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Appendix B.]


The average attendances in the secondary departments of district high schools were — Balclutha, 69 ; Norma], 60 ; Port Chalmers, 37 ; Lawrence, 35 ; Alexandra, 31 ; Tokomairiro, 30 ; Palmerston, 24 ; Tapanui, 23 ; Mosgiel, 17 : total, 326 —being an increase of 59 over the previous year. Ages, Standards, and Sex. —The totals in the various classes were —Class P, 7,344 (33-4 per cent.); Standard I, 2,740 (12-5 per cent.); Standard 11, 2,648 (12-1 per cent.); Standard 111, 2,544 (11-2 per cent.) ; Standard IV, 2,746 (12-5 per cent.) ; Standard V, 2,323 (10-6 per cent.) ; Standard VI, 1,612 (7-4 per cent.); Standard VII, 55 (0-3 per cent.): total, 22,012. Of the 22,012 pupils, 6,859, or 31-1 per cent., were under eight years of ago ; 4,691, or 21-3 per cent., were between eight and ten years ; 4,805, or 21-9 per cent., were between ten and twelve years ; 4,556, or 20-7 per cent., were between twelve and fourteen years; and 1,101, or 5 per cent., were over fourteen years. Sex of the pupils (primary) : There were on the rolls at the end of the year 11,436 boys and 10,576 girls; total, 22,012. The percentages were—boys, 51-9; girls, 48-1. In the secondary classes there were 127 boys and 165 girls ; total, 292 : the percentages being —boys, 43-5 ; girls, 56-5. Teachers. —On the 31st December there were in the Board's service 786 teachers, classified as under:— females. Total. Head teachers .. .. .. .. .. 106 3 109 Sole teachers . . .. .. .. 18 126 144 Assistant teachers .. .. .. .. 81 277 358 Total of adult teachers .. .. ..205 406 611 Pupil-teachers .. .. .. .. 17 64 81 Probationers .. .. .. .. 15 51 66 Teachers of needlework .. .. .. .... 14 14 Manual and technical (special teachers) . . . . 8 6 14 Total of all teachers .. .. ..245 541 786 The following table shows the position with regard to the number of teachers who held teachers' certificates in 1919 and 1920 :—

During last year 204 young persons entered the teaching profession in Otago —viz., as trainingcollege students, 84 females and 29 males, total 113 ; as pupil-teachers, 35 females and 9 males, total 44 ; as probationers, 37 females and 10 males, total 47. The ratio of male teachers to female teachers employed in Otago has been, for the past two years, — . , ~ m . Pupil-teachers and J Adult Teachers. X, ~. Probationers. 1919 .. .. .. 100 males to 191 females. 100 males to 250 females. 1920 .. .. .. 100 males to 198 females. 100 males to 359 females. During the year the Board made 186 appointments of adult teachers. Ninety-one pupil-teachers and probationers were admitted to the service, of whom, forty had passed the Matriculation Examination, nine held lower leaving-certificates, and forty-two had passed the Intermediate or Public Service Entrance Examination. Finance. —The main items of expenditure are shown below in comparison with the figures for the

For the conveyance of children to school, and for the board of children who had to live away from their homes in order to attend school, the Department contributed £3,057 16s. 3d., and the Board (out of its General Fund) £368 135., making a total expenditure of £3,426 9s. 3d. for these purposes, which is an increase of £619 11s. Bd. over the previous year. Conveyance allowance was paid in respect of 525 children, and boarding-allowance for sixty children. The expenditure on school buildings included : General maintenance, repairs, alterations, small additions, and rents, £15,583 4s. 9d. ; new buildings, £9,597 7s. 7d. ; purchase of sites, £6,821 2s. ; manual and technical purposes, £1,387 3s. 10d. At the 31st December, 1919, the net balance to credit on all accounts was £25,756 9s. 4d. The total receipts for the year amounted to £275,466 9s. 7d., and the total payments to £278,056 13s. 4d. The net balance to credit at the 31st December last was £23,166 ss. 7d. Junior and Senior National Scholarships. —There were from this district 261 competitors for Junior and 109 competitors for Senior Scholarships ; forty-one juniors (or 15-7 per cent.) and nineteen


Year. Classified Teachers. Number. Percentage. Holders of Licenses. Unclassified and Unlicensed. Total Number. Num ber. Percentage. Number. Percentage. 919 920 464 486 ! 82-3 79-6 7 l(i 1-2 2-6 93 109 16-5 17-8 564 611

1919. 1920. Increase. £ s. d. Teachers' salaries and lodging-allowances .. .. 139,343 2 6 Payments to School Committees for incidental expenses .. 9,419 9 8 School buildings, purchase of sites, manual and technical 18,254 15 2 buildings, and apparatus Administration .. .. .. .. .. 3.508 17 10 £ s. d. 155,656 7 8 9,879 12 6 33,383 18 2 £ s. d. 16,313 5 2 460 2 10 15,129 3 0 4,336 4 1 827 6 3 I