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B.—l [Pt. I],

Soldiers Settlement Account) for the Year ended 31st March, 1921, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1920.— ctd.

4—B. 1 TPt. 11.


S; 19 1920. EXPENDITURE. 1920-1921. £ s. d. 531,219 0 6 Brought forward £ s. d. 588,775 16 0 £ s. d. 20,829 3 0 80,946 17 6 31,038 10 0 58,503 1 6 3,500 0 0 5,312 16 9 5,496' 6 0 64,540 7 6 3,438 16 5 29,348 8 0 67,455'15 9 38,288 0 0 17,089 13 6 Acquirement of Estates — continued. Makopua (McCartin, P. and J., jun.) Mangamaire (Mills, T. H.,) Marama-a-Mau (Bidwell, Mrs. M. E.) Maruia (Walker, P. E. B„ G. W. W. R., D. E., and A. G.) Mataikona (Barton, R. J., E. T., and W. T.) .. Matatara (Montgomorie, E.) McCutchan (McCutohan, W. A., F. M. J., C. B., W. A. C, I. O., and G. T.) McLean (Watkins, W. H.) . . Miller (Miller, J.) .. Milligan (Milligan, J.) Moroa (Tyer, L. R., H. H., and B. P.) Morton (Morten, R. M. ; Humphreys, G. ; and Hobday, H. S. E.) Motukai (Beetham, C. A.) .. Motutara (Mitchelson, E. P. E. and 8., and Wilson, B.) Murray (Murray, J. C.) Ngahape (Beetham, H, H.) .. .. .. .. .. .*. North (North, W. B.) Oakwood (White, J. W.) .. .. .. .. .... O'Donoghue (O'Donoghue, W.) Ohuka (Buddie, H., and Trustees late Gear, J. E. and K.) Ollivcr (Wiggins, W. G. K.) Olver (Ayrey, S.) .. O'Leary (O'Leary, P. T. and H. D., and O'Donoghue, W.) Omana (Ormond, H.) Omapu (Donald, J., and Donald, J., jun.) Orongo (Newsham, O, and Bloomnold, E. R.) Oroua (Waterson, J.) Osborne (Osborne, W.) Otahome (Andrew, W.) .. Panehakua (Park, W. G.) .. Paramu (Beetham, 0. H.) Paromata (Reynolds, G. M.) Parinui (Trustees, C. A. Smith) Piu (Dean, R. R., F. W., W. G., and J. H„ and Brightwell. H. P.) Pohehe (Cadwallader, A. W. G.) Poplar Grove (Todd, A., and Freeman, F.) Pm konui (Burnett, A. J., Trustees late Burnett, J.) .. .. Pukemapou (Hutchison, J. B.) Puni (Coughlin, Mrs., and Sons) Quillinan (Healey, R.) Rahu (Walker, W. G. H. and D.) Ratapiko (Fraser, J.) Raumaewa (Cleary, P. and M.) Repongaere (Murphy, J. R.) Rissington (Hutchinson, F.).. Rivorina (Blackley, J.) Riversdale (Bisley, E. and Z. M.) Shand (Shand, P. T.) Springwell (Bowker, J. B., and Rodgers, G. M.) Strath vale (McDonald, J.) .. Tairua (Kauri Timber Company) Tawhiwhi (Perry, W. H. and M.) Te Kaihi (Nairn, C. W.) Te Whiti (Ogilvy, J. D. D. R. and John, jun.) The Grange (Boag, W. and D. A.) Tikotu (Maclean, W.) Tilverstowe (McKenzie, J.) .. Tokiri (Jones, W.).. Tuhikaramea (Bell, G. N.) .. Tutaki (Oxnam, D. W.) Tuturumuri (Riddiford, E. V.) Waikiwi (Invereargill Acclimatization Society) Waipahi (Kain, G. A. and C.) Waitohi Peaks (Rutherford Estate) Wharekaka (Reoves, A. E., and Maude, M. E.) White (Russell, P. H. S.) .. Wildor (Ormond, G. C, J. D., and McLean, P. S.) Wright Youle (Shaw, Mrs. J. K.) .. Young (Young, E. F.) 25,085 9 10 4,008 12 10 40,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 6,389 2 10 3,413 12 7 71,028 5 10 3,000 0 0 15,255 0 0 38,000 0 0 48,561 10 0 14,647 19 8 15,730' 0 0 16,684 13 4 13,886 12 6 6,866 11 3 16,304 11 2 19,572 13 6 8,932'10 0 22,809 12 0 21,925 3 10 10,037 10 0 37,824 18 0 21,286 3 5 20,904 14 3 19,559 2 7 3,656 0 0 2,995 8 0 13,01715 2 11,46013 0 47,109 3 11 22,003'14 0 13,478 16 0 15,368 2 6 20,930 10 3 20,848 10 2 25,069 15 9 2,006' 0 0 34,041 0 0 17,195 14 3 31,598 9 0 16,194 0 0 6,260 6 3 384 10 6 12,331 16 9 7,206' 0 0 11,208 0 0 94,717 15 0 6,000 0 0 45,839 18 8 55,303 15 3 26,085 5 3 3,200 0 0 1,612 16 0 25,783 0 0 32,772 7 6 3,300 0 0 18,057 8 2 ,452,316 10 10 1,266,211 3 3 4,087 1 1 Expenses incidental to Estates 43,244 13 0 Recoupment of Interest under the Finance Act, 1919, Section 4 .. 112,704 10 4 318,590 8 1 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Imprests outstanding— In the Dominion Investment Account 38,136 1 2 10 6 0 135,000 0 0 173,146 7 2 318,596 8 1 Totals £1,595,306 19 9 £1,775,000 0 0