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B.—l [Pt. I].

STATEMENT showing the NET ISSUES from the CONSOLIDATED FUND, &c.—continued.


O > Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Imprests. Total. I Class XIII. —Defence Department :— Defence Department £ s. d. 628,405 7 10 £ s. d. 97,363 6 1 £ s. d. 531,042 1 9 £ s. d. 7,836 1 1 £ s. d. 538,878 2 10 £ s. d. 639,253 0 0 £ s. d. 100,374 17 2 £ s. d. 30 Total Class XIII 628,405 7 10 97,363 6 1 531,042 1 9 7,836 1 1 538,878 2 10 639,253 0 0 100,374 17 2 Class XIV.-—Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments :— Customs Department Marine Department 124,503 14 3 896 4 6 168,433 5 3 10,514 5 9 | 6,831 5 3 31 32 126,055 11 11 175,971 19 11 1,551 17 8 8,434 19 2 124,503 14 3 167,537 0 9 135,018 0 0 161,602 0 0 Total Class XIV 302,027 11 10 9,986 16 10 292,040 15 0 896 4 6 292,936 19 6 296,620 0 0 10,514 5 9 6,831 5 3 Class XV. —Department of Labour :— Department of Labour 44,539 18 10 1,950 1 2 33 47,782 9 6 3,242 10 8 44,539 18 10 46,490 0 0 Total Class XV 47,782 9 6 3,242 10 8 44,539 18 10 44,539 18 10 46,490 0 0 1,950 1 2 Class XVI. —Department of Lands and Survey :— Department of Lands and Survey 801 3 9 j 293,343 4 1 34 406,214 11 10 113,672 11 6 292,542 0 4 368,663 0 0 75,319 15 11 Total Class XVI 406,214 11 10 113,672 11 6 292,542 0 4 801 3 9 293,343 4 1 368,663 0 0 75,319 15 11 Class XVII. —Valuation and Electoral Depart3.3 36 ments :— Valuation Electoral 80,581 7 1 11,415 6 9 9,829 2 4 188 16 1 70,752 4 9 11,226 10 8 3 16 7 70,756 1 4 11,226 10 8 76,539 0 0 9,573 0 0 5,782 18 8 1,653 10 8 Total Class XVII 91,996 13 10 10,017 18 5 81,978 15 5 3 16 7 81,982 12 0 86,112 0 0 5,782 18 8 1,653 10 8 Class XVIII. —Department of Agriculture :— Agriculture 37 .2,517,268 7 8 12,226,468 5 10 290,800 1 10 538 1 8 291,338 3 6 322,308 0 0 30,969 16 6 Total Class XVIII 12,517,268 7 8 2,226,468 5 10 290,800 1 10 538 1 8 291,338 3 6 322,308 0 0 30,969 16 6 Class XIX. —Education Department :— Edu c - c rDepartment 2,4'64,247 16 4 3S 2,691,925 13 7 : 231,809 19 4 2,460,115 14 3 4,132 2 1 2,557,827 0 0 93,579 3 s Total Class XIX '2,691,925 13 7 231,809 19 4 2,460,115 14 3 4,132 2 1 ,464,247 16 4 |2,557, 827 0 0 93,579 3 8 " Unauthorized " :— Services not provided for 312,971 17 3 207,457 16 10 108,498 19 2 105,514 0 5 2,984 18 9 108,498 19 2 Total " Unauthorized " 312,971 17 3 207,457 16 10 105,514 0 5 2,984 18 9 108,498 19 2 108,498 19 2