which


Mean Avera; ge for Year. Year. Number of Schools. On Boll. Attendance. Percentage. [ 1890 1900 1910 1920 111 146 173 186 8,426 9,562 1.0,228 11,863 6,587 7,807 8,902 10,200 78-2 81-6 87-0 85-9

Certificated. Licensed. Uncertificated. Total. M. P. Head teachers .. .. .. 57 20 Sole teachers .. .. .. .. ] 14 26 Assistants .. .. .. .. ! 17 95 I M. i 2 F. i 3 M. F. 1 19 45 42 M. F. 58 20 37 72 19 140 Total adult primary-school teachers ..., 88 141 Pupil-teachers Probationers Peachers of needlework Manual, and technical Organizing teachers Total .. .. .. .. i 88 141 6 4 20 87 114 232 7 30 4 30 13 4 4 2 6 4 20 87 131 309 i i